Witnessing the impact of eternity is an unimaginable opportunity for these strongest people.

If you have some understanding, you may be able to go further.

As for what was captured, it was even more remarkable.

Therefore, there was a flash of heat in the depths of his eyes, and a guy named Luo Tianzun couldn't help but lick his mouth.

He is a strong man in the eighth level of Tianmen.

It is the most powerful person born in the golden age.

I don’t know much about many things in the past.

In other words, he has little contact with the older generation.

I don’t know some secrets.

But now, looking at Yan Yan, the big snake that is breaking through, there is undisguised greed in the depths of his eyes.

"Guys, do you want to take action?"

He smiled as always.

But as he finished speaking, he keenly felt something was wrong.

One after another Qi machine locked him immediately.

What shocked him even more was that several strong men from the ninth level of Tianmen were all looking at him. Looking at him coldly

"What, did I say something wrong?"

Luo Tianzun was very shocked.

"If you take action, not only you, but also the forces behind you will be killed."

"He is so courageous that he actually dares to take the first throne."

"Luo Tianzun, you really have eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard."

"Okay, I didn't expect you to have such courage."

There was discussion one after another, and each strong man looked at him as if he were a dead person.

At this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see that there are many familiar people here.

One of them is the Dragon Clan The Final Dragon King.

His eyes flashed with a look of mischief on his face.

Others didn’t know the origin of the big snake.

How could he not know.

This is the big snake.

The general of the Demon Court.

A terrifying existence that is superior to the first generation of mythical beasts..

And now, the Demon Court looks at the starry sky, and it is also an unprecedented force.

Of course, this is not scary.

What is really scary is that above the Demon Court, there are the legendary Nine Realms.

And the big snake is also a core existence in the Nine Realms.

This Waiting for existence, someone actually dared to take advantage of him.

It’s really outrageous.

I guess even the legendary eternity wouldn’t dare.

"What do you mean..`."

Luo Tianzun also realized something.

But without waiting for him to say more,


Suddenly the sky broke, and a golden wicker fell down at some point.

It even fell in front of Luo Tianzun


The golden wicker instantly penetrated Luo Tianzun's eyebrows.

I didn't even have time to scream.


Eyes widened, one figure after another looked in disbelief. what happened?

What's wrong?

But at this time, Dragon King Zhongyan looked at the extremely familiar golden wicker, and his body couldn't help but shudder.

"Subordinate, greetings..."

Before the Dragon King could finish speaking, a vast voice sounded in his heart.

"Take a good look, it will be good for you"

"Yes, the Lord of Time and Space."

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Dragon King Zhongyan also responded.

This is the wicker extended by Yu Ziyu.

For those with evil intentions, Yu Ziyu is naturally full of murderous intentions.

And at this time, it is not just the dream world.

Even the stars and the sky. A planet also suddenly erupted with huge energy fluctuations


There was only an extremely shrill scream, and an extremely strong thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting a figure hard.

That is Luo Tianzun.

As powerful as him, at this time, his breath was actually weak.

Life hangs on a thread.

What's even more terrifying is that he still doesn't know who did it

"Luo Tianzun, real name, Luo Chengyu...."

"Under the orders of the Temple of Destiny, tortured by thunder"

"This is the price for offending the throne"

"Not only that, you are exempt from death penalty but cannot escape from living crime."

"Relegated to the civilized battlefield!!"

Two golden figures emerged from the depths of the dark clouds.

They were the divine generals of the Temple of Destiny. Their combat power was extremely terrifying. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if Luo Tianzun saw them, he could only Bow his head.

However, Yu Ziyu doesn't care much about these.

If he hadn't considered that a war was breaking out now.

He would have wiped out guys like this with a snap of his fingers.

"Sending it to a civilized battlefield and killing a few enemies is also profitable."

Yu Ziyu sighed

"Aren't you afraid that he will surrender?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling laughed dumbly.

"If he dares, not only him, but also his nine clans, the forces behind him, and everything about him will be uprooted from the stars, heaven and earth."

Yu Ziyu will not show any mercy to those who betray Xingkong.

No matter who you are? If you dare to betray Xingkong, then what awaits you must be hell.

Even if a small master dares to surrender to a foreign civilization, Yu Ziyu will personally take action. Capture him.

Then in front of all the races in the starry sky, he will impose divine punishment.

This is Yu Ziyu's attitude towards traitors.

Not just him, but any force under his command is like this.

Other sins can be forgiven.

But betrayal, never Allow forgiveness.

And at this moment,


With a sudden roar, a shocking giant python disappeared in the chaos.

That's a big snake.

In Yu Ziyu's stunned eyes, each of his heads looked like a dragon.

It actually became extremely majestic.

Moreover, the color of his head is constantly changing.

The dark color of the Nine Netherworld...

Extremely deep purple...

Extremely hazy gray...

Looking carefully, one after another, real dragons were actually shuttling through the chaos.

But what is shocking is that these real dragons only have heads and bodies, but no tails.

(Nuo Ma Zhao) It seems that all their tails are intertwined.

And that has already turned into a huge whirlpool

"Is this the new form of the big snake?"

"Eight-color dragon?"

Yu Ziyu looked surprised

"Snakes transform into dragons, this is the norm"

"It is not surprising that the big snake also transformed into a real dragon when he set foot in eternity."

Besides, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also commented.

His eyes showed expectation.

"No, not all dragons."

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes.

He noticed that the head in the middle was still a snake head.

But, I don't know why?

It was obviously a snake head, but it was more majestic and terrifying than those dragon heads.

Especially the extremely deep eyes, Like a Nine Nether Pool

"Snake turns into dragon..."

"But he uses the body of a snake to command the body of a dragon!!"

This is not a snake turning into a dragon, but the ultimate python that steals the power of a real dragon."....

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