Time passed slowly, and several years passed in the blink of an eye.

The entire Evergreen Civilization is huddled in the depths of the world.

The Lord of Thorns kept weaving and interweaving vines until it blocked the sky and earth of heaven and earth, and even the ocean.

Let the entire civilization turn into a green world.

But now, the Lord of Thorns and the King of Beasts don't understand.

I don’t understand why the coordinates of Evergreen Civilization were exposed?

I don’t even understand what kind of civilization invaded them.

"The enemy is very strong, very strong, stronger than imagined!!"

The Lord of Thorns looked solemn.

Although they only collided once, she still noticed the terror of the Great Sage.

Every breath that emitted was frightening and even more despairing.

Even if he is as powerful as her, , were all once doubted - life

"Does this chaos really have such powerful creatures?"

Not just him, even the King of Beasts looked extremely solemn.

He withstood the great sage's blow.

In the past, he had always been confident in his own body.

Even if the Lord of Thorns kept strangulating him, he was not afraid..

But this guy, with just one blow, he can feel the dull pain in his chest until now.

This is scary.

Really scary.

Therefore, his expression is solemn, and his face is full of fear.

"All I can say is, invincible."

The King of Beasts, very sincere

"Even you said that..."

In a somewhat bitter voice, the Lord of Thorns looked not far away.

There, there is a crown.

Woven with grass and trees, it is the crown of thorns, the crown of thorns, the most precious treasure of evergreen civilization.

She felt that she would soon use this crown.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu and the great sage looked down at Evergreen Civilization.

"How to say? Are you about to take action?"

Yu Ziyu asked

"You can take action at any time."

As he said that, the great sage raised his eyes to look at Yu Ziyu and asked:

"Have you completed the blockade?"

"Already completely blocked."

Yu Ziyu responded.

Immediately, a look of confidence appeared on his face and he said frankly:

"I feel like they can't break through my blockade"

"That's it."

Smiling, the great sage also believed in Yu Ziyu's words.

He saw Yu Ziyu's methods in his eyes.

Now, the entire Evergreen Civilization is restricted to a unique time and space, isolated from the world.

If it is a place of thorns The Lord, and another King of Beasts, broke through the boundaries of heaven and earth and came to Chaos.

It is estimated that only those who would be truly frightened.

But now, with a grin, the great sage also took one step forward.

"Let's go, then let's go meet the supreme leader of this civilization in person"


With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also followed the Great Sage and took one step forward.

Now Yu Ziyu regards the Great Sage as his teacher... just because the Great Sage has gone further than him.

From the Great Sage, Yu Ziyu learns A lot.

Not to mention other things, in the past few years alone, Yu Ziyu has a deeper understanding of power.

Because of this, he is still very grateful to the great sage.

And at this moment, Evergreen Civilization , suddenly shuddered.

It seemed as if a great terror was coming, the plants and trees were frightened, and the mosquitoes were frightened.

Not only them, but also the Lord of Thorns and the King of Beasts felt an indescribable terror.


Looking at each other, they all broke through the sky, turned into streams of light, and headed straight to the end of the world.

At this time, at the end of the world, a crack continued to spread.

It was an extremely dark crack.

From far to near, It seems like there is no end.

If you look carefully, you can even see two figures, walking slowly from far to near.

"Step, step, step..."

"Step, step, step..."

One step after another, every step is shocking.

The King of Beasts and the Lord of Thorns have already arrived here.

They want to take action.

But for some reason, the space around this dark crack is extremely stable.

It cannot be shaken by ordinary forces. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, they are also looking forward to who the enemy is?

So, they chose to wait.

After a moment, two figures gradually appeared in front of the King of Beasts and the Lord of Thorns.

Together they look like children, with long black hair and extremely delicate appearance.

But the smile on his face was extremely mature.

There is even a hint of playfulness.

The other figure was an extremely burly figure.

It has the head of a human and the body of a dragon, with an extremely long tail trailing behind it.

On the shoulders, there is a dragon head raised

"Yin, Yin..."

"Yin, Yin..."

There was an indescribable majesty and terror among the dragon roars.

This is exactly Yu Ziyu.

He came here together with the great sage.

Overlooking the entire Evergreen Civilization

"Are you the eternity of evergreen civilization?"

The great sage asked, with a hint of carelessness in his words.

"who are you?"

The Lord of Thorns asked coldly.

At this time, Yu Ziyu also looked at the two figures not far away.

One of them was a strong man. He was extremely tall.

There were unknown pitch black scales all over his body.

There was a stick on his back. A long and thick tail.

A ferocious face, holding a huge mace in his hand.

And another figure, the upper body has a human appearance, she is a woman.

Extremely beautiful.

But the lower body is intertwined with countless thorns.

She is beautiful As her eyes flickered, she kept looking at Yu Ziyu and the Great Sage.

However, she didn't know if she was frightened the more she looked at her, and there was a look of fear on her face.

"What kind of monsters are these two guys?"

The Lord of Thorns was completely confused.

The terrifying energy fluctuations that made her delicate body tremble just from a distance made her unable to sit still.

However, she still calmed down.

This was a The world between her and the King of Beasts.

In such a world, they have an absolute advantage.


"who are we?"

The great sage chuckled, and then said frankly:

"We are the eternity from the depths of chaos"

"I came here specifically for you....".

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