"I said before, I am from the Demon Court..."

Emphasizing once again, Emperor Crocodile's voice was filled with an indescribable majesty.

Like a supreme king, the face of the mountain titan changed slightly.

Just because, at this time, Emperor Crocodile's superior demeanor was definitely not an act.

At this time,

Emperor Crocodile's voice deepened again, and he said in a concentrated voice:

"Now, let me formally introduce myself..."

"I am one of the ten divine beasts under the Demon Court Divine Tree, the fourth divine beast, the Emperor Crocodile.."...

Listening quietly, the Mountain Titan's expression suddenly changed.

Sacred tree?

Top ten mythical beasts?

This... seemed to have thought of something, and the Mountain Titan's pupils shrank to the point of a needle.

If this ferocious beast is true, then the horror of this demon court is not that simple from a small force.

However, the next moment seemed to confirm what the mountain titan was thinking.


Amidst a long roar, the distant starry sky set off a raging flame.

"I am the first divine beast under the sacred tree, the Nine Tails...."

The voice was faint, but it went straight to my heart.

Accompanied by this, the terrifying aura that was no weaker than the Emperor Crocodile came overwhelmingly.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Even the stars seemed to be unable to bear it. The flames covering hundreds of thousands of miles away were constantly intertwining, but they pulled out a giant fox that looked up to the sky and roared.

"This is?"

With a touch of vigilance, the mountain titan was also moved by it.

This flame is not an ordinary flame.

This breath is not an ordinary breath.

Even if it is felt from a distance, there is an illusion that the spiritual power is obscured. In a daze, the mountain titans heard the sound of chains dragging in the void.

One chain after another...

But they are constantly intertwined in the flames.

The chain of seals is like the vision of thousands of mountains carried by the mountain titan, and these countless silver-white chains are the embodiment of Kyuubi's understanding of the 'seal'.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that Yu Ziyu’s time gear is also the embodiment of a law....

The deeper the understanding, the more terrifying the manifested vision becomes.

If you realize it to the extreme, you will turn illusion into reality and truly come to the world from illusion.

At that time, it was almost time to break through to the seventh level and achieve dominance.

And now...

Watching from a distance,

Mountain Titan's expression changed drastically.

Just because in the starry sky where he was, a silver-white chain was constantly intertwined, trapping him like a cage.

It's just that this cage is so big that it covers thousands of miles in radius.

So when the mountain titan noticed it, it was trapped by countless intertwined cages of white and silver chains.

"This is a birdcage. If you are trapped, you will be like a bird in a cage and escape.……"

In the sound that sounded like a smile but not a smile, the birdcage that trapped the mountain titan was gradually shrinking...

The birdcage, after the Nine-Tails stepped into the fifth level of the extraordinary, gave birth to the most terrifying supernatural powers.

Just like her words, if you are trapped in this birdcage, you will be like a caged bird, unable to escape.

Not to mention the current Mountain Titan, even an existence that is more powerful than the Mountain Titan cannot shake this shocking birdcage from the inside.

Regarding this, the Mountain Titan seemed to be aware of this, and even his expression changed drastically.

The movement of spiritual power became increasingly stiff, and the movement of the body became hundreds of times slower every day.

And in his hand, the terrifying Baiyue Divine Pillar, whose flickering light gradually dimmed.

The birdcage seals the sky and the earth.

Inside, it is like ushering in the Age of Ending Law, where countless spiritual powers will be drained away, and all major laws will be suppressed.

If it weren't for this magical power, starting the attack would be too cumbersome. With this magical power alone, Nine-Tails would be able to stand at the top of the powerful.

And now, it's not bad either.

As the 'Birdcage' continued to shrink, the suppressive force became more and more terrifying, and the Mountain Titan could not even maintain the vision behind him.

And at this moment,

"I admit that I underestimated you, and I even underestimated you, Demon Court.……"

In the cold voice, the Mountain Titan also took a step forward and walked towards the edge of the 'Bird Cage'

"However, this does not mean that you can be trapped……"

Speaking of this, the Mountain Titan's face suddenly stiffened.

Just because, at this time, his hand that was grabbing the 'birdcage' and trying to tear it apart gradually dimmed.

Spiritual power... countless spiritual powers were continuously being drawn away along the arm.

And what's even more terrifying is……

"Blah blah blah, blah blah……"

Like the sliding sound of chains, the silver-white illusory chains weaving the birdcage kept flowing towards his body.

".~How is that possible?"

Amidst the extremely horrifying sound, the aura of the Mountain Titan was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, if you look inside his body, you will definitely be able to find that countless silver-white chains are constantly intertwined in his meridians. , but gradually the power in his body was sealed.

Complex marks continued to condense in the body.

The operation of spiritual power became more and more obscure... until... a huge figure that had completely lost its breath, like a sculpture, quietly Standing quietly in the starry sky

"Tsk tsk……"

Kyuubi slapped his mouth and said truthfully:

"I forgot to tell you that the chains of this woven birdcage cannot be touched.……"

"This is the embodiment of the sealing law……"

"Using your own body to contact is tantamount to actively sealing your own power.……"

Hehehe smiled, and Kyuubi also looked at the mountain titan whose expression changed drastically with a playful look on his face.

(King Li) What a pity!

It's too late.

The chain of the seal enters the body, becomes identical, and seals itself.

So... it's all over

"Fourth brother, take him back to the Demon Court."

"Yes, eldest sister."

In response, the Emperor Crocodile in the distance also grinned.

This mountain titan is indeed strong.

But when he met the eldest sister... humph, that's what made him unlucky. He is so good at fighting, but his brain is missing. Guys, it’s easiest to fall into the trap of eldest sister. Not to mention this mountain titan, even the golden monkey with the most bizarre methods in the Demon Court is too late to escape when he sees eldest sister’s birdcage.

And all of this is only because of this magical power , if activated successfully, there is almost no solution.

Unless the eldest sister is defeated in the birdcage.

Or destroyed from the outside.

Otherwise, the seal will inevitably be equalized._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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