The only thing that limits the Fallen Angel Legion is their numbers.

As for the others, for now there are none.

Most of their dominant-level existences are reincarnated.

Many of them are even half-steps of eternal reincarnation.

Especially, several fallen angel archangels.

Each one is more terrifying than the other.

And now, this extremely terrifying legion is heading towards the civilized battlefield at an incredible speed.

"Kill all enemies"

"Kill all enemies."

While muttering to themselves, countless fallen angels had cold expressions, like the coldest assassins in the darkness.

However, at this time, what no one knew was that deep in the starry sky, a cyan figure was walking slowly.

This cyan shadow , looks light and gentle.

No domineering.

But just such a figure is enough to make most strong men tremble.

Just because he clearly exists, but he seems to be unable to feel the breath.

Even the power can be felt. Less than.

It gives people an extremely vague and ethereal feeling.

And this is the legendary Qinglong.

One of the three clones of Yu Ziyu.

Under Yu Ziyu's instructions, he will finally step out of the starry sky and go to the Divine Blood world

"He actually asked me to take action."

With a sigh, Qinglong also understood.

This time, it was decided.

The appearance of the Black Witch King made me finally take it seriously.

And this time, they have only one goal.

To destroy the effective force of the wizard civilization here.

It is best to put it down The Black Witch King is buried here.

If it is a Transcendent, one person will definitely not be enough.

But when I come back and combine it with the power of the Chaos Bell, even the Black Witch King is very likely to be buried here.

The Transcendent drags it head-on, and Chaos Zhong suppresses it forcefully, and the main body of the Lord of Time and Space continues to consume.

The combined power of the three is beyond imagination.

However, this is an ideal situation.

Counting the time, even if the main body rushes back with all its strength, it will still take an extremely long time.


"Just hold it off for now."

Qinglong chuckled, and a stone pool appeared above his head.

"Click, click..."

One after another, countless thunder lights intertwined and turned into thunder dragons, roaring out.

This is the legendary Thunder Pond of Heaven.

It is the top imperial soldier in the world.

Now, the emergence of the Tiandao Thunder Pond also means that Qinglong is serious.


With a sudden dragon roar, Qinglong manifested his true form.

A blue dragon that was unknown how long it was, opened its teeth and claws, and pounced towards the depths of chaos.

However, what is horrifying is that it is surrounded by thunder.

Overhead, dark clouds were gathering.

It's obviously a dragon.

But that momentum is enough to rival eternity.

And this is the terror of Qinglong.

It is the dragon of heaven.

Carry the supreme power of God.

Its existence is a dimension-reducing blow to countless living beings.

At the same time, outside the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, an endless sea of ​​blood was bubbling.

Visible to the naked eye, the boundless sea of ​​blood was split into two, revealing what seemed to be a passage for people to pass through.

And right at the end of the passage, a bloody figure stood tall.

He is charming and unruly.

He is scornful and arrogant.

As if looking down on all living beings.

This is the Lord of the Blood Sea.

He is also the clone of Yu Ziyu.

He slowly raised his eyes and saw countless corpses, falling into the sea of ​​blood like meteors.

But in an instant, these corpses disappeared into nothingness.

This is true even for master-level corpses.

Dissolve, nutrients.

In an instant, they became nutrients for the body of the sea of ​​blood.

Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood is insoluble in everything.

Its blood sea water is the most terrifying water in the world.

And now, the power keeps growing.

Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood also has a sense of well-being that makes him neither vomiting nor unhappy.

"Unfortunately, I have already reached my limit." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Today, it is only a quantitative change, but it is difficult to change qualitatively."

The body of the sea of ​​blood is a bit bitter.

After so many years of continuous refining, his strength has grown steadily.

But at some point, he has no way forward. He can only stay in the palace and wait quietly.

He doesn't know. What are you waiting for?

But now, there is news from the main body

"Keep them at all costs."

Just one sentence, but it made the Lord of the Blood Sea understand the determination of the original body.

So, he slowly raised his right hand

"Shura from the depths of the netherworld..."

"Fight for me."

As the words fell, countless blood bubbles bubbled.

I saw a figure deep in each blood bubble.

The men were extremely ferocious.

The women were extremely beautiful.

This was the legendary Shura clan.

No, to be more precise, they are the Asura clan.

They are the most powerful clan.

They are the evil clan that can fight dragons and slaughter all living beings.

Now, with their eyes blazing, they are walking out one after another.

"Kill," kill, hahaha...

"I want to see how terrible you are."

Either arrogant, or scornful.

Countless people of the Asura clan, as if they had taken medicine, excitedly rushed towards the wizard army in the distance.

They did not know fear.

They did not know timidity.

They only knew killing and destruction.

And now, the Asura family is born again

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In just a moment, a terrifying roar resounded throughout the chaos.

Those were countless people from the Asura clan, fighting with people from the wizard civilization.

However, what is shocking is that the mutant civilization and the divine blood clan are mostly one-on-one. When faced with the wizard civilization being at a disadvantage, the Asura clan is actually in a balance of power.

Yes, balance of power.

One on one, they seem to be as good as the weird wizard.

"No, don’t lose. But people from the Asura clan are too crazy."

In a daze, the people of the divine blood clan and the mutant civilization couldn't help but lose their minds.

Exchange injuries for injuries.

Exchange blood for blood.

This is nothing?

They can do it too.

But why, exchange injuries for injuries? After paying blood for blood, will these Asura clan members become stronger as they fight?

But what they don’t know at this time is that this is a talent awakened by the Asura clan after the Asura clan returned to the strongest clan - the more injured they are, the stronger they become. , the more blood they see, the more their Asura clan’s combat power will increase!.

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