When talking about friendship between peers, these four words are not simple.

To a certain extent, it also declares that the Dragon Girl's status in the Misty Mountains is equal to the ten sacred beasts.

But think about it, yes.

The dragon girl had already reached the fifth level of the extraordinary and signed a master-servant contract with her master.

Although, the name"Master-Servant Contract" doesn't sound too good.

But the relationship between the two lies there.

Even when it comes to relationships, there are few people in the entire Misty Mountain who are closer to their master than Long Nu.

In this way, it is also conceivable that Dragon Girl’s future status in the Misty Mountains will be......

At this time, after a brief introduction, Yu Ziyu also dismissed everyone.

The Dragon Girl is, after all, a woman and her servant.

After all, it's not good to be watched by everyone like this.

Moreover, the Dragon Girl who has just made a breakthrough also needs to settle down.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Go to the small world of flames later. There is a place suitable for your cultivation there."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu turned his gaze to Jiuwei, who had not yet left, and added:

"Kyuubi, please remember to share the knowledge with Dragon Girl about the current territory of Mist Mountain and the distribution of its forces."

"Yes, master."

In response, Kyuubi looked at the dragon girl with a hint of curiosity.

The giant dragon turned into a human form.

It was really interesting.

However, at this time, looking at the dragon girl's gauze turned into flames, Kyuubi also smiled. :

"Master, please ask Lao Jiu to make a set of armor for Sister Daier later."


Yu Ziyu was slightly startled and glanced at Long Nu's half-exposed skin. Yu Ziyu also understood that she was not thinking carefully.

Although, the dragon girl's flame-turned coat is ugly at the same level.

But for a sixth-level life form like him, it is something that can be seen through at a glance.

Compared to this, the armor inlaid with secret techniques is more appropriate.

One is to facilitate travel.

The second one is to fight better.

A good piece of divine armor can greatly improve combat power.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Go to Xiaojiu's place later and apply for a set. Remember to say, 'I asked for it.' That guy likes to hide it....When a stranger like Long Nu meets someone for the first time, he may not necessarily spend all his money to build it."

"OK, Master."

In response, Jiuwei also looked at the dragon girl not far away and joked:

"Master, I'm really kind to you...."


Slightly startled, Long Nu bit her lip and said nothing.

There are things that you just need to keep in mind....

And not long after, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed as he looked at the dragon girl who was slowly following Jiuwei away.

For a moment, another set of luxurious attribute panels came into view.

【Race: Dragon.

Level: Extraordinary fifth level - the realm of true gods.

Innate talent: Immortal Dragon Breath—a breathtaking dragon breath that is enough to swallow most of the planet. It can turn into a pillar of flame in an instant and tear apart everything in the void.

Special ability:

Immortal dragon flame - a high-level flame that only the red dragon clan can master. The spiritual power is immortal and the dragon flame never ceases....

Dragon's Wrath - Extremely sublimated anger that boils spiritual energy and erupts into terrifying flames, enough to increase combat power by 50%.

Flame Dragon Claw - Claws wrapped in dragon flames, enough to melt everything.

Elemental Resistance - It has almost absolute resistance to the fire element, and the damage from other elements can also be greatly weakened.

Flame Furnace - The body is like an oven, emitting terrifyingly high temperatures all the time.

Longwei——... dragon roar——...

Dragon Clan Secret Technique:


Burning Heaven Purgatory - (Dragon Flame Forbidden Curse) chants in the sea of ​​fire, activating the endless fire elements, and the mottled red magic circle fills the heaven and earth, and then sprays endless dragon flames, burning everything...】

After taking a deep look at the dragon girl's attributes, Yu Ziyu was also surprised. She was truly worthy of being a dragon.

If we talk about the dragon clan's secret method, it is equivalent to the human clan's magical power.

Then the dragon girl is already burdened with two great magical powers.

More importantly, one of them is the main attacker.

Just by looking at the literal description of 'Burning Heaven Purgatory', Yu Ziyu could already imagine the horror of this secret method.

The power is estimated to be able to wipe out a planet in a few breaths.

And this is the realm of true gods.

Monsters capable of destroying the planet

"Speaking of magical powers, my few magical powers can be polished."

With a sudden murmur, Yu Ziyu also remembered his magical powers of several elements.

Ice, fire, earth, thunder, darkness, and light....

Each of the six elements gave birth to a magical power.

However, these magical powers can only be called 'average', which is far from the Dragon Girl's 'Burning Heaven'.

Although, the power of these magical powers at Yu Ziyu's hands far exceeds Dragon Girl's 'Burning Heaven'.

But that's just Yu Ziyu's terrifying strength.

It has nothing to do with supernatural powers

"If possible, these magical powers can be tried to be fused and transformed into even more terrifying magical powers...."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu's eyes flickered.

If the fusion can be successful, his destructive power will be further improved.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu did not hesitate.

Instead, he turned and looked at his attribute panel.

There are many more points of evolution.

That should be enough.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"System, I want to fuse several major elemental magical powers and turn them into one. Can I directly consume evolution points and initiate enlightenment?"

"Ding, yes, each breath consumes 10,000 evolution points...."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Ziyu's spirit was shaken, and along with it, Yu Ziyu's perception of the world skyrocketed.

Visible to the naked eye, the surroundings of the towering giant trees rooted in the starry sky suddenly began to flicker.

If you look carefully, you will see that it is a colorful spiritual power.

Red fire, white ice, blue thunder...

Particles of spiritual power are emerging one after another, and they are gathering more and more.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Ziyu was covered in colorful clothes and became more and more extraordinary.

And in this terrifying gathering of elements, countless elements are slowly rotating, faintly like a vast nebula.

And this is the terrifying point of evolution.

It easily made Yu Ziyu enter a state of enlightenment, and infinitely improved his control over the elements.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu seemed to turn into elements all over the sky.

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