And at this moment, deep in the solar system

"Unknown life from beyond the star field?..."

With a soft murmur, Jiuwei, who was lying quietly on a branch of Yu Ziyu's tree, also had a look of thought on his face.

After a moment, after glancing at Yu Ziyu who was still deep in cultivation, Jiuwei also raised his eyes and asked:

"Sister Linger, we should suppress this news for the time being, right?"


He nodded slightly, and Ling'er, who was not far away, also pursed his lips and said with a smile:

"Master, you have trained us for so long, not in vain....It's just such a small thing, it's not worth disturbing the master's cultivation, and more importantly,..."

Saying this, Ling'er also raised his eyes and took a deep look at the end of the starry sky.

And that direction is exactly the direction of Canglan Star

"Not to mention the old four emperor crocodiles who were in Canglan Star, the Little Ten Thunder Dragon, and the Golden Monkey who rushed there not long ago, such a new true god should be able to guard Canglan Star."

"That's true..."

A chuckle, and so did Kyuubi.same.

As a fifth-level life form, she naturally understands how powerful the fifth-level transcendental being is.

Nothing else to say...

Just like her and the Golden Monkey, if they had a life-and-death battle, they wouldn't be able to decide the outcome for ten days and a half.

As for suppressing and killing things?...Hope is even slimmer.

If you can't fight, can't you escape?

Fifth-level life forms are not generally difficult to deal with.

And now, in Canglan Star, in addition to the Golden Monkey, there is also Emperor Crocodile, a terrifying existence that has stepped into the fifth level of the extraordinary body....A full fight is enough to be guarded by two true god-level combat powers.

Even if we can't hold on, we can still hold on until the support from the Misty Mountain arrives.... so...

Now, it is not the time to alarm the master...

If there is any accident or even a change, it is okay to wake the master again.

Thinking like this, Ling'er and Jiuwei looked at each other and tacitly agreed to suppress the news for the time being....

Of course, it is only suppressed temporarily.

According to the master's cultivation habits, he will wake up in a day or two. It won't be too late to tell him then.......

At the same time, the starry sky where Canglan Star is located

"Swish, swish, swish..."

As streams of light broke through the sky one after another, it was visible to the naked eye that countless powerful people poured out of Canglan Star and headed straight into the depths of the starry sky.

Among the two leaders, one is naturally a golden monkey wearing golden armor and a golden crown, while the other is as huge as a mountain, but his whole body is covered with golden scales. At a glance, his whole body is The cold giant beast——Emperor Crocodile.

The Emperor Crocodile, who has returned to his ancestors for the second time, is simply too terrifying compared to the restrained nature of the Golden Monkey.

Just looking at it makes one feel cold all over.

And this is the Emperor Crocodile whose physical body has broken through to the fifth level of extraordinary.

With his physical body alone, he can compete with an extraordinary fifth-level warrior.

Terrible and mind-numbing.

But now, the Golden Monkey and the Emperor Crocodile are leading many extraordinary fourth-level experts to rush into the starry sky.

Just because they already felt from a distance that there were countless cold breaths coming from the end of the starry sky.

It's dark and cold.

But it’s instinctively disgusting

"It's a really unpleasant smell..."

Xiao Shi, who grinned at the corner of his mouth and was covered in thunder, also frowned.

"Haha, maybe these unknown beings don’t like your breath either...."

With a loud laugh, the golden monkey also joked


After pondering for a moment, Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi also agreed.

This is exclusion.

Innate rejection.

I can't explain why, but I feel very unhappy.

However, not long after, as if he noticed something, the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi suddenly tightened his expression and subconsciously reminded:

"They are not far away from us. We expect to bump into them in half a day...."

Having said this, Xiao Shi, who was able to sense things at a very long distance through the magnetic field, was also slightly startled.

After a moment, he hesitated and said:

"However, from what I found, there seemed to be only more than 100,000 enemies, most of whom were at the second or third level of the extraordinary, and only eight were at the fourth level of the extraordinary...."

"Is that so?..."

With a whisper, the golden monkey also showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"It seems they are the advance troops."

"should be."

Nodding, Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi also agreed.

"Then deal with them first...The master should be waking up soon, just in time to use these guys as specimens and present them to the master as gifts...."

A sudden suggestion made everyone's eyes light up.

Each and every one of them couldn't help but look at the leader of the crocodile.

They didn't expect that Emperor Crocodile, who had always been cold-tempered, would have such thoughts.

However, it sounds interesting.

After all, using these unknown life forms as specimens... and also giving them as gifts to their owners...

It sounds like a very good idea

"Then we'll go first."

Looking at each other and smiling, the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi and Jin Hou suddenly increased their speed and turned into two streams of light, one blue and one gold, and instantly distanced themselves from the troops behind them.

"these two guys..."

He shook his head helplessly, but Emperor Crocodile was not worried.

Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi's magnetic field perception is very good, even his master praises him very much.

Now that he has said it, there are not many strong people.

Then, there is no need to worry...

"I really look forward to having some decent strong people behind them...."

While muttering lowly to himself, a look of expectation flashed deep in Emperor Crocodile's eyes.......

And just half a day later, there was a deserted star field.

A sudden surge of spiritual power

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Like a wave rolling up, terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly rises deep in the starry sky

"A stick to the sky..."

Visible to the naked eye, a long golden stick tens of thousands of meters long was struck hard. at the same time


A dragon roar shook the nine heavens.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of lightning that reached the sky, wrapped in an endless thunder and lightning storm, came from another direction.

No hesitation.

No need to hesitate.

The moment it was the first to notice the unknown life, the Golden Monkey and the Thunder Dragon launched a brazen attack...

What greeted them were the confused faces of countless Zerg races.

Yes, confused.

And all this is just because they are still on the road, and their instincts suddenly tremble.

Looking up, two extremely terrifying attacks suddenly came from the depths of the starry sky.///

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