"Kaz, Kaz..."

A very clear sound of chewing sounded in the depths of the night.

Immediately afterwards, a faint dragon power came out.

Longwei is very weak.

For those present, at the very least, extraordinary second-level beings, this level of dragon power can even be ignored.

However, what surprised them was that with the sound of chewing, Long Wei became more and more powerful.

But at this time, everyone who kept his promise and turned around, and even retreated outside the Beiyu Canyon, didn't know that Xiao Shi, who was as big as a calf in their eyes, actually started the first chapter of his life at a speed visible to the naked eye. A transformation.

Purple scales appeared on the surface of the body, becoming harder and harder.

And the pair of very immature horns also slowly grew in size, with purple electric light appearing faintly.

Of course, it's more than that.

The biggest change is its body shape...

In just a few breaths, it has already grown several times. Along with this, the whole body has become stronger.


In the increasingly loud dragon roar, a dragon power that can be called 'terrifying' has emerged.

Just because, at this time, Xiao Shi actually exuded an extraordinary first-level aura.

And this is also the terrifying aspect of the race that only exists in legends.

Born to be extraordinary.

At the same level, it can almost be called 'invincible'’...

And shortly after that

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As the earth shook, thousands of mutated beasts in the Mist Mountain slowly raised their heads and looked into the depths of the Mist Mountain.

Just because, at this moment, a very familiar breath came from

"Goodbye, sacred tree"

"Meet the master"...

In the chorus of greetings, each mutant clan and each powerful mutant beast lowered their heads. Even Leng Feng and others who had been waiting outside Beiyu Canyon knelt down on one knee to greet the misty mountain. absolute master


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also controlled the main body and gushes out from the ground deep in Beiyu Canyon.

However, as if she thought of something, Yu Ziyu also restrained her thoughts and wanted to restore her true posture.

Now, his body is too huge, far beyond what Beiyu Canyon can accommodate.

It would be best if it becomes almost the same as before.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also controlled the body and started to change a little bit.

Not long after, what caught everyone's eyes was a towering willow tree rising from the ground and submerging into the sky.

It is still as majestic as ever, still as spectacular as ever.

However, everyone at this time knew that it could be much more than that.

Because, not long ago, they all sensed a wave of waves coming from the sky from a distance.

And the source of that fluctuation is the sacred tree that they are very familiar with.

Thinking of this, the ice dragon is already a

"Master, have you already..."

Before Bingjiao could finish his words, a young man appeared on a branch of Yu Ziyu's body and nodded slightly and responded:

"A lucky break"

"A breakthrough, really a breakthrough."

Suddenly jumping for joy, the ice dragon was like a child, neighing in the sky.

For a moment, the news of Yu Ziyu's breakthrough was like a hurricane, blowing to every corner of the misty mountain.

But at this time, it looked like a Yu Ziyu also acquiesced to the child's ice dragon.

This breakthrough was crucial.

At least to a certain extent, it had declared his status as 'overlord'.

Yes, overlord.

In the short term, no one, no beast, Dare to offend it.

Maybe, but it can only be a dead person.

Even the overlord of the deep sea, a creature as huge as the land, is under his natal flying knife. It can be imagined how terrifying Yu Ziyu is now...


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu felt a little excited as she experienced this hard-won moment.

Only deep in the misty mountains could he express his emotions so freely.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu suddenly narrowed his eyes.

For a moment, a strange purple creature suddenly caught Yu Ziyu's eyes.

This seems to be a giant dragon.

There is a pair of seemingly strong dragon wings on the back, purple scales covering the whole body, and a pair of purple horns on the head.

At first glance, it looks a little cute but also a little majestic.

"Xiao Shi?"

With a hint of surprise, Yu Ziyu also called out


Seemingly nervous, this strange creature just leaned out half of its body from behind a big rock.

But for a moment, as if confirming something, it called out again:



Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu looked at Xiao Shi with a more doting look.

This little guy, as he saw it being conceived, was also the one he valued most....I should say he is a junior.

Thinking of this, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Unconsciously, the extraordinary era ushered in a new generation.

Xiao Shi, Xiao Bi Scorpion...

There are also the two-headed wolves, big snakes, six-ears, etc. that are growing up.

At this time, looking at Xiao Shi who was still a little nervous, Yu Ziyu also held him up with one hand.

For a moment, under Xiao Shi's somewhat stunned gaze, a purple flower bloomed in Yu Ziyu's right hand.

This is a very mysterious flower, very transparent and full of purple....

But if you look closely, you will see that the flower is actually woven with countless fine arcs.

The flower of elements - the flower of thunder attribute, is a treasure conceived by Yu Ziyu...

"Want it?"

With a smile on her lips, Yu Ziyu also waved to Xiao Shi.


After being stunned, Xiao Shi looked at the purple flower held in Yu Ziyu's hand and swallowed.

As a thunder-attribute creature, this thunder-attribute spirit flower had an indescribable temptation for him.

And just then


With one hand raised, Yu Ziyu sent the Thunder Elemental Spirit Flower to Xiao Shi.

"This spiritual flower should be able to speed up your growth and be put to good use."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also warned:

"A legendary race like yours has a long life cycle. If it grows naturally, it can certainly become a strong man who dominates the world. But in this era of 'crazy evolution', natural growth is too slow, too slow...."

"So, little one, do everything you can to speed up your growth."

"Don't live up to your reputation as the 'Dragon Clan'"..._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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