"who is it?"

The faint voice suddenly echoed in the starry sky, but there was an indescribable chill.

And just for a moment,


The green light suddenly turned into a pillar of light that soared into the sky, shrouding Kuizhou and White Tiger.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of Kui Zhou with some surprise, the injuries on his third brother finally stopped.

Although it still looked extremely miserable, his life was saved.

And this is their master.

A truly terrifying existence with great supernatural powers...

And just then


Suddenly there was a roar, and a figure dressed in white as snow also appeared in front of Kui Zhou.

"Kui Zhou pays homage to his master..."

In the midst of a very excited voice, Kui Zhou also stopped immediately.

No response, no answer.

Yu Ziyu just narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling cold.

"who is it?"

During another inquiry, Yu Ziyu raised his right hand.


The more intense vitality has turned into a torrent, pouring into every part of the white tiger's body.

However, even so, Bai Hu's recovery speed from his injuries was extremely slow.

Can you imagine how seriously Bai Hu was injured this time?

If it had been a little later, all Yu Ziyu might have seen was a cold corpse.

And just then


Amidst the continuous coughing, a mouthful of congestion spit out from Bai Hu's mouth.

Accompanied by this, Bai Hu slowly opened his eyes.


As if he couldn't believe it, Bai Hu's hoarse voice was filled with excitement.

"it's me..."

The voice was slightly soft, and Yu Ziyu also responded.


Before he could say more, Bai Hu couldn't help but cough again.

And all this was just because his injuries were too serious.

It actually hurts the soul and even the origin.

However, at this moment, while gritting his teeth, Bai Hu also took a breath and shouted:

"Master, go quickly, go quickly, there, I found what you are looking for.."

Saying that, Bai Hu hurriedly added:

"Don't worry about me, there are some so-called guardians there. They claim to be from heaven and have been hiding there....Moreover, they seem to know that the master is looking for him and hiding...Now they already know that I found them... If you don't go, they will fight with the Tai Chi Tu of the Imperial Weapon...


After gathering his last breath, Bai Hu roared with red eyes.


His fists were clenched slightly, and Yu Ziyu's face was also livid.

A member of the Heavenly Court?

Avoid him?

Did you run away with the Imperial Soldier Tai Chi Tu?

This sentence, and another sentence, pierced his heart like a needle.

No wonder, in recent years, the Blood Demon Clan's various searches have yielded no trace.

No wonder, as powerful as he is, he has walked many times and gained nothing.

That’s how it turned out to be.

There is actually a force behind it, hiding from him

"Well, really good."

Laughing one after another, Yu Ziyu's voice was so cold that it made people's hearts tremble.

The silver-white long sword hanging silently behind him couldn't help but let out an earth-shattering scream.


The roar of the sword was like thunder, and it was indescribably terrifying.

Along with it, the terrifying murderous intent rose into the sky.

But at this moment,

Yu Ziyu, who was at the peak of her anger, regained her composure and said calmly:

"Ying'er, I'll take you to kill people..."

"OK, Master."

In response, the Demonic Sword Killing Sword slowly fell into Yu Ziyu's palm.

And the next moment


There was a roar, and a silver-white sword light was seen, which cut through the starry sky in an instant and shot straight into the depths of the starry sky.

And at this moment, if one could look at the hilt of the silver-white sword, one would be surprised to find countless roots intertwined.

And at the end of these roots is a sacred tree several meters high.

Surrounded by nine stars of different colors.

Tree roots one after another turned into dragons, roaring one after another.

And this, it was Yu Ziyu who used his magical power to change his size as he wished, and he just happened to be leaning on the hilt of the sword....

As for Bai Hu, there is no need to worry.

Before leaving, Yu Ziyu had left the Elf Queen and the Mermaid King behind. With these two, White Tiger should have no worries.

After all, Bai Hu's injury was already under control by Yu Ziyu.

All that's left is to recuperate.....

And now...The most important thing for Tzuyu is...kill...people.

Yes, kill.

He took the Imperial Weapon Tai Chi Diagram and hid under his nose.

Very good, really good.

They say, 'Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.

And now, these guys are ruining his chance of enlightenment...Wouldn't that be like putting a knife to his neck?

"You guys are really good..."

She laughed in anger, but Yu Ziyu's body continued to twist.

Looking carefully, there was actually a slender humanoid figure slowly pulling out.

Natural talent - absolute evolution, using the body of the void elf as a reference, and then simulating the body of the elf.

And this body is also the posture in which Yu Ziyu can best use the seventh-level magic sword to kill.

"Let's go, Yinger."

With a soft call, Yu Ziyu, holding a long sword, suddenly surged in speed again.


There were ripples, but it was Yu Ziyu who used the space talent of the void elf body to escape into the space.

And this is also the real way to unlock the absolute evolution of your natal talent.

There are a variety of postures, allowing Yu Ziyu to choose.

But now, it's just one.

But it is also the most terrifying and most suitable posture.

After all, the body of the Void Elf was originally Yu Ziyu's body.

Now, Yu Ziyu only simulates it through the original body.

Of course, there are some differences between this simulated body and the body of the Void Elf.

For example, the true body of a void elf is only at level five.

And this body, simulated by Yu Ziyu's real body, is a real sixth-level and fifth-level body....

Whether it is spiritual power or physical strength, they are not on the same level at all. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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