
A sudden roar shook the depths of the starry sky.

Looking up, Yu Ziyu's countless branches were raised towards the sky.

And in the high place, there was a hundred-meter-large prehistoric giant crocodile, rolling continuously.

"Xiaosi, today, I will cleanse your blood..."

"If it becomes unbearable, remember to call..."...

As he said this, every branch of Yu Ziyu shook violently, and a star-like light appeared.

This is the power that belongs exclusively to 'life' and is the most mysterious.

But now,

I only hear...

‘With a"snap" sound and a fierce whip, Yu Ziyu's branches had already cut through the starry sky, and all kinds of whips were struck on the emperor crocodile.


The beast roared deeply, and the Emperor Crocodile's entire body was shaken.

Visible to the naked eye, his body was violently torn apart, and even bloody bones could be seen. pain.

The unimaginable pain instantly eroded Emperor Crocodile's mind.

At the extraordinary sixth level, even if Yu Ziyu deliberately held back, a slap would not be something that the little fourth-level emperor crocodile could withstand.

As a result, under the unbearable gazes of the Nine-Tails, Emperor Crocodile's entire body could not stop twitching....

However, this is just the beginning.

Yes, start

"Snap, snap, snap..."

With one sound after another, Yu Ziyu's dozens of branches pulled out light like stars and struck the emperor crocodile hard.

And such a beating would make even a tough-as-nails crocodile still unable to bear it, baring its teeth and letting out a painful neigh.

In just a short while, Emperor Crocodile's body was covered in blood.

At first glance, it is ferocious and terrifying.

Very scary


A worried call made Kyuubi feel a little unbearable from afar.

"No problem..."

After arranging the branches, Yu Ziyu's expression turned cold.

However, if you look closely, you can see that his lake, which is always calm and calm, like a deep pool, has rare ripples. certainly...What is more important at this time is...

Emperor Crocodile is miserable and miserable.

But every time Yu Ziyu struck the branch, a star-like light poured into the body of the crocodile.

And this is the power of vitality, which comes from Qinglong...

But flesh and bones, the living dead.

If it weren't for this continuous ray of vitality, even Emperor Crocodile would not be able to withstand Yu Ziyu's third whip....

"Xiaosi, the pain you are suffering now will be rewarded tenfold."

Thinking silently in his mind, Yu Ziyu also increased his efforts again.


Unexpectedly, pain far greater than before hit me fiercely, and the crocodile screamed fiercely.


The shrill screams resounded through the starry sky, but there was an indescribable sense of determination....

There is no black and white in the starry sky.

However, as the stars rotated, several more days and nights passed.

However, at this time, if you look at a corner of the starry sky...

You can definitely see a hundred-meter-long golden creature that looks like a crocodile, quietly crawling in the starry sky.

His stubby limbs remained unchanged.

However, the whole body is covered by golden scales that look like dragon scales....A pair of eyes, even more like dragon eyes, filled with majesty and indescribable coldness, just like the eternal silence of the starry sky....


There was another sound breaking through the air, like a divine chain breaking through the air, and a branch actually tore through the starry sky and fell towards this golden crocodile.


There was a terrifying roar, and the golden crocodile's body shook violently.

However, if you look carefully, you can actually see countless sparks rising.

Those are scales...The layers of dragon scales turned into the most terrifying defense, and they could resist Yu Ziyu's branches.

However, it's not terrible...

What is really scary is that even after suffering such a heavy blow, Emperor Crocodile's eyes are still cold, as if he has lost his emotions, and there is a kind of forlornness that seems to come from the Nine Netherland.

And this is today's Emperor Crocodile...

The two powerful bloodlines, after being beaten again and again by Yu Ziyu, finally shared the same hatred and intertwined, turning into a brand new bloodline.

It has the majesty and nobility of the dragon clan.

It also has the primitiveness and coldness of the orcs...

Specifically, Yu Ziyu couldn’t say clearly.

However, one thing is for sure...That is the current Emperor Crocodile, which is really strong.


The low roar of the beast echoed in the starry sky, ripples in the...

The golden tail on the back of Emperor Crocodile, which takes up more than half of the body, flies fiercely.


A sound broke through the air, like a golden light rising up, but it hit hard on the branch where Yu Ziyu fell.


There was a loud noise, and the starry sky was shaken.

The golden and green shock waves spread violently and swept across a hundred thousand miles.


Amidst the faint praise, Yu Ziyu dropped another branch.

But at this time, I seemed to notice something...The golden dragon eyes of Emperor Crocodile suddenly condensed, and as if instinctively, the golden giant tail was already waving out.


There was another loud noise, and the terrifying power suddenly erupted at one point, setting off an even greater shock wave..........

"The physical body can already compete with the power of ordinary fifth-level people...."

Amid a very satisfied laugh, Yu Ziyu looked at the hundred-meter-long Emperor Crocodile not far away, his eyes also focused.

In a moment, countless golden words appeared in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

【Race: Prehistoric Emperor Crocodile (Crocodile Ancestor/Dragon Crocodile)

Level: Extraordinary Level 4 (Fifth Level of Flesh Body)

Native Talent: Return to the Ancestor - Continuously trace back to the glory of ancient times, awaken the animal instinct unique to the hunter at the top of the food chain, transcend It is anger, the more terrifying the power, until the instinct swallows up the reason and turns into a killing machine. After the second return to the ancestors, the body has once again transformed. It is no longer restricted by the level. It becomes more powerful and terrifying, and the reaction is also more intense. Extreme speed...It's like awakening the sixth sense, and you can truly rely on instinct to fight....

The blood of the dragon - the ancient dragon clan flows in the body. It is noble and extraordinary, but it makes him purer....

Special ability:

Earth Control - Treats the earth as nothing, can control the elements of earth at will, and can travel across the earth faster than flying.

Primitive instinct - a fully awakened instinct that gives him the highest level of combat consciousness...

Muscle Rhythm - The muscles under the dragon scales are synonymous with strength and power. If they tremble slightly, it is enough to make Emperor Crocodile explode with speed and even power beyond cognition.

Dragon Scales - scales that look like dragon scales are the most terrifying defense and also an extremely terrifying weapon. When the dragon scales are turned up, they can turn into sharp blades that can tear everything apart....

Fighting wildly - the more you fight, the stronger you become, and the more you fight, the more fierce you become. When the blood stains the body, the strength, speed, and even reflex nerves of the emperor crocodile will be qualitatively strengthened....

】 ps:--------------Ask for customization------------

Crimson's body has almost recovered...The next four updates will be restored...Thank you for your concern.

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