"Master, what should we do if there are some fourth-level experts who don’t want to come to heaven?"

During the inquiry again, vampire Kaili's eyes flickered.

The fourth level of extraordinary, natural disaster realm, is still considered a strong person on Blue Star and even Canglan Star, and can even be the king.

But in the heaven, he is just the most powerful person. He is an ordinary member.

In this way, there will naturally be people who are greedy for glory and wealth and want to stay in Blue Star or even Canglan Star.

"Don’t want to come to heaven?"

As if sneering, a voice that was so cold that it was bone-chilling resounded through the entire hall.

"All fourth-level strong men who do not want to be in the heaven will be thrown into the sea of ​​blood at the least, and exiled to the void at the worst...."

"If anyone dares to resist, he will be killed directly...."

"This is the order of the realm, respected by the demon court together..."...

Listening quietly, vampire Kaili also had a"660" expression on his face, and responded immediately:

"Yes, master."

After saying that, vampire Kaili slowly turned around and walked out of the hall.

And not long after,

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Visible to the naked eye, one stream of light after another penetrates the sky and heads towards the extreme south.

In the extreme south of the moon, which is the south of the heaven, there is the Gate of the Void.

Di Ji Ling'er even named it Nantianmen, which leads directly to Blue Star and can receive people from Blue Star who ascend to the heaven.

In the far north of the moon, there is also a gate to the void, known as the North Gate, leading to the Canglan Star....

For now, the third heaven - Heaven already looks a bit like the ancient heaven.

The two Tianmen in the north and south communicate with the star field.

There is also the Huangji Lingxiao Hall, standing in the sky.

And Emperor Ji Ling'er was suddenly sitting in the Huangji Lingxiao Palace, overlooking the people.......

Half a day later, above the blue star


The sudden roar shook the sky.

Under the horrified gazes of countless people, the dark clouds rolled back and turned into a vast whirlpool.

"Click, click..."

Amidst the lightning and thunder, there was a faint dragon's roar.

And just then


Accompanied by a loud noise, a starry sky gate that seemed to support the sky and was a thousand meters high slowly appeared over the most prosperous city in the Free Continent.

At the same time, the majestic and fearful voice of Xiao Shi, the Thunder Dragon, who was temporarily guarding Canglan Star, also echoed in the sky:.."The decree of the Demon Court is passed on. From now on, the strong men of the fourth level of Blue Star and above will all ascend. Anyone who disobeys will be the enemy of the Demon Court...."

The sound was like thunder, and even more like ocean waves, spreading in all directions. Er. For a moment, the entire Free Federation, and even other continents, the strong men who were quietly watching the live broadcast were all silent.

Some people are happy, but they are happy that the powerful natural disaster-level man who is above him has finally left.

Some people are worried that the family no longer has a giant tree.

However, at this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly shot out from above the Free Continent.


Looking carefully, it turned out to be a dark-skinned, short-haired figure who looked very capable.

This is the strongest player in the Free Federation who has stepped into the fourth level in the past two years.

He calls himself the Underground Overlord and comes from an underground black boxing background.

He is ruthless and ruthless.

But now, such a figure stood in the sky, with his hands folded across his chest, and he shouted coldly:

"We are not from the Demon Court, so why should we be sent by the Demon Court?"

As he said this, the figure slowly turned around, looked at the live broadcast cameras that were turning towards him, and sneered:

"Hum, in just one sentence, you can come and go when you call me. What do you think we are?"

The cold words were full of dissatisfaction.

There was even a touch of provocation.

He had just broken through the fourth level, and before he had time to enjoy it, Yaoting's words made him go there in despair. The mysterious heaven.

Are you kidding me?

He thinks he is not a fool, how could he be so obedient?

Moreover, he believes that he is not the only one who is dissatisfied with the Demon Court.

He has recently broken through to the fourth level and has just come into contact with the circle of big bosses. Under the haze, he also knew that many big guys were dissatisfied with the so-called Demon Court.

But now that he was the first to walk out, those big guys would look at him differently.

However, at this moment, the so-called underground overlord Guy, I wonder if those big guys he thinks are all pale.....

Even having stepped into the realm of demigods, the leader of the Hill clan immediately roared:

"Go, go to me, cut off all ties with the underground overlord, and then treat him as an enemy of the family"


After being slightly startled, countless members of the Hill family showed a look of astonishment.

Some young tribesmen even said in surprise:

"As for that?"

But, for a moment, looking into the distance, one by one, the family secret guards shot out like black shadows. These family members were silent. The secret guards are the most terrifying existence of the Hill family. Even the direct clan members are invincible. Quan ordered.

However, now, the family secret guards are directly dispatched...


Swallowing their saliva, each of the young members of the family realized that something was seriously wrong....

At this moment, the underground overlord standing quietly in the sky was still talking.

People are all forgetful.

Especially these beings who have just stepped into the fourth level and have not really been in contact with the top circles. It is difficult to know what the foggy mountains once meant, and it is even harder to know what the current Demon Court means?

However, one thing is certain, those who have witnessed the rise of the Misty Mountains, and those who have been fortunate enough to participate in the battles in foreign lands, and those who have retired from the army, all know what a behemoth 3.0 the Demon Court is now....

"Click, click..."

The dark clouds in the sky made the whirlpool become more and more vast, and the lightning flashed even more violently.

Faintly, countless figures saw streaks of white lightning, outlining a dragon-shaped creature.

Yes, dragon-like creatures.

That is the legendary dragon.

The existence that stands at the top of the food chain is also one of the ten sacred beasts of the Demon Court, the thunder dragon known as the punishment of heaven.

A flash of anger flashed deep in his eyes, and the power of the dragon gradually spread.


The air was shaken, as if solidified.

In an instant, the underground overlord fell silent.

An extremely terrifying crisis enveloped him.

At this moment, he seemed to be back to the time when he was an ant again. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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