"The goddess of fate is indeed the three gods of the starry sky."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also showed admiration.

In the starry sky and earth, there are three major gods.

One is the goddess of destiny, she is the pointer of the starry sky, guiding hundreds of millions of creatures in the starry sky.

The second is Ling'er.

She is the god of judgment in the starry sky. Judges everything in the darkness.

Finally, there is Yu Ziyu.

He is the god of time and space. He does not exist in the starry sky. He is the most mysterious and the most terrifying.

Even few people know his existence.

And these are the three major members of the Temple of Destiny. gods

"If the goddess knows that you are praising her, she will definitely be extremely happy."

Speed ​​Bird, Lao Qi suddenly said.

He has been following the Goddess of Fate these years.

Naturally, he is familiar with the Goddess of Fate.

He also knows that she is the master's old lover.

That's why he is here, saying these words.

"you guy..."

Yu Ziyu smiled and pointed at Lao Qi.

These little guys have grown up.

It’s different from 24 before.

But, think about it.

Lao Qi, I don’t know how many descendants there are.

The speed bird clan's current scale is inseparable from the efforts of the ancestors of these speed birds.

Take Lao Qi in front of me as an example. I heard that his wife has several thousand dollars.

It's just that it's different from other races.

The speed bird pays attention to the same species.

Even if they are top birds like Phoenix and Jinpeng, they rarely get married. the reason is simple.

The speed bird family is the most powerful bird family just born in the world.

The purity of the bloodline needs to be ensured.

Only in this way can the Speed ​​Bird be passed down through the ages like the top birds such as the Golden Crow, Golden Roc, and Phoenix.

If it were the current Speed ​​Bird, it would be as promiscuous to all races as the Dragon Clan.

It is estimated that before long, countless speed birds will lose their blood and eventually become mortal birds.

And this is something that the ancestors of many speed birds would never allow.

For this reason, they themselves take the lead.

So far, I have countless wives, but none of them are of foreign origin.

However, Yu Ziyu didn't care about these.

Each ethnic group has its own way of reproduction and inheritance.

Yu Ziyu cannot interfere too much.

He only cares a little...That is whether the strong will continue to come out.

Also, will there be eternal seedlings?

The Eternal Seedling is a genius who hopes to set foot in the Eternal Master.

This kind of genius is rare throughout the ages.

Even in today's starry sky and heaven, one can't find it on one's fingers.

Currently, the one most likely to attain enlightenment is the big snake.

"Come to think of it, he must be doing it soon."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu also thought of another seedling.

The ancestor of the new human race.

He was also a hidden general under his command - Black Gold.

This one was originally a mutant gorilla.

Later, he continued to evolve towards humans.

He became a new human being.

He gathered the destiny of the human race and opened the shackles that had sealed the human race for countless years.

Let the human race once again become a monastic clan.

However, he represented another side of the human race.

If we say that the previous clan was A symbol of wisdom.

Alchemy, weapon refining, and various exercises are endless.

So, what black gold represents is the wildness and primitiveness of the human race.

In particular, the transformation of their race is unique.

Being able to feed on emotions, Start transforming again and again.

Until now, black gold can transform four times.

Its combat power can be increased a hundred times or even a thousand times.

How exaggerated is it?

It is just the black gold of Tianmen Ninth Layer. Relying on transformation, it can fight with Half-step to eternal fighting.

Even....Able to compete with the big snake for a moment.

Although, the time for transformation is limited.

But even so, one can also imagine the potential of this one.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is looking forward to Black Gold.

Really looking forward to it

"new humanity...Characteristic transformation...."

"This is a race where all the people are soldiers."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes,

"boom..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His gaze seemed to have traveled through time and space and landed on a corner of the starry sky and earth.

That's a planet.

Name: Ancestral Star.

On that planet, countless humans with ape tails stood quietly.

All of them are wearing battle armor.

Wearing special glasses.

These glasses are combat detectors.

Ability to easily identify enemy combat strength.

Just like Yu Ziyu's attribute panel, it can roughly analyze the enemy's situation.

And this can be considered a black technology.

A black technology unique to mankind.

And at this time,


There was a sudden roar and the starry sky shook.

Countless dark clouds gathered on the ancestral planet of mankind.

Not only that, but an indescribable great power descended here.

Powerful and suffocating.

It's chilling.

Countless new humans can't help but tremble.

Don't wait for them to tremble more


As the ripples spread, countless figures were shocked.

His eyes were frozen.

The body froze.

At this moment, everything seemed to be on hold.

This is the power of time.

Time is like a breeze, wherever it blows, everything is 473 frozen. only,

"Meet the master."

A sudden voice sounded in the sky.

Looking up, I saw a figure with long black hair and a very tall body, standing quietly.

This was a human being.

But he had a tail behind him.

He was not wearing clothes. There are countless red downs on his upper body.

However, his extremely strong chest is like the chest of a gorilla.

Not only that, even in front of Yu Ziyu, the unruly color on this figure's face is fully visible.

This is not to say that this person is arrogant in front of Yu Ziyu.

It is just that he is like this.

No matter how powerful he is in front of, his expression will not change.

But, in front of Yu Ziyu, he will bow his head.

Just like now,

Kneeling on one knee in the sky, Heijin also continued:

"I don’t know what the master is doing here."

"Suddenly I thought of you."

Yu Ziyu's voice was transmitted through the vast dark clouds.

It also made Heijin startled.

Unlike most of his subordinates, he did not follow Yu Ziyu to the depths of chaos.

Because the human race cannot do without him.

But, there is no To think that he would be missed by his master!!!.

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