"spirit tree, spirit tree...It's a good quality spiritual tree..."

Chewing the thorns repeatedly, his eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

Although, I don’t know why the owner is looking for the spiritual tree.

But since it is what the master wants, she should do her best.

And, good luck.

She happened to cultivate a very good spiritual tree.

Moreover, the quality of this spiritual tree has reached the fourth level.

Yes, level four.

There are only a few fourth-level spiritual trees in the entire Demon Court.

And she, the Queen of Thorns, surprisingly has such a plant.

And this spiritual tree is the demon tree rooted in the depths of the blood sea - the dragon blood spiritual tree.

Dragon Blood Spirit Tree...A very good word, but it is an extremely bloodthirsty demon tree.

Just standing next to it gives the illusion that the blood has been drained.

However, if you touch it, there will be wounds on your body.

Please believe that within a few seconds, the blood in your body will be completely drained by it.

And this is the Dragon Blood Spirit Tree.

However, it is this kind of tree that can condense the holy fruit of dragon blood. This kind of fruit is a real sacred object for existences such as Thorns and vampire Kaili who practice the way of blood.

Just one 363 pushed Thorns from the late fourth level to a demigod.

And now, Thorns plans to use several Dragon Blood Sacred Fruits to try to attack the fifth-level True God. only...

"Since the master needs it, let’s give it to him first. In a few days, I will go to the master to ask for some Dragon Blood Sacred Fruit...."

While murmuring, a smile appeared on Jiajiang's face.

If it had been anyone else, let alone offering the Dragon Blood Spirit Tree, they would probably have been rattled by thorns as soon as they opened their mouths.

But the master...

That's another matter.

Without saying a word, I offer it with both hands.

Not long after Thorns had this thought, the sea of ​​blood located in the deepest part of the dark world began to shake continuously.

Faintly, the entire blood sea began to surge with waves of blood.

This sea of ​​blood was originally located in the Prison Suppressing Cave in the Misty Mountains of Blue Star.

And after the Misty Mountain was renamed Demon Court and the base camp was moved to the Nine Realms, Thorns also moved the Sea of ​​Blood and the Prison Cave to the small dark world. This dark small world she liked best...

But, Dragon Blood Spirit The tree is the root of the blood sea.

Now, when the thorns pull out the Dragon Blood Spirit Tree, it is tantamount to disturbing the roots of the blood sea. Even the blood sea is not peaceful....

Soon after, deep in the small world of life...

In Yu Ziyu's stunned gaze, a strange tree covered in blood and looking like a rising dragon appeared in front of him.

"Master, I just found out that you are looking for the spiritual tree...No, I will bring you this fourth-level spiritual tree...."

"Fourth level?"

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Yu Ziyu was really shocked.

Only now did he know that Thorns has a fourth-level spiritual tree.

This kind of spiritual tree should be a treasure for Thorns.

Moreover, this tree is still a blood tree. The attribute spirit tree is the thorniest.

But I didn’t expect that this girl would be brought here in such a swagger.

Even the white tiger and Nine Tails not far away were dumbfounded.

A fourth-level spirit tree, placed in the outside world, would definitely It will cause a bloody storm.

Even the fifth-level true gods can't guarantee that they won't fight.

You know, spiritual trees and spiritual flowers are the most difficult to produce spiritual wisdom.

Therefore, their evolution is also the most difficult.

And like the dragon blood spiritual tree, even spiritual wisdom is difficult to produce. They are all spiritual trees that have not yet been born, but have reached the fourth level of quality. It may have taken a lot of effort from Jingjing.

It is no wonder that Jingjing often goes to various battlefields to collect blood.

All along, Yu Ziyu thought it was needed for Jingjing's cultivation.

Unexpectedly , she secretly cultivated such a spiritual tree that has reached the fourth level of quality... you...

In a somewhat stiff voice, Yu Ziyu also sighed, and then said:

"This should (bjaj) be your most precious treasure. There is no need to send it...."

Wrinkling his nose, Thorns said with a bit of dissatisfaction:

"Huh, master, what do you think we should do? I've cut down the roots of this dragon's blood tree and put it back into the sea of ​​blood. I won't be able to feed it anymore...."

With that said, Jingjia threw the dragon's blood spirit tree not far away from Yu Ziyu...

Of course, Jingjia said 'it can't be fed', but Yu Ziyu selectively ignored it.

It's okay to fool other people.

It would be too much to deceive Yu Ziyu, who is also a tree.

With Yu Ziyu's eyesight, he discovered at a glance that this dragon's blood tree could still take root in the sea of ​​blood, but it had only damaged a little bit of its vitality.

However, looking at Jingjia's determined look, Yu Ziyu also sighed in her heart.

This girl must have accepted death....

In desperation, Yu Ziyu was also a little happy.

Being able to directly send the spiritual tree that he spent so much effort to cultivate to the fourth level shows the loyalty of Thorns to him.

And, more importantly, Yu Ziyu faintly noticed that the breath of thorns was connected to the dragon's blood tree.

If the guess is correct, this dragon blood tree should be the foundation of Thorns' cultivation.

At least, for the time being, the thorns cannot leave this dragon blood tree.

But even so...

"This girl..."

With a long sigh, Yu Ziyu also had something to worry about.

Since thorns gave him such a great gift.

Then in return, I will grant you a limit...

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also dismissed everyone around him, including Jiuwei, Baihu, etc., leaving Jingji alone.

"Master, what are you doing?..."

Looking around at the figures leaving one by one, Thorns was also stunned.

"Do you know why I collect spiritual trees?"

There was a sudden inquiry, and Yu Ziyu was also playing with the taste.


After being startled, Jiajia shook his head slightly and said:

"Don't know..."

"Is that so?..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power also surged.

And just for a moment, in the stunned eyes of the thorns


There was an instant roar, and the dragon-blood tree not far away that she threw on the ground shook violently.

Along with it, an inexplicable aura suddenly rose.

Mysterious yet mysterious.

But it's wonderful.

What made Thorny even more incredible was that the blood all over her body was boiling, as if being pulled by something.

But at this moment, as if he noticed something, Jiajiang's expression changed drastically.

Just because, at this moment, the dragon blood tree lying on the ground slowly stood up.

Yes, stood up.

Moreover, her figure continued to lengthen, and her appearance also changed.

Feilu reminds you: three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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