In the dark night, a green light was already running along the earth, heading west of the mainland.

At this moment, what Yu Ziyu didn’t know was that somewhere to the west of the mainland, in the Western Wilderness,


A fox howl that seemed to come from ancient times resounded through most of the desert.

Looking up, he could suddenly see countless crimson flames gathering in the middle of the desert.

And in this seemingly endless crimson flame, a figure stretched its limbs in the air, stretching its body as much as possible.

At the same time, behind this figure, there were huge tails like bananas, swaying slowly.

"One, two, three..."

Counting the tails behind the Nine Tails, the voice of Colorful Spirit Flower also had a hint of surprise.

"Kyuubi seems to have an extra tail."

Amidst some astonished voices, the eyes of the colorful spirit flower were already focused on the fourth tail behind the nine tails, which looked like a newborn, and was obviously one size smaller.


Nodding, the Golden Ant also affirmed.

Then, after taking a look at the somewhat puzzled Colorful Spirit Flower, the Golden Ant also explained:

"Sister, every promotion will give birth to a tail."

Hearing this explanation, Wucai Linghua was even more surprised and said in amazement:

"So Kyuubi has been promoted to the third level of extraordinary?"


After hesitating for a moment, Golden Ant was also a little unsure.

He didn't know much about Kyuubi's eldest sister either.

However, feeling the eldest sister's increasingly terrifying aura, he was a little unsure.:

"It seems like a breakthrough?"


"I...have no idea..."

Shaking his head decisively, Golden Ant could not give an accurate answer.

However, at this moment, a very charming voice actually sounded in their hearts:

"half step..."

After saying that, Kyuubi emphasized again:

"Now, I am halfway to the third level of the extraordinary, and my spiritual power is only over 900,000. If I can absorb enough spiritual energy, it should not be difficult to break through to the third level of the extraordinary...."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kyuubi slowly lowered his head high in the sky.

For a moment, like a whale sucking water...

Visible to the naked eye, a terrifying suction force was coming from high altitude.

At the same time, on the hill, there were wisps of red aura rising up.

In the blink of an eye, they gathered into a storm like fire, rolling towards the sky.....

And with this vast sea-like fire-attribute spiritual energy, the aura of Nine-Tails became even more terrifying.

What's more...

The fourth tail on her back is several times thicker.

But, just at this moment,

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

The roars of beasts come one after another from afar.

Obviously, the momentum of the Nine-Tails breakthrough has already pushed most of the mutants wild.

Looking up, in the distance, the waves of sand turned into dozens of heights.

And on the sand waves, there was a huge snake several feet thick, which looked like it was made of yellow sand.

The Sand Snake is one of the most terrifying mutant beasts in the Western Wilderness.

The mere attack would stir up vast waves of sand, making one's heart tremble.

And on the other side, the earth shook...

If you look carefully, you can see countless khaki-colored creatures the size of basketballs approaching, like mice.

And these earth-yellow creatures are gerbils, which belong exclusively to the desert.

But it is also a very terrifying mutated beast.

Wherever it passes, the earth is turned into yellow sand.

He is one of the pioneers of the Western Wilderness territory.

And at the very back of these gerbils, there is a huge gerbil that is more than ten meters long. Its eyes like soybeans move from time to time, revealing a touch of aura and violence....

"The tide of beasts and the momentum of Big Sister's breakthrough alerted these terrifying beings in the Western Wilderness."

With a touch of solemnity, the Golden Ant clenched its fists

"Besides taking advantage of others' danger, what else can these guys do?"

Full of complaints, the petals of the colorful spirit flower began to tremble slowly.

At the same time, an inexplicable force spread in all directions

"For these guys who survive in the wild, if they smell an opportunity, they will do whatever it takes."

In the cold confession, the extraordinary snow leopard has begun to stretch its body.

However, looking at its solemn eyes, it is obvious that this beast tide is not so easy for him to deal with.

After all, this time Among the incoming beasts, most of them are terrifying beings who dare to take a share of the pie because they have strong self-restraint.

Such beings are worthy of Golden Ant and others one-on-one, let alone swarming them. However

, this when....

Even the terrifying perception of the colorful spirit flowers was not noticed. Deep in the Western Wilderness,

"Step, step, step..."

Along with heavy footsteps, a humanoid figure was slowly walking towards

"This kind of breath...Is there anyone else who has reached my level?"

The hoarse and rich voice echoed in the depths of the Western Wasteland, but it made the surrounding air freeze, as if some great terrifying existence was coming......

At this moment, Wucai Linghua and others also collided head-on with the oncoming beast tide.


With a soft drink, the petals of the colorful spirit flower were trembling uncontrollably.

At the same time, the eyes of countless mutant gerbils suddenly condensed.

Then, in the astonished eyes of their companions, these The gerbils actually pounced on the nearby figure and bit it.

Without hesitation, at the moment of pain, the gerbils that were not controlled by the colorful spirit flowers decisively fought back. The sharp fangs were exposed outwards, A hint of ferocity flashed in the depths of his eyes.

In just an instant, thousands of gerbils were in a melee, and even the desert was instantly dyed red.

And behind the gerbils, a terrifying mutant gerbil As if aware of the movement, he let out a fierce roar.


It was a terrifying scream that stirred up layers of yellow sand and darkened the sky, but it made the face of the colorful spirit flower change drastically.

Just because, at this moment, she actually lost control of the little half-gerbil.

Obviously, the king of the gerbil tide woke up most of his kind by roaring....


With a sigh, Wucai Linghua was also a little helpless.

He immediately took a look and saw that the Flame Snake clan was already ready not far away and ordered.

"stop them"


Responded in unison, the two patriarchs of the Flame Snake Clan looked up to the sky and hissed.


Along with this terrifying roar, countless flaming snakes surged out, causing the sky to fill with flames, adding to the terrifying power.

Compared to the mutant gerbil clan that rolled up the yellow sand in the sky, they were no less impressive.

On the other side, Golden Ant, Ah Lang, and the Extraordinary Snow Leopard were looking solemnly in several other directions.

"Just hold off, don't force it."

As a reminder, the golden ants are already shooting in one direction like cannonballs..

"Power multiplication · one paragraph."

As soon as the words finished, the momentum of the Golden Ant suddenly changed.

But before others could react, the Golden Ant murmured again:

"Strength Doubling·Second Stage"


Along with the terrifying roar, the golden ant's entire body overflowed with a little blood.

But before the blood could stop, the rising temperature of the Golden Ant's body had turned the blood into blood mist....

From a distance, the golden ants seemed to be wrapped in blood mist.

However, that terrifying aura made people feel suffocated.

Faintly, there was a tightness in my chest. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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