The ethereal beast of chaos.

It was the first eternal-level chaotic beast that Yu Ziyu encountered.

The strength is not considered strong.

But very weird.

Now he has fallen into a deep sleep.

But Yu Ziyu has a way to control it

"Swish, swish, swish..."

With one sound after another, Yu Ziyu's thousands of willow branches continued to pour into the deepest part of the chaotic beast's misty body.

Like blood vessels, it spreads throughout its body.

And then dominate its entire body.

A chaotic beast with no brains.

Fighting based on instinct.

But now, Yu Ziyu used wicker sticks to turn into blood vessels to control his entire body.

In addition, Yu Ziyu learned a little bit about the law of lightness.

It should be enough to pass the fake as the real thing. so,


The sudden roar resounded throughout the chaos.

In the astonished gaze of the wizard fleet, an extremely ferocious looking alien bird with six wings on its back rushed towards it from a distance. twenty three

"This is?"

"Wait, is this a Chaos Behemoth?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Quick, quick, prepare to resist."

Exclaimed again and again, the entire wizard fleet was in panic.

However, one tower after another shone brightly.

Then, bright beams of light continued to shoot out.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There were continuous roars and countless explosions.

But what is shocking is that this chaotic beast seems to have not been hurt at all, and continues to rush towards the direction of their wizard fleet.


Roaring again, the chaos beast fanned its six wings, creating a terrifying storm.

The storm roared, sweeping through chaos.

Countless wizards' giant wheels were turned upside down.

Several giant ships exploded.

In front of the eternal level chaos beast, such a fleet is naturally extremely small.

However, thankfully, this chaotic beast does not seem to be hostile.

It's just spreading its wings.

Then leave.

The wizard fleet was left in a mess

"Fortunately, this chaotic beast came here unintentionally."

A wizard from the ninth level of Tianmen sighed with a complicated expression.

Looking carefully, there was also a touch of joy of surviving the disaster.

"Sir, even so, our losses are huge."

"It's good to be alive."

The wizard from the ninth level of Tianmen said.

He immediately ordered the people below to start counting the losses.

After a while, the losses were counted.

Thirty warships were broken, and hundreds of warships suffered different types of damage.

Also, listening to the report below, the face of the wizard from the ninth level of Tianmen also changed slightly.

This loss was beyond imagination.

However, what they didn't know at this time was that among the many battleships, there was a The battleship has disappeared.

And this battleship was brought back by Yu Ziyu controlling the chaos beast Piaomiao

"I originally wanted to control the Chaos Behemoth to fight, and then I would personally assist from behind, but now it doesn’t seem possible."

"It is too laborious to control the chaos beast Miaomiao."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also looked complicated.

It was more laborious to control the chaotic beast Miaomiao than to fight with all his strength.

And this is understandable.

The chaotic beast is not so easy to control.

Yu Ziyu also used The most clumsy method was to directly use wicker to control his body.

And his whole body got into the misty body of the chaotic beast.

However, thinking of this, Yu Ziyu was also thoughtful.

Should he be in the misty body of the chaotic beast? Open up a small world in the body.

Then use the ethereal body of the Chaos Behemoth as a battleship to shuttle through Chaos.

This seems to be a very good idea.

You must know that the Law of Lightness carried by the Chaos Behemoth Miaomiao makes the body extremely light.

Control Its body is much better than controlling other chaotic beasts.

Moreover, the body of the chaotic beast is extremely hard.

It is even more terrifying than the legendary divine iron.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's eyes flickered.

But , don’t be in a hurry.

Compared with this, Yu Ziyu is more concerned about the palm-sized battleship in his hand.

This is a battleship of the wizard civilization.

Looking carefully, there are countless cell-sized figures on the battleship, screaming and frightened. Huh.

Those are all wizards. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Among them, the strongest is a wizard from the eighth level of Tianmen.

However, even such a wizard is like a wizard in front of Yu Ziyu Like an ant, extremely small.

He raised his hand and held the entire battleship, including the wizard from the eighth level of Tianmen, in the palm of his hand.

This is the power of space.

Freedom of size.

You can easily restrain a huge thing in the palm of your hand.

Now , just let me get to know you, right?

Yu Ziyu grinned, and immediately raised his eyes to look at the strongest wizard in the battleship.

He lowered his eyes and saw it.

He saw a man wearing a gray robe with a face. An extremely delicate wizard, sitting cross-legged quietly.

This is a wizard.

Judging from Yu Ziyu's aesthetics, they are all beautiful.

Exquisite facial features, pale skin. And those pointed ears.

It doesn't look like a human being..

Instead, it looks like an elf.

What is worth mentioning here is that wizards are not a race.

They are a profession.

Anyone of any race can become a wizard.

This is also the reason why wizard civilization is all-encompassing.

Therefore, seeing various alien wizards, It's also understandable

"May I have your name?"

Yu Ziyu asked with a smile.


His body shook violently, and the wizard who was sitting cross-legged was also stunned.

Immediately, as if she realized something, she smiled bitterly and said:

"The one who attacked us was indeed not an ordinary chaotic beast."

While sighing in his heart, the wizard also stood up and said with a touch of respect:

"Reporting to the Supreme Being, I am Lerina of the wizard clan..."

"Please, Your Majesty, let us go for the sake of our wizard civilization."

She begged, her face sincere.

"Give you a break?"

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also said frankly

"Daydreaming is not a good thing."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu pointed out


In an instant, countless messages flowed in front of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

That is the life of this sorceress.

Everything about her was exposed in front of Yu Ziyu..

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