And at this moment, deep in the misty mountains


With a dragon's roar, the pressure of the predator at the top of the food chain swept across the entire world.

Looking up, countless mutated beasts were horrified to see a giant dragon wrapped with purple arcs wandering deep in the clouds.

Yes, dragon.

Although he is young, he is already beginning to show his majestic dragon horns.

A pair of huge dragon wings had been unfolded, with a length of three feet, and there was a dragon tail that swayed from time to time, but it was a purple electric light drawn out of the void.

And this is the most mysterious beast in the misty mountains - Number Ten.

Also known as 'Purple Dragon'’,‘Thunder Dragon'.

Just because when this guy travels, he must be accompanied by clouds and mist, and even more so by purple lightning.

And at this time


With a dragon roar, Xiao Shi turned into a purple electric light and swooped down.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the ground for several miles around shook.

Looking up, there was a large pit dozens of meters deep in this forest.

You know, Xiao Shi is only at the first level of Transcendence.

But now, it was just a dive, but it was so powerful that it scared countless mutated beasts into cold sweats.

However, at this moment


Like the neighing of a horse, a strange beast covered in black hair and with a single horn on its head rushed out of the smoke.

Stepping on the void, every step creates ripples.

But as he continued to accelerate, his speed became faster and faster, until finally, it turned into a black light.

At this moment, if you pay attention, you will definitely find that his horn is already wrapped with a flash of lightning.

"throughout it..."

With a low roar, Meng Beast launched the most terrifying charge towards Xiao Shi.

That terrifying speed, which was like a fleeting light, not to mention the ordinary first-level extraordinary beasts, even some mutant beasts of the second-level extraordinary, also had their eyes fixed.

Meng Beast, a new member who joined the Misty Mountain.

The origin is mysterious.

Although it has just broken through the second level of extraordinary, it has always been unfathomable.

Now, the charge launched with all his strength and the storm set off were like tearing a person's cheek apart from a distance. One can imagine how terrifying this guy is.

However, such a terrifying guy actually used all his strength to face Xiao Shi, who was only at the first level of transcendence, that is, the legendary existence - the Thunder Dragon.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Swallowing their saliva, countless mutated beasts seemed to understand why Xiao Shi, who was only a step beyond the ordinary, was already recognized as the 'Tenth Beast' by Master Shen Shu even before he was born.

And just then


Taking a deep breath, Xiao Shi grinned as he looked at the black stream of light that was rushing towards him at a high speed as a big storm broke out not far away. moment,


Along with a dragon roar, a deep purple color was locked deep in its throat.

"Hehe, do you still dare to come?"

Obviously he was breathing out, but Xiao Shi still said with a playful smile.

"Why not?"

With a chuckle, the dream beast roared.

And the next moment,


Accompanied by a loud noise, a purple electric pillar as thick as a bucket, but like liquefaction, tore through the air and rushed straight towards the dream beast.


There was another loud noise, and among the horrified looks of countless mutated beasts, the thick purple electric pillar paused slightly.

If you look closely, it looks like it's about to be torn apart.

And the torn incision is a deep horn that is so black that it shines...

Just, at this moment


Among the even more terrifying dragon roars, the purple electric pillar seemed to be blessed with some kind of power, and it actually tore apart everything along the way.


Visible to the naked eye, a thousand-meter-long ravine has emerged at the end of the forest....

"When it comes to explosions, I'm still not as good as you."

Amidst the helpless voice, in the void, there was a flash of light and death.

Immediately afterwards, a strange beast with a single horn like a horse came out of the depths of the void.

The dream beast - can Stepping into illusion and reality.

The moment Xiao Shi's dragon's breath engulfed his body, he had torn apart the space and entered a space that even Yu Ziyu couldn't figure out, in order to avoid the terrifying power of the dragon's breath.

"Hum hum, my body is a thunder dragon..."

Amidst some proud voices, Xiao Shi came from a distance with sweat all over his face.

Yes, come on,

Xiao Shi can no longer fly, even walking is a bit laborious.

Cross-level challenges are no joke.

Even if he is a race that only exists in legends, he must be extremely vigilant when facing a second-level mutant beast.

The strength of the legendary race is not reflected in childhood, but in adulthood.

When they grow into young adults or even adults, they will show overwhelming strength to their peers.

However, now, it is still weak and it is difficult to truly exert the strength of the legendary race.

And this is not to mention that the dream beast is not an ordinary second-level extraordinary.

If it were an ordinary second-level extraordinary person, with Xiao Shi's strength, he might be able to rely on the most terrifying dragon's breath to completely devour it.

But, dream beasts are different.

Being able to step into fantasy and reality, it is, to a certain extent, unsolvable.

If it weren't for the inability to fight in close combat, this guy's potential would definitely be improved in Yu Ziyu's mind.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the void

"come back

"Yes, master."

In response to one after another, Meng Shou and Xiao Shi rushed towards the depths of the misty mountain.....

Soon after, under a towering willow tree that blocked out the sky and the moon.

Meng Shou and Xiao Shi lowered their heads respectfully.

Not far away from them, countless roots were slowly weaving until a young man was intertwined.

"very nice."

Amidst the faint praise, Yu Ziyu was also somewhat satisfied.

Although he could not tell the winner, he could see the strength of Meng Beast and Xiao Shi.

It had to be said that the dream beast with mysterious origins and the powerful bloodline Xiao Shi can all be called 'invincible at the same level'.

And their strength becomes more and more terrifying in the later stages.

It can even be said that relying on blood, it is inevitable for Xiao Shi to grow to the fourth level of extraordinary.

It's just that this time is a bit long...

Although it's long, it's actually not too long.

According to Yu Ziyu's guess, it would only be a few decades.

Decades are really not that long, at least not for mutant beasts whose life spans are hundreds of years.

However, you must know that it has only been less than five years since the extraordinary era came.


Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped in her heart, and Yu Ziyu couldn't help but mourn for three seconds of silence for Xiao Shi.

I really was born in the wrong era.

Another era would have given Xiao Shi time to grow up.

But in this 'crazy' era, it really doesn't work.

At least, with the speed at which most mutated beasts evolve today, Xiao Shi really won't be given much time to evolve.

As for the dream beast, it has a mysterious origin and has amazing talents. It can step into fantasy and reality....

With such a weird talent, although the attack is not enough, it is more than enough to protect oneself.

"It can be cultivated well."

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering when looking at the dream beast.

Not to mention other things, Yu Ziyu was just a little curious about the mysterious space where the dream beast communicated.

If possible, Yu Ziyu really wanted to go in and explore. After all, now he should consider how to take root in the void.

Although the earth is good, it is a constraint for Yu Ziyu after all.

Compared with this, the void is a very good choice.

At least, Void is everywhere._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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