
There was a sudden roar, and a sky-reaching energy beam pierced the heaven and earth, heading straight to the end of chaos.

Along with this, countless flying dragon knights disappeared into the chaos like flying ashes.

That terrifying energy beam was suffocating.

Under one shot, no flying dragon knight could withstand it.


With their eyes widened, each of the flying dragon knights couldn't believe it.

But at this moment, there was more light shining on the bloody city wall.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

One roar after another, countless energy beams intertwined in the chaos.

Like a canopy, covering half of the battlefield

"damn it."

I don't know where the curse came from.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely burly flying dragon"530" knight suddenly rose into the air.

"Witchcraft - Gigantization."

The moment the words fell, his body continued to expand.

In just a moment, he turned into a giant with his feet on chaos, standing tall on the sky and the earth.

He stood in front of thousands of flying dragon knights.

He actually blocked these countless energy beams with his body.

And On the other side, a flying dragon soared into the sky.

When it opened its mouth, it spit out a fireball like a star.


Along with a loud noise, the energy beam collided with the fireball, causing a shocking roar.

Just the wind and waves caused by the aftermath caused countless fifth-level beings to fly backwards.

The battle continues.

But the arrival of the soul creation seemed to break a certain balance.

In terms of destructive power alone, they dominate the hierarchy.

But the problem is...

They seem to be tireless and tireless.

One shot after another.

But now, a small army of soul creations opened fire at the same time.

They continue to gather the power of chaos.

Then decompose and transform...

Until it forms the energy it needs.

Spew out again

"Boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom..."

One roar after another, the energy beam seemed to have no end, sweeping across the entire battlefield.

At this time, God Speed ​​Eternal was also surprised when he saw this scene.

He has also seen the technological weapons of Demon Court.

But those weapons are extremely sophisticated and require a large number of people to control them.

And, more critically, it is easily damaged.

But what the hell are these?

Let’s not talk about why there is life?

Just the fact that they are controlling themselves and repairing themselves now is very strange. this...

"This is the soul creation of Soul Mother, very interesting"

"Give objects life, and then give them wisdom and growth..."

Yu Ziyu controlled the body of the sea of ​​blood and sighed

"A creation of the soul."

God Speed ​​Eternal raised his eyebrows.

He was a little surprised.

However, from Yu Ziyu's mouth, he still understood this kind of existence.

"I can only say that this is very good and deserves to be vigorously developed."

Speed ​​and Eternity affirmed

"I feel it too."

Yu Ziyu slowly raised his eyes and looked at the battlefield. He was also impressed by the soul creations that were constantly working hard to output.

They were all weapons forged for destruction.

They were born for destruction and destruction.

However, their shortcomings The control is cumbersome and complicated.

If it is output for a long time, it may damage itself.

But after Soul Mother gives them life, everything is different.

These so-called weapons become life themselves.

They can control themselves at the same time.

What's more , Being able to adjust and repair itself.

This is terrifying.

Can you imagine?

How terrifying would it be to have a fort that never stops operating and continuously fires giant cannons?

And this is the so-called creation of the soul. (To read the Baoshuang novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, the starry sky and the earth.

Yu Ziyu also told the soul mother about the results of the soul creation.

"Sounds surprisingly good."

The soul mother smiled, with a look of satisfaction on her face.

"In this case, you will have to work hard from now on."

Yu Ziyu is straightforward.


The corner of Soul Mother's eyes twitched fiercely.

This guy, sometimes I really want to beat him to death

"I can work hard, but is there any benefit? I heard them say that you are a very generous guy. 0........."

The soul mother smiled and looked at Yu Ziyu expectantly.

According to Valkyrie Vengeance and others, the Lord of Time and Space is extremely wealthy.

Sitting on the first treasure house of the starry sky and heaven and earth.

There are countless treasures inside that will make the heart beat forever.

Not only that, he is also regarded as the number one sacred tree in the world.

He is the ancestor of the sacred tree clan.

The sacred tree of enlightenment, the sacred tree of Bodhi, the sacred tree of flat peach and so on, one after another, all follow him.

As for these sacred trees, to put it bluntly, even existences like Soul Mother are jealous.


Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

Is this woman plotting against him?

But, yes.

After all, Soul Mother is making a contribution to the starry sky.

Not giving any benefits is really too much.

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu also spoke directly:

"Let's do this, if you can create a good army of soul creations, I will leave the Enlightenment Sacred Tree to your care."

The Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

It is extremely terrifying.

It can help people realize enlightenment, even for the Eternal Lord.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu plans to hand over the Divine Tree of Enlightenment to the care of the Soul Mother.

Not only the Divine Tree of Enlightenment, but also the Peach Divine Tree, and the rest The sacred tree of heaven and earth...

It is not a good thing for these sacred trees of heaven and earth to follow Yu Ziyu all the time.

Only being with the Eternal Lord is their destination.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

While they were helping the Eternal Venerable, the Eternal Venerable was also helping them.

This is complementary

"Every eternal venerable has his own way"

"The divine tree of heaven and earth can absorb their Tao and grow..."

While sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also felt that he really needed to think about these sacred trees of heaven and earth.

They have been following themselves, isn’t it because they are seeking enlightenment?

Nowadays, there are many Eternal Venerables around him.

If we support each other, we may be able to make further progress.

And this must be what the God Tree wants to see.

"The Divine Tree of Enlightenment can follow the Soul Mother"

"The Peach God Tree can follow the Valkyrie of Vengeance..."

"As for other...You can ask their opinions then"

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