The repression continues.

However, Yu Ziyu is also trying to deduce the law of lightness.

It's just that it's the same as Yu Ziyu thought.

The law of lightness is not suitable for him

"This kind of law is more suitable for bull demons and white tigers."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also had a different understanding.

Among the techniques, there is a very famous technique.

It is called: lifting a heavy object as if it were light.

It means that when a heavy object falls in the hand, it seems to be very light.

This is the law of lightness. , the best explanation.

And Yu Ziyu also has a deeper understanding of this sentence because of the Law of Lightness.

To put it simply, although his strength has not increased, the heavy objects he can lift are probably heavier than before. More than 30% to 50%.

This is a real improvement.

Not only that.

The spiritual power in his body has also increased further.

It has increased by 10% compared to before.

You know, Yu Ziyu is already known for his strong spiritual power.

Now, the spiritual power in his body has increased. His strength has increased by another 10%.

This is probably comparable to his millions or even tens of millions of years of spiritual cultivation.

"Sure enough, only plundering is the fastest way to grow."

Yu Ziyu has a deep understanding of plunder.

Because his path to rise is the so-called path of plunder. He started plundering from Blue Star. He went to 600 to the starry sky and all the worlds.

Then to the current chaos

, and now, he has begun to plunder the same level. The eternal behemoth.

There was a subtle arc at the corner of his mouth, and Yu Ziyu also accelerated the speed of absorption.

However, at this time, what Yu Ziyu did not notice was that the huge behemoth under his tree became rare and quiet..

Seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

And not long after, Yu Ziyu also discovered the ethereal weirdness of the eternal beast.

"what happened?"

Yu Ziyu was very surprised.

As his spiritual thoughts surged, he had already checked the situation of the chaotic beast.

"As expected, he fell into a deep sleep."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also understood.

Chaos behemoths have such a mechanism.

If they are in crisis, they will take the initiative to sleep.

During their sleep, their power flow rate is greatly reduced.

It will not even flow.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu felt that his swallowing had slowed down a lot.

Not only him, but also Bai Hu, Niu Mo and others had difficulty absorbing it.

"Master (cadh), what's going on? Why can’t I suck?"

"That’s right, Master, I can’t suck anymore either."

"I feel as if this chaotic beast has turned into stone."

She exclaimed again and again, and everyone was puzzled.

"It doesn't matter, the chaos beast sensed the danger and fell into a deep sleep."

Yu Ziyu explained, and then added:

"You return to the Nine Realms and digest what you have absorbed during this period of time."

"Yes, master."

Responded in unison, everyone also resigned.

The five-colored sacred flower was left alone, standing quietly.

Unlike the others, the five-colored sacred flower was Yu Ziyu's wife.

As the mistress, she can naturally be by Yu Ziyu's side.

And this At that time, if you pay attention to the colorful divine flower, you will definitely be able to see that there are wisps of white mist around her.

This mist is extremely hazy and illusory.

It is the fairy mist transformed by the law of light.

Yu Ziyu raised his right hand, and it turned out to be He directly turned the fairy mist into a streamer and put it on the shoulders of the colorful divine flower.

"You are now like a fairy from the Nine Heavens."

Yu Ziyu praised

"Nine-day fairy?"

Colorful Divine Flower chuckled, then lifted up a strand of black hair and asked,"

Are you sure that Nine Heavens Fairy can compare to me?


Yu Ziyu responded decisively.

Although he doesn't like the love between children, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand.

At this time, if he says something bad, Wucai Shenhua may ignore him for several days.

And this, it seems, is a woman A common problem.

No matter what level of cultivation women have, they all have their own little tempers when facing men.

Yu Ziyu is more tolerant of such little tempers.

Just because the colorful gods and theirs spent several days, but It’s not a few days in the ordinary concept.

It could be years.

Or even decades. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yu Ziyu couldn’t resist it.

However, at this moment, the colorful god Hua asked:

"So what should you do next? Continue the suppression? Looking at this situation, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle, right?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"The giant beast of chaos fell into a deep sleep, like a dead thing. Even I had no other way but to wait for him to wake up."


At this point, Yu Ziyu paused and said bluntly:

Forget it, that would be too time-consuming. For us now, time is very important.


Nodding slightly, Wucai Shenhua also understands.

For them now, time is everything.

They need to find the undead civilization as soon as possible.

Then talk about the alliance.

However, for some reason, Wucai Shenhua feels that this matter will not go so smoothly.

"The undead civilization is probably much more difficult to deal with than the hunter civilization."

With a sigh in my heart, the colorful sacred flower raised its steps and sat on a branch of Yu Ziyu.

But at this time,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The roar continued, and Yu Ziyu's body also began to change.

In just a moment, a figure with the head of a human and the body of a dragon, walking upright, appeared in the chaos.

He is extremely large.

There is also a nine-color aperture behind it.

Underfoot, there is even hazy mist hovering.

It seems like my feet are on the clouds.

This is a vision that Yu Ziyu has not completely refined the law of lightness.

Now, the law of lightness surrounds him.

It makes him as light as a swallow.

The speed can also be regarded as skyrocketing.

This kind of speed is not achieved through space.

It's just movement speed.

Very quickly, really quickly.

Yu Ziyu raised his steps, and his whole body turned into a nine-color light, heading straight into the depths of chaos.


Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu's speed continued to increase.

Looking from afar, it looks like a nine-color comet streaking across the chaos

"Let's go straight to the undead civilization"


A chuckle, the colorful divine flowers are also looking forward to it...

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