The heritage of civilization, the most powerful treasures of a civilization.

The more powerful a civilization is, the more terrifying its civilizational heritage is.

For example, Starry Sky, Heaven and Earth, and today’s Forbidden Book can be regarded as the foundation of civilization.

The Chaos Clock also counts.

There are also the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

These are enough to threaten eternal existence and can be called the foundation of civilization.

But compared to these, the cultural heritage of wizard civilization is obviously more terrifying.

However, it’s understandable if you think about it.

Countless years of fighting.

Just by plundering civilization, we don’t know how much we have plundered.

The cultural heritage of these civilizations has all fallen into the hands of the wizard civilization.

Not only that, wizard civilization is different from most civilizations.

They are wandering in chaos, searching everywhere.

Maybe I found a few treasures deep in the chaos.

Thinking about it this way, it is not difficult to understand that the cultural heritage of wizard civilization far exceeds that of other civilizations.

At present, there are dozens of civilizational details that the primitive beasts have learned about.

This is not considered secretly

"It's outrageous."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu discovered that the aura of the primitive beast was not stable.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yu Ziyu said curiously 070

"I don’t know why, but over the years, I’ve felt a little unstable."

The primitive beast answered truthfully.


Somewhat stunned, more surprised.

The original beast is the perfect fusion of purple sickle and golden ant.

It uses the imperial weapon fusion ring as the medium.

Now, it feels unstable.

Could it be because the eyes are slightly condensed ? , Yu Ziyu also thought of the reason.

One is that the strength of the purple sickle and the golden ant is too terrifying.

Secondly, it is because the emperor's weapons have been fused with the ring for so long that the power has lost part of it.

You know, as strong as the emperor Soldiers cannot last forever.

Although the Imperial Soldiers last longer than most eternal lives. They spend most of their time sleeping.

But they absolutely cannot remain the same forever.


"This can be considered a good thing. In this case, the purple sickle and golden ants may return."

Although Yu Ziyu left a back-up on the original beast.

When necessary, he can go back in time and let the purple sickle and golden ant return.

But now, this situation is the best.

The fusion ring cannot bear it, so As for the primitive beast splitting into two.

However, it cannot be now.

Just because, now, the power of the primitive beast is still needed.

If the primitive beast loses its eternal combat power, he will definitely die in the wizarding world.


Slowly raising his hand, Yu Ziyu seemed to have crossed time and space with a finger, landing on the eyebrows of the primitive beast.

This is the power of time.

It's called solidification.

It can temporarily solidify everything that the original beast has. remain at this point in time

"I have solidified your current body now, and I estimate that it can last for thousands of years."

"When you can't hold on anymore, just tell me and I will come to take you home.

Listen quietly, the primitive beast also understands

"Yes, master."

With a response, a look of determination appeared on the face of the primitive beast.

And shortly after that, the shadow disappeared.

The light of the teleportation array also gradually disappeared.

Yu Ziyu was left alone and stood quietly.

He was deep in thought.

Let’s ponder a question.

That is whether the primitive beast is worthy of belief.

He has been in the wizarding civilization for many years, and his heart is still in the starry sky and the world?

Moreover, even if his heart is still in the starry sky and the world.

If the existence of the wizarding civilization has already understood his existence, What will happen?

Pretend you don’t know and fish on purpose?

This is very possible.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu must be careful.

He is not worried.

But he is worried about the starry sky and the earth.

If he is not careful, the starry sky may be... Fall in. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's the downside of having spies"

"Unsure, overturned."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu didn't think much about it.

Nowadays, the primitive beast is more about providing him with news.

He can choose to believe it. He can also choose not to believe it.

Moreover, these messages will not endanger Xingkong.

If it is the primitive beast, At this time, the wizard civilization and the high-dimensional demons started a war.

Let Yu Ziyu lead the starry sky army and kill them.

Then Yu Ziyu would think twice.

However, at this moment.

As if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Here again?"

He raised his eyes and looked at the sky of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

"Boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roars, the sky shattered.

Like a mirror, it is divided into countless pieces.

Looking carefully, he saw countless figures shrouded in darkness, holding their staffs high.

It seemed to be chanting something.

And at the next moment, dark clouds gathered, and terrifying thunder continued to condense.


"Boom, boom, boom..."

The color of half of the Divine Blood World has changed.

There are countless energy fluctuations and violent explosions

"This is the elemental army of the wizard civilization."

The Transcendent suddenly appeared next to Yu Ziyu and introduced

"It looks pretty good, their use of elements is very good."

Yu Ziyu exaggerated.

It was thunder from the sky and fire from the earth.

Even the sea stirred up thousands of meters of waves.

The entire divine blood world was like the end of the world.

But, when did these guys come?

"The Black Witch King should have used his own power to send this legion."

Seemingly aware of Yu Ziyu's thoughts, the Black Witch King explained

"That's it."

With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"You don't want to take action?"

"Let the legion handle it. If I take action, it will be a bit of a bully."

Speaking of this, the Transcendent raised his eyes and looked at the sky.

In a trance, he saw an endless figure, looking down at the entire divine blood world.

That was the Black Witch King.

This guy has been staring at the Transcendent.

But It is worth mentioning that although the wizarding civilization takes action against the divine blood world, it will not damage the foundation.

This is the tacit understanding of all major civilizations.

Heaven and earth are the most precious resources and cannot be damaged.

If the foundation of heaven and earth is damaged, then What are they fighting to the death for?

In the final analysis, the essence of civilized war is to plunder resources and land.

Just like ordinary wars...

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