
Along with the terrifying roar, the starry sky shook.

Looking up, a black, honeycomb-shaped star was already coming from the end of the starry sky.

This is Hive No. 3, the smallest of the three hives in Hive Mind.

The number of Zerg that can be hatched is one billion.

Among them, there are less than twenty fourth-level experts.

However, this is enough for Zerg Queen Sarah.

After all, insect hives can grow.

And she just needs to refine it and then cultivate it.

However, at this moment, as if she thought of something, the queen who was standing quietly in the depths of the insect nest and controlling the entire insect nest slowly raised her head and looked at the back not far away.

She has long purple hair, spread over her shoulders.

The slender figure is thin yet majestic.

The whole body is even more concentrated with rich starlight, and the purple power of the void is constantly flowing.

Every lingering breath is terrifying and suffocating.

In a daze, it can crush the world.

Of course, this is an illusion.

To overwhelm the world with just a wisp of breath is far beyond what this figure can do at this level.

However, from the side, one can also see the terrifying strength of this figure that far exceeds ordinary people's imagination.

After all, being able to condense one's own aura to this level, even the King Insect is far behind.

At this moment, she pursed her lips and the Queen of the Insect Nest, Sarah, took a step forward and proactively asked:

"Lord Star God, is my master really a sixth-level life form?"

Recalling the giant tree that seemed to be able to hold up the entire starry sky not long ago, the Queen of the Insect Nest Sarah couldn't hide the look of shock on her face. Is that her future master?

Only a legendary sixth-level life form...

"how? Having seen his strength, are you still confused?"

Smiling, a hint of amusement flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Now, Sarah is not one of her own, at most she can be regarded as half.

Naturally, Yu Ziyu will not tell the difference between 'this body' and the original body. Relationship...

Therefore, in Sarah's view, the Star God is the Star God, and the Divine Tree is the Divine Tree.

And this is fine.

At least, Yu Ziyu didn't have to waste any effort to explain.

By the way, Yu Ziyu can also be there to observe and observe. This disciple has very good potential and even strength.’...

However, so far, Yu Ziyu is still satisfied with Sarah.

Two days have passed.

Sarah stood quietly aside without saying a word, and she was even more respectful to him.

Moreover, in terms of work, she also completed everything Yu Ziyu asked meticulously.

He will tell you everything he knows, and he will tell you everything he knows.

Tell Yu Ziyu all kinds of Zerg secrets.

According to her, since you are lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by the sacred tree, you should seize the opportunity.

And, more importantly, she also told Yu Ziyu that this void elf body——‘If she sees the sacred tree, she will also open up her mental defense to let the sacred tree see what's going on....’

And that’s why.

It is also to better win the trust of the sacred tree.

As for, are there secrets in her mind?

With a smile in her eyes, Sarah once explained that when she was born, her mind went blank.

The only knowledge she had was instilled in her by the hive consciousness.

So, to a certain extent, she really doesn't have any secrets other than her basic knowledge.

And this is the biggest reason why she is not afraid of the 'Sacred Tree' to get a closer look.

Another point worth mentioning is that her natural talent allows her to easily peek into other people's minds and memories.

Therefore, in her subconscious mind, letting people peek into their minds is a way of trusting them....

"This little guy, apart from his instinct to be on guard against the Hive Mind, has zero defense against other people, no, it should be said, against people who consider themselves to be in the same camp...."

There was a whisper in his heart, and Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering when he looked at Sarah.

As for why to be wary of the hive consciousness, Yu Ziyu naturally understands.

After all, the hive consciousness gave birth to her and controlled her life and death.

And every living being will be wary of the life that controls its own life and death.

This is instinct and fear.

At this time, listening to Yu Ziyu’s previous inquiry, Sarah also smiled and answered without hesitation:

"It is because I have seen Master's strength that I can't believe it. Is that really a power that life can control?"

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, there was an indescribable brilliance in the depths of Sarah's eyes. She seemed to be longing, but also seemed to be in awe.

And this is also her instinct, to chase the powerful and yearn for the powerful.

The meaning of her existence , that is, becoming stronger

"If you don't believe it, just try to stand at that height."

As he said this, there was a smile on Yu Ziyu's face.

But to be honest, he really looked forward to Sarah reaching the sixth level.

If she really stepped into the sixth level, the entire Zerg army would have undergone a qualitative transformation. Well.

However, before that, Yu Ziyu also has to find a way to make Sarah truly his own.

After all, a pure master-student relationship is not worthy of trust.

Even his mother, the hive consciousness, is considered a betrayal. Yu Ziyu would be afraid of half a girl, no matter how innocent she is.

What's more, he is wary of any life.

And this is the sadness of being a sacred tree.

It is full of treasures and blessings.

Who is it? How can I keep a normal mind even though I can see it?

So?...Even in the so-called 'master-disciple relationship', Yu Ziyu has to add a layer of protection.

Only in this way can Sarah truly become her own person.

As for what is this level of protection?

Yu Ziyu is also thinking now.

After thinking about the apostle contract, Yu Ziyu gave up.

This apostolic contract is equivalent to slavery and will greatly limit the potential of life growth.

In addition to the apostle contract, Yu Ziyu's other method of controlling people is elemental fruits.

For every being who takes Yu Ziyu's elemental fruit, Yu Ziyu can not only extract his understanding of the way of elements, but also be able to erase them invisibly from thousands of miles away....

However, this method is not easy to use for Sarah.

After all, it seems difficult for him to conceive elemental fruits now.’

"From this point of view, I have to find a way to ensure the stability of the master-disciple relationship...."

With a murmur in his heart, Yu Ziyu also began to think.

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