The sky was filled with heavy fog, blocking out the sun. It was difficult to distinguish between east, west, north and west, and in all directions.

And this is today's Banyue City.

What is even more terrifying than this is the screams and roars...

It goes on and on, as if at this moment, misery has shrouded the city.


A scream stopped abruptly.

Accompanied by this, a young man holding a spear slowly fell into a pool of blood.

Next to it, a small black mouse with soft hair and only the size of a fist looked coldly at the cold corpse, but rushed in the other direction without looking back.

Not only it, but more mutated black rats were charging continuously in the distance.

Their claws are powerful enough to tear out a person's throat.

The speed that is enough to pull out the afterimage is even more confusing.

Swift and deadly.

It is synonymous with the mutant rat clan.

However, what is puzzling is that these guys not only do not hurt unarmed humans, but also do not break into houses.

In other words, if you hide in a house and don't come out to resist, these mutated black rats will turn a blind eye.....

However, even so, hot-headed extraordinary beings who thought they were powerful all came out one by one.

"Kill and block the tide of rats."

With a roar, a young man who looked very strong rushed out of a street with a machete in his hand.


Along with the surge of spiritual power, a hurricane has been set off.

Visible to the naked eye, a spiritual storm has enveloped it.

The Storm Swordsman is a rare second-level lone traveler in Half Moon City.

He's an incredibly talented guy.

Now, looking at the sea of ​​black rats, he has already fought his way out


With a sharp slash, a whole street was cut open.

Visible to the naked eye, a very astonishing sword energy was already flowing towards the rat tide.

If this terrifying sword energy really fell into the rat tide, not only would there be heavy casualties, but some combat power would be lost.

In this way, the strong man hiding in the depths of the Rat Sea finally came out


There was a sudden sharp sound in the air, and under the solemn gazes of the violent swordsmen, his sword energy, which he slashed with all his strength, actually paused in the air.

Looking carefully, there was a very petite cyan figure not far away from the sword energy.

Holding two machete-like claws, his eyes were as sharp as a swordsman's.

Cyan Mantis, a member of the Assassin Army in the Misty Mountains.

He is also a rare second-level powerhouse.


There was another sudden buzzing, and there was a flash of green light in the void, and the green mantis was already pulling towards the Storm Swordsman.

No words, no yelling.

Some people just raise their hands and drop their swords

"stab pull.."

Along with the sound of breaking through the air, a shocking mark appeared in the eyes of the violent wind swordsman.

However, at this moment,


Taking a deep breath, Kuang raised his sword to resist.

‘With a bang, the entire void was shaken.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the ground under the feet of the violent wind swordsman is cracked, as if it cannot bear the weight of the violent wind swordsman.

"What a terrible slash."

With a panic in his heart, the violent wind swordsman saw another slash coming from the side.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but the violent wind swordsman tightened the knife in his hand.

He was called the 'violent wind swordsman' because of his The knife is as fast as the wind.

Unexpectedly, I saw a knife on a mutated beast that was faster than his.

"But if you want to fight, then fight."

With a low shout, the violent swordsman already held the sword in both hands.

After a moment,

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The sword light that cannot be caught by the naked eye has covered the entire street, and even the strong wind is blowing up.....

However, not just here, in another corner of the city, a very wretched-looking man was also intercepted by an extraordinary second-level mutated beast.

That's a spider.

It is very huge, with eight spider legs wrapped in purple patterns, quietly rooted in the ground.

However, looking at the spider web that had turned the entire street into a sea of ​​white, this man with a very wretched appearance could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"Big trouble..."

With a sigh in his heart, this extraordinary second-level strongman, who was called the 'Skinny Monkey' and moved very quickly, felt that he was out of his depth.

Just because this spider web has blocked all his actions.

But at this moment, what no one noticed was that the heavy fog that had covered the world was slowly gathering....

Finally, quietly, they intertwined into a towering willow tree deep in the clouds.

Although it is atomized, it is lifelike...

Mist projection, this is another use of ability fog manipulation.

You can use the mist to briefly condense your body, and then respond to the arrival of your own consciousness.

And now...

Taking a look at the city that was already in flames of war, Yu Ziyu's expression was completely indifferent.

For him, although he could suppress the entire city without any effort.

But in the city that was taken over like that, there are many humans with evil intentions lurking in it.

It's better to lure out all the humans who are hostile to the mutated beasts like we are doing now, and then...Annihilate in one fell swoop.....

"It's almost time..."

Feeling the withering vitality of the entire city, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly. moment,


Along with the surge of spiritual power, a terrifying and extremely oppressive force suddenly fell from the sky.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

One after another, countless humans and even mutated beasts were pressed to the ground.

At this time, looking up at the sky, countless humans were shocked to find that with their backs to the starry sky, a towering willow tree transformed by mist was quietly suspended in the air.

"I am the lord of the mist..."

A murmur sounded like it sounded in the heart, causing the expressions of countless humans to change drastically.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu’s voice sounded in the void again

"This time when we take over Banyue City, those who surrender will not be killed."

"Those who surrender will not be killed..."

Suddenly sneered, and then in the eyes of Yu Ziyu who were a little surprised, a second-level extraordinary human being, with red eyes, slowly pushed up his body under the tremendous pressure.

"Mutated beasts, come one, kill one, come a pair, kill both..."

It was low, like a roar squeezed out from between the teeth, with a cold chill.

And those eyes full of hatred ignited with blazing flames.

"Another poor guy who hates mutant beasts!"

Feeling helpless, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but shake her head.

Such a person cannot be kept.

It's not right or wrong, just because the positions are different......

For a moment, a branch transformed by mist swayed gently, as if sweeping away dust.

‘There was a loud bang, and under the horrified eyes of countless people, this strong human being was actually drawn deep into the ground.

Looking at it at this time, you can even see that there is a large pit of tens of meters with this human being at the center.


A cold chill surged from behind, and countless people felt heart palpitations.

An extraordinary second-level strong man was crushed to death like an ant.


After swallowing, many people looked at the towering willow trees in the sky, showing a hint of deep fear. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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