Hunter civilization.

A civilization in which individuals have multiplied to the zenith.

However, this is such a civilization.

It has also given birth to countless strange beings.

For example, in the hunter civilization, it has a very high status.

The existence second only to the king - the prophet.

They are the guides of hunter civilization.

Although the prophets of all ages have the highest cultivation level, they are only half a step into eternity.

But its status is no less than ordinary eternity.

Even the three kings of the hunter civilization are respectful.

But now, their great prophet is vomiting blood and muttering to himself

"I'm coming"

"What's coming?"

A sudden voice sounded in the prophet's ears.

Along with it, a strange figure appeared next to the great prophet.

This figure was completely black. It had scales. It had a ferocious face. It looked like an insect's facial features.

But His eyes are extremely sharp.

However, what is shocking is his arms.

They are like blades.

And this is the famous eternal life form of the hunter civilization. 07

If we use the culture of the starry sky and heaven and earth to translate, it is the blade.

The blade is eternal.

And now, he came to the prophet and asked about the situation.

He had a close relationship with the prophet.

To a certain extent, he wanted to call the prophet a foster father.


"That one has come."

The prophet laughed, and the joy on his face could not be concealed.


Blade Eternal looked stunned.

"I have said before that our hunter civilization is facing an unimaginable catastrophe."

"And the source of that catastrophe is the wizard civilization"

"You have also seen the wars and wars over the years...."

"Even if we are as powerful as us, we have no chance of winning against the wizard civilization."

"But there is no absolute truth"

"Our glimmer of hope lies in this one person."

This prophet explained.

But the next moment, as if he sensed something, his expression suddenly changed.


One after another, thunderclouds gathered above his head at some unknown moment.

That is the cloud of chaos.

The most terrifying


There was a loud laugh, but the prophet was not afraid at all:

"The blade is ready to meet him"


As the words fell, the prophet pointed out


Between the ripples, an extremely blurry figure appeared in the air.

And at this time, if Yu Ziyu is here.

You will definitely be shocked to find that this is actually his true form now.

It has the head of a human and the body of a dragon, with two crawling dragons on its shoulders.

Extremely domineering

"Is this the one?"

As Blade murmured, he saw an indescribable thunder falling from the sky.


In the sudden roar, the prophet also turned into ashes.

In this regard, Dao Feng's expression did not change.

In the collision with the wizard civilization again and again, their prophet has long been exhausted.

Now, it's just a matter of holding on.

But now, he must have seen hope.

Saw the hunter's hope

"Have a good trip, foster father."

Muttering, the blade stepped forward.

He wanted to greet this stranger in his own way.

But before that, he wanted to know why his adoptive father said that he was the glimmer of hope for hunter civilization..

Is it possible that he is very strong?

Or is it something else?

Daofeng is puzzled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Time passes slowly, and thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye. There is no time in the chaos, and Yu Ziyu wanders He was silently observing near the hunter civilization.

He did not show up. He was just observing nearby.

He even noticed some traces of eternal life forms.

It was estimated that it was either the hunter civilization or the eternity of the wizard civilization.

But he still didn't Take action.

All along, Yu Ziyu has been thinking about how he will appear.

Also, how he can combine vertical and horizontal lines.

These are all things that need to be considered.

However, on this day, Yu Ziyu, who was in deep chaos, was shocked.

"It’s finally done!"

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flashing.

He seemed to be showing excitement.

All along, Yu Ziyu lacked offensive means.

Although he practiced hard and relied on evolutionary points to constantly deduce.

But he never had a good one. Progress.

However, today, everything broke.

Just because he created a great magical power of his own.

This great magical power is called - Tianyuan Strike.

As the name suggests, it has only one move.

However, that is Such a move is what Yu Ziyu considers to be the ultimate attack.

It contains endless mysteries, and the combination of magical powers is vast. Yu Ziyu used Sumeru's technique of turning mustard seeds into a fusion of thousands of magical powers, supplemented by several great magical powers, and This strike can only be struck with the forbidden magical power of Genesis - the power to turn the impossible into possible.

And this is the Tianyuan Strike.

Yu Ziyu doesn't know how powerful this great magical power is.

He has never tried it.

But at the moment when he completed the cultivation, he felt something in his heart.

It was as if a great terror in the dark was coming.

"With one strike of Tianyuan, everything was destroyed."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu stood up.

He wanted to greet the distinguished guests.


Yu Ziyu said hello, his eyes flickering as he looked into the vast chaos.

Vaguely, he saw a dark figure. He didn't know how long he had been waiting.

"Are you the one in the prophecy? 180"


Yu Ziyu was thoughtful.

Then he remembered that not long ago, someone spied on the river of destiny and spied on his figure.

"I see."

With the corner of her mouth slightly raised, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"Someone must have seen the future and knew that I was coming."

The visitor nodded slightly, but then changed the subject:

"However, I don't believe you."

The intersection of spiritual thoughts turned into shocking thunder.

It was two powerful spiritual thoughts colliding. It was like the supreme power fighting.

In one thought, all the chaos was shattered.

With Yu Ziyu and this one The chaos with the unknown figure at the center was constantly experiencing terrible explosions.

However, just in this moment, Yu Ziyu also completely took a peek at this figure.

【Race: Hunting clan.

Level: Middle Eternity.

Law: The Law of Knife - a kind of human law, is the way of killing. The sharp blade is enough to cut off everything. Even the divine iron is as fragile as paper in front of him.


Eighth Intuition——The eighth intuition that transcends the ordinary world...

Hunting sense - a natural hunter, able to quickly capture all enemy weaknesses...


Devouring Evolution - Able to continuously devour and evolve.

The speed of the blade - turns into the light of the blade and disappears in a flash....】

Unimaginably luxurious panels.

At a glance, it seems like there is no end in sight..

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