The Nine Tails is the first of the ten sacred beasts of the Demon Court, and to a certain extent, it is also the great steward of the Demon Court.

It would be best to leave these treasures that Yu Ziyu harvested to her.

Moreover, unlike White Tiger, Jingjia and others have their own forces under their command.

Kyuubi was followed closely by the two black and white foxes from Qingqiu....

As for the Qingqiu Fox Clan, the Nine Tails only care about them occasionally.

In this way, it is unlikely that Kyuubi will use his power for personal gain.

Of course, even if Jiuwei uses power for personal gain, Yu Ziyu will not blame him.

After following Yu Ziyu for so long, Yu Ziyu still hopes that Jiuwei can use his power for personal gain and think more about himself.

It's just a pity.

This girl Kyuubi...Ru is focused on the development of Demon Court....

Not to mention thinking about myself, even my cultivation was delayed a lot.

Not to mention anything else, Yu Ziyu also sighed as he felt that"843" felt that Nine Tails was now one or two points weaker than the Emperor Crocodile.

At this time, as if he had discovered something, Yu Ziyu’s branch was also a roll

"Take these two fire attribute treasures...."

With that said, Yu Ziyu placed the fifth-level Flame Spirit Wood and the fifth-level Flame Lotus extorted from the Titan Protoss in front of Kyuubi.

Both of these are good fire-attribute treasures, and they are of great use to the current Kyuubi.


Kyuubi was slightly startled, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

"I tell you to take it, just take it. It’s good to focus on the Demon Court, but don’t delay your own cultivation...."

Yu Ziyu’s voice became more serious as she whispered the instructions.

"Got it, master..."

In response, Kyuubi also knew that he could not refuse, so he silently accepted the two treasures.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu spoke again:

"Please pass this innate sycamore tree seed to Yaofeng on my behalf....That guy can peek into the future and is worth cultivating..."

"Yes, master..."

With his eyes flickering slightly, Jiuwei also looked at the innate sycamore tree seeds that Yu Ziyu mentioned.

It is indeed a sacred tree seed.

Those pure golden fireworks are truly extraordinary.

Even a fire attribute cultivator like Kyuubi could not help but shrink his pupils when he saw it.

But alas, these are the embers of the fire of Nirvana...

Those who are not from the Phoenix clan are not allowed to be infected.

Otherwise, it will be severely damaged in the slightest, and the soul will be burned to death in the worst case.

"And this, please help me pass it on to Linger...Tomorrow I will reward you based on your merits...It's not good to hand such a good thing to her in public..."

"Yes, master..."

"By the way, this guy should like this fifth-level breast shield. You can secretly give it to him...."


While asking and answering questions, Yu Ziyu also arranged several gifts.

This time, too many treasures were extorted from the Titans.

There are several mountains of various rare metals alone.

As for the Spirit Flower Spirit Fruit, there are hundreds of tons of it....

Although most of them are second-order and third-order...

But there are several treasures like the fifth-level Flame Lotus.

This is what Yu Ziyu mentioned during the transaction.

Spirit flowers and fruits of various attributes, those of fifth-level quality must have two of them....

And then, the Titan God Clan was also honest and really fulfilled all the requests made by Yu Ziyu.

So much so that even if Yu Ziyu wanted to find fault, he couldn't.

However, thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also understood.

Although there are a lot of treasures that he extorts, compared to top forces like the Titans, it's just that....

After all, the Titans are not ordinary wealthy people.......

But when Yu Ziyu was distributing these stolen goods, Yu Ziyu didn't know that the top forces such as the Titan Clan, the Angel Star Territory, and the Elemental Clan were all causing an uproar.

The deepest part of the Angel Star Territory.

The center of power of the angel clan - the City of Angels.

Several figures sit high in the palace

"A space practitioner in the unity realm...Moreover, the people sent out this time included nine extraordinary, fifth-level true god-level experts...."

With a whisper, a white figure with six wings and two heads also narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Not only that, I heard that guy say that he is only one of the three gods of Demon Court. Besides him, there may be others who are as powerful as him, or even stronger than him...."

His brows were slightly furrowed, and Ralph also looked ugly......

Such a force is really not an ordinary troublemaker.

Even the current Angel Star Territory is still in trouble

"If it is true as you said, then this force should be a terrifying force left over from the ancient era, and it has only surfaced in recent times..."

Having said this, the figure with six wings and two heads and the holy light above his head spoke again:

"However, Demon Court, Demon Court...These two words make me think of a very bad force...."

"That force is...

"Heaven, the Palace of Heaven, in the last era, was a transcendent force that suppressed all races....It is also the force that should not exist in this era...."

In a rare moment of fear, the figure with six wings and two heads and a holy light above his head also had a cold expression.

In his inherited memory, the description of heaven is not very good.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the figure with six wings and two songs also had a touch of amusement on his face.

"If this force is really heaven...That's interesting... at least, we're not the ones who should be worried the most...."

With a sneer in his heart, Seraphim also had a meaningful smile on his face....

And at about the same time, as if he thought of something, deep inside the elemental clan, the flame giant also reminded him in time:

"By the way, I still felt the breath of 3.4 treasure on that guy..."

"What? The scent of the clan treasure? Has another clan treasure been born?"

"There is a certain possibility...It’s just that this demon court is really scary...If it’s really a family treasure, we’re afraid it won’t be easy to recycle it....

"or...Learn from the Tai Shen clan and exchange for treasures..."

"You can try it..."

Conversing one after another, several elders of the elemental clan also started making arrangements immediately.

The clan treasure is related to the mystery of the birth of their clan members.

Every clan treasure is the foundation of the element clan.

No outsiders are allowed to get involved.

If the Demon Court really had their clan's treasure, they would be willing to exchange it for it even if they had to pay a huge price.

However, what the elemental clan didn't know at this time was that the clan treasure they were talking about was probably referring to Yu Ziyu's true form. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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