Ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years...

Yu Ziyu doesn’t know.

However, if we can find the Tai Chi Diagram of the Eternal Imperial Arms and the Taoist Sect’s greatest magical power—One Qi Transforms Three Pure Ones, then everything will be worth it....

Only by obtaining the Taoist sect's greatest magical power, one Qi transforming the three pure beings, can Yu Ziyu truly divide into three parts and then evolve to the fullest fighting power.

Immediately, based on the principle of three births and all things, he evolved the door of all wonders, broke through the calamity, and stole the great fortune and opportunity in the dark!

This is about his sermon.

Moreover, it is the eternal way and cannot tolerate any sloppiness.

Let alone thousands of years, even if it takes ten thousand years, Yu Ziyu will not hesitate.

In other words, he wants to decide on the Tai Chi Diagram of the Eternal Imperial Arms....

However, for a moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked at the king insect not far away. Zi Lian et al....

"Nowadays, Demon Court has just started, so it’s not easy to take it away...."

Amid the murmur, Yu Ziyu was also helpless.

Originally, according to his idea, he would put the entire Demon Court in the Nine Realms, take it with him, and then explore the Kadar Star Territory together.

But this is too selfish.

Now, the Demon Court has been established.

It was in the stage of rapid development. If it was delayed because of him alone, Jiuwei, Jinhou and others would not blame him, but Yu Ziyu still felt guilty in his heart. 993

Therefore, according to his current thinking.

The Demon Court is divided into two.

Ming Ze, Nine Tails, Demon Master Golden Monkey and others sit in the Milky Way and then dominate the starry sky.

Secretly, Yu Ziyu took away the weaker Bull Demon, White Tiger, Golden Ant and others in the Nine Realms, and explored the Kadar Star Territory with him.

In this way, Yu Ziyu can take advantage of his free time to teach Niu Mo, Bai Hu and others...

As for the demon court on the surface, there are seven or eight fifth-level true gods sitting there, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

If nothing else works, Yu Ziyu will leave the void elf body behind.

If something unexpected happens, Nine Tails and others can also use secret methods to awaken the body of the Void Elf’...

Although separated by several star fields, it was difficult for Yu Ziyu to control the body of the void elf.

However, the Void Elf's body, which relies solely on instinct to fight, is not bad at fighting... at least, on the surface, it is already the top group in the starry sky...

"Just arrange it like this..."

After confirming again, Yu Ziyu also finalized the next plan.

Just, at this moment...(ccaf)


With a call, the Emperor Crocodile from far away came from the depths of the starry sky with the Zerg Queen Sarah, Orochi and others.

However, what made Yu Ziyu a little concerned was the figure of the big snake that was constantly entangled and restrained by one dragon head after another.

His whole body was as dark as ink.

But it is like a unicorn.

The stern eyes were full of ferocity and unwillingness.

And the black color, which is like dragon scales, is even more glowing with a deep light that flickers on and off.

Seems to be accumulating strength.

Don't wait until he has accumulated too much


With the sudden exertion of force, the snake tightened its grip.

Along with this, the scales of this giant unicorn-like beast were broken into pieces, and scarlet blood oozed out.

At this time, Emperor Crocodile, who seemed to have noticed Yu Ziyu's surprised gaze, came over and explained:

"Master, this is a guy we found in the surrounding starry sky who is secretly peeping at us...."

"Then, seeing that he was alone, I teamed up with Sarah and the big snake to capture him....But to be honest, this guy is really good. The three of us almost got away from him when we joined forces..."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel dumb.

No wonder that when I was trading with the Titans and others just now, I noticed something strange happening deep in the starry sky.

It turns out that Emperor Crocodile and the others were fighting this giant starry beast....

However, at this time, it seemed that the voice of Emperor Crocodile was heard, and the giant starry beast in the distance..


While looking up to the sky and neighing, the gold-devouring beast is also full of anger

"You bastards are worse than the Titans....At least the Titans still know how to fight one on one, but you guys fight in groups, fight in groups..."

In the very angry voice, the Gold Devouring Beast also had a hint of grievance.

In terms of individual combat power, with his strength, who can he really not lose to?

Even the Iron Fist of the Titans would be hard-pressed to injure him.



These guys are unreasonable....As soon as they saw him, they all took action together without thinking...

And he, the Gold Devouring Beast, had never seen such a battle before.

Three fifth-level true gods attacked him together....Even as powerful as him, he was hit hard one after another.

Especially that woman who is good at mental power, she sensed his thoughts in advance time and time again....

Then he attracted the ugly eight-headed snake and the crocodile, and launched a series of killing moves...

"Bastards, bastards, you are a hundred times, a thousand times more hateful than the Titans...."

After another curse, the gold-devouring beast struggled even more fiercely. only...

At this time, Yu Ziyu, the Red Dragon Queen, Emperor Crocodile and others could not help but twitch the corners of their eyes.

Just because the voice coming from this sound sounded like a small child


In doubt, Yu Ziyu also looked at the well-informed Golden Monkey.

"Reporting back to Lord Star God, according to the age of the Gold-devouring Beast clan, this Gold-devouring Beast is equivalent to seven or eight years old in human beings. He is indeed a child...."

Speaking of this, the golden monkey also looked at the glowing scales of the gold-devouring beast, and added again:

"If I guessed correctly, the reason why this gold-devouring beast grew to the fifth level is because it was born in the divine iron mine....This is young and young, just step on the fifth level..."

"Shentie mineral deposits..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

In a moment, countless words came into view

【Race: Gold-eating beast (a strange beast from heaven and earth).

Natural talent: Gold-devouring metal - it becomes stronger by devouring metals. It is also able to absorb impurities in metals and discharge high-purity metals....Even enough to expel Shentetsu and other metals...

Special ability:

Phoenix Pattern Divine Body - Devouring the blood and purple gold of the Divine Iron Phoenix for a long time has created the most bizarre divine body. Even if the body is severely injured, it can be restored to its original state after a day.

Divine Claws - God-like claws capable of tearing apart anything.

Earth Escape - can easily sneak into the earth, even mineral deposits can come and go freely...

Supernatural power:

Swallow the sky and the earth - open your huge mouth and burst out with endless suction, swallowing up everything....】_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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