Don't be careless in your own cultivation.

And now, Yu Ziyu has three bodies, and her body is rooted in the starry sky.

Not to mention the body, after two years of polishing, sitting and watching the stars rise and set, the spiritual power has become more and more condensed, and the understanding of the starry sky has become more profound. Even the tree crowns are covered with starlight...

And the green dragon has now transformed into the sky of the nine worlds. , that is, the way of heaven, grows simultaneously with the world...

The stronger the small world is, the stronger it will be.

As for the body of the Void Elf, it is currently at the fifth level and is still busy signing a contract with the Red Dragon Queen.

The remaining one, and the most important one, is the Tongtian Purple Dragon.

Today, it is a sixth-level extraordinary life form, and has become the king of the void, entrenched in the depths of the void.

Slowly raising his eyes, his gaze spanned the space.

Yu Ziyu had already seen that there was an endless snake entrenched in the bizarre void.

The body is like a real dragon, wrapped in layers of purple dragon scales, glowing with a deep light that flickers on and off.

A pair of purple snake eyes, cold and ruthless.

Quietly staring into space. likeWaiting, and seeming to long for.

And at this moment, the consciousness turned


The eyes of this boundless snake suddenly gained a sparkle.


Amidst the shocking neighing, most of Yu Ziyu's consciousness descended on the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon, once again shocking the void.

Unlike its main body, which is as warm and soft as jade, the body of the Tongtian Zijiao is cold and dark, and it has an indescribable desire growing in its heart.

That's hunger!!

An unsatisfied call came from the empty belly, guiding this body to swallow, and then swallow again.

And this is the price of becoming the King of the Void.

You need to resist the erosion of instinct at all times. If you cannot resist, you will become the embodiment of desire, no different from the walking zombie.

Of course, as for Yu Ziyu, a sixth-level life form like the Sky-Tongtian Purple Dragon, if he cannot resist his hunger, he may turn into a natural disaster in the starry sky.

Planets with life like Canglan Star and Blue Star can end with one or two mouthfuls.

However, Yu Ziyu didn't dare, let alone unwilling.

If he really does this, his body's physical strength will certainly increase dramatically, but it is not surprising that a disaster will come under the wrath of God and people's resentment.

Being low-key is the way to go!

And with the point of evolution and harvesting secretly, why would Yu Ziyu do such a thing of killing the goose to obtain the eggs.

After all, it is refreshing to devour without scruples, but the conversion rate and even utilization rate are obviously not as high as those from the point of evolution.

The point of evolution is omnipotent for Yu Ziyu.

With Canglan Star and Blue Star, Yu Ziyu will have a steady stream of evolutionary points.

It's not much better than swallowing two planets.

In this regard, Yu Ziyu has always been very shrewd.


At this time, carefully feeling every change in her body, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth slowly raised. good. it's actually very good.

Just as he guessed, the chances of him being burdened with the supreme law, the 'Infinite Law', were higher.

What is worth mentioning here is that the supreme law is not as simple as imagined.

Every supreme law is supported by other laws.

To put it simply, the rules are divided into three, six or nine levels.

And the ten supreme laws stand at the top of the law.

However, if you want to understand the supreme law, you need to understand other branch laws.

To give a simple example, in the last era, the immortals of the human race understood the law of creation, one of the ten supreme laws.

The law of creation requires three high-level laws, twelve intermediate laws, and more lower-level laws...

All kinds of laws have to be dabbled, and then it is possible to understand the law of creation.

Therefore, the supreme law is difficult!

It is difficult to get started with other people's laws, let alone gain insight into so many laws.

Moreover, insight is insight into which laws can be penetrated, and then the supreme laws can be understood, which is also a top secret.

Everyone knows that the three higher laws required by the law of creation are life, creation, and even the soul. But the problem is that no one knows the twelve middle laws and even more lower laws except for the great powers of the human race.

And this is also one of the foundations of the human race.

If we are lucky, the human race may even use this foundation to create a second peerless genius who understands the laws of creation.


The path of the law is filled with difficulties.

Even if you understand the upper law, it will be much easier to apply the same kind of middle law or even lower law by analogy.

But one after another, it is more difficult to get started than to reach the sky.

The reason why Yu Ziyu believes that his Heaven-reaching Purple Dragon has the possibility of carrying the 'Supreme Law - Infinite Law' is because Yu Ziyu has been exposed to the three higher laws required by the infinite law.

The Law of Growth, the Law of Devouring, and the Law of Transformation.

Growth comes from Yu Ziyu’s Titan bloodline, a body that can grow infinitely!

Devouring means that Yu Ziyu seizes the power of the giant beast in the void, inherits the power - hunger, and is expected to further sublimate and understand the law of devouring.

The transformation law is the simplest.

The transformation of power and the generation of evolutionary points make it possible for Yu Ziyu to understand the law of transformation.

And now, Yu Ziyu has reached the three upper laws needed to touch the infinite law...

If he is lucky enough to truly understand the three upper laws, it will only be a matter of time before he can comprehend other intermediate laws and even lower laws.

When the time comes, let nature take its course, and Yu Ziyu will be expected to shoulder the 'infinite law'.

As for getting started with the Infinite Laws, and what intermediate laws and even lower laws are needed, there is no rush.

There is no way forward, just try to figure it out slowly.

After all, the world knows more about the ten supreme laws, also known as the laws of creation.

Other supreme laws are extremely mysterious.

To a certain extent, the understanding of the supreme law requires guidance from the underworld.

Just like the purple dragon that reaches the sky, it is expected to carry the supreme law - the infinite law, which is not what Yu Ziyu thinks.

But he had a premonition somewhere.

It's hard to explain, the way is unclear, but it's mysterious and mysterious.

However, some people say that the ten supreme laws are all spiritual.

Rather than comprehending the ten supreme laws, it is better to say that the ten supreme laws select certain lives and then guide these lives step by step to continue to approach themselves.

And now, this is how Yu Ziyu feels... his sky-reaching purple dragon seems to have an invisible force guiding him...slowly walking towards the path of understanding the infinite laws.

And this is also a big reason why Yu Ziyu knows that the three higher laws required by the infinite law are growth, devouring, and even transformation.

In a daze, some voice told him that the understanding of infinite laws requires these...

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