The eternal level chaos beast is terrifying.

Just like, this one in front of me.

The body is huge.

But it is extremely light.

Yu Ziyu charged up and punched him, but it didn't hurt him at all.

Instead, with the help of Yu Ziyu's punch, it flew backwards and went straight to the depths of chaos.

"Are you preparing to escape?"

The eternal-level chaotic beast can already think.

It has the so-called instinct.

It must have noticed Yu Ziyu's extraordinaryness.

Therefore, he had the idea of ​​​​escape.

However, I have to say that his speed is indeed very fast.

Just one breath In the blink of an eye, he had disappeared at the end of chaos.

With six wings spread, his speed increased dramatically.

At such a speed, he went straight to the eternal speed of God.

But it was a pity.

The eternal speed of God was not enough in front of Yu Ziyu.

What's more, he.

With one step, he was so close to the end of the world.

The layers of space were constantly superimposed.

When Yu Ziyu's figure appeared again, he had already appeared beside this chaotic beast.


"Roar, roar..."

With repeated roars, the Chaos Beast also noticed Yu Ziyu's arrival.

Its six wings spread out, and the strong wind rolled back.

There were tails one after another from behind, attacking Yu Ziyu like giant pythons.

But the next moment,

"bang, bang, bang..."

It turned out that Yu Ziyu's branches were constantly entangled and intertwined, turning into golden dragons one after another, fighting with these tails.

However, I have to say that this chaotic beast is still a bit tricky.

The moment she got close to him, Yu Ziyu felt as if a mortal had lost gravity, and had the illusion that she was powerless.

Very strange.

But Yu Ziyu was still able to resist.

The continuous collisions seemed like countless weapons intertwined with each other.

The terrifying power keeps pouring out.

In the chaos, there are thousands of waves.

But this is not the end.

In other words, this is just the beginning.

The battle between the Eternal Lords.

It’s different from what ordinary people imagine.

Even for a top eternity like the Transcendent, it is not easy to suppress an eternity.

Especially when encountering some weird eternities.

Even the transcendent will have a headache.

And Yu Ziyu and this chaotic beast are both weird and eternal.

Their methods are very strange.

It is definitely not comparable to ordinary eternity.

Now when they are fighting each other, it is also full of weirdness.

This chaotic beast was born with the Law of Light, which can erase all gravity.

It can also eliminate attacks invisible.

Yu Ziyu's attack fell on him and was reduced by half.

In addition, Yu Ziyu is not good at attacking. so...

"A bit of a headache."

Muttering in his heart, Yu Ziyu did not give up.

He not only wanted to defeat this chaotic beast. He also wanted to capture it alive.

This is a challenge for him.

But it is interesting because of the challenge.

No Well? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Grinning, Yu Ziyu once again activated the eternal power in his body.

Time passed slowly, and Yu Ziyu worked hard to consume the physical strength and energy of this chaotic beast. And others.

Especially the severe injuries again and again.

It can greatly consume everything about him.

Just like now...

"Tianyuan struck."

With a loud shout, Yu Ziyu intertwined his hands and formed a diamond shape.

Like a sniper scope, he aimed at the chaotic beast in the distance.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the terrifying beam of light tore through everything.

It also completely penetrated the distant chaotic beast.

Visible to the naked eye, a huge pothole has emerged.

This is Yu Ziyu's Tianyuan strike.

Even the mighty Eternal Behemoth cannot hold it.

You know, the body of the eternal beast is extremely terrifying.

Compared to ordinary eternity, it is several times stronger.

Moreover, this chaotic beast also carries the Law of Light.

It has its own unique realm that can mitigate all kinds of attacks.

However, even like this, he couldn't withstand Yu Ziyu's Tianyuan attack.

It is also conceivable how terrifying Yu Ziyu's Tianyuan attack was.

But just then...

Looking at it blankly, Yu Ziyu also noticed that the injury of this eternal beast was recovering rapidly...........

Recovery at an unimaginable speed.

However, the attentive Yu Ziyu also noticed...His recovery from injuries has slowed

"In the end, you still need to grind to death."

While sighing, Yu Ziyu discovered that his wicker had broken through the blockade of the chaotic beast's law field at some point and came close.

Seeing this, Yu Ziyu grinned.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Continuously breaking through the air, countless wicker sticks pierced the body of this chaotic beast like spiritual snakes.

Yu Ziyu estimated that it was because the chaotic beast had shrunk its defenses after being severely injured.

This gave Yu Ziyu a chance. However, Yu Ziyu still needs to seize the opportunity.

"Puff, puff..."

In successive bursts of air, Yu Ziyu's thousands of willow branches poured into the body of the chaotic beast.

And the very next moment,

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

The extremely shrill roar also sounded in the chaos.

The scream was extremely sad.

It was more terrible than any previous screams.

And this is the most basic thing about Yu Ziyu.

It is also the most fundamental ability - plunder and absorption.

Each wicker is like a conduit, absorbing everything from the chaotic beast.

It is worth mentioning that the previous Yu Ziyu's plundering and absorption was not so outrageous.

He was catching the giant beast of chaos—Tuntun.

That is, after the little guy who was burdened with the Devouring Law, he continued to study and made continuous progress.

Until now, Yu Ziyu was almost touching the Devouring Law.

Wait until he truly understands the mystery of devouring.

The end of each of his willow branches can turn into a small black hole, erupting with earth-shattering suction.

Then, absorb everything.

So what if the chaos beast is extremely terrifying?

Yu Ziyu's thousands of willow sticks were all submerged, and even the terrifying chaotic beast could wither up and disappear in a short period of time.

This is what Yu Ziyu pursues..

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