The Soul Mother's soul creation was very successful.

In this way, some in-depth cooperation between Demon Court and Soul Mother can be arranged.

As for whether Soul Mother is willing or not.

Yu Ziyu smiled.

Leave everything to the mechanical pioneers and future guardian warriors.

They should go and convince the Soul Mother themselves.

However, it seems that Soul Mother is still very willing.

However, the price is estimated to be quite high.

"What the Soul Mother likes is the soul. There must be many people in Demon Court who have reached the end of their life span in recent years."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's eyes flashed.

The lifespan of living beings is limited.

Even the master is like this.

In addition, years of fighting, the hidden wounds left behind, and other people who want to truly live to the realm of mastership, The limit is really not that difficult

"According to statistics from major forces, the average lifespan of a master is only seven thousand years."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also showed a complicated expression.

Normally, a master-level existence can live to be one hundred thousand years old.

Or even hundreds of thousands years old.

Some races with incredible life spans can easily live a million years.

It can be called Living fossil.

But in fact, being able to live for tens of thousands of years is pretty good.

Not to mention the various secret methods that consume lifespan and the hidden injuries accumulated in battles.

It is difficult to survive just one disaster after another.

Especially, Over the years, the starry sky and the earth have been fighting continuously.

First they fought against the mutant civilization, and then they fought against the divine blood world. Now they are even more anxious with the wizard civilization.

The so-called masters are just ants on such a battlefield.

They may fall at some point.

Therefore, it is very sad.

Yu Ziyu will not interfere in the transaction between Demon Court and Soul Mother.

In fact, Yu Ziyu tacitly agrees that Soul Mother can harvest the souls of all living beings in the starry sky.

In this regard, Soul Mother also has her own standards.

She only harvests two types.

One kind. They are strong men whose lifespan is about to come to an end.

One kind is a strong man who is seriously injured and cannot recover.

This is what Soul Mother said herself.

Harvesting wantonly will break the balance of the starry sky, heaven and earth.

Soul Mother still understands this very well.

"Although we value eternity, we still have to maintain the balance and movement of heaven and earth as much as possible."

Recalling what Soul Mother said, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but laugh.

This woman is indeed an old monster who has lived for hundreds of millions of years. She can see everything clearly.

However, at this moment, she seemed to have received some news. , Yu Ziyu suddenly turned around

"I have something to do, so go ahead."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Ziyu had disappeared into the starry sky and the earth.

At this time, deep in the chaos, a cry suddenly sounded.


This cry resounded through the chaos.

But it sounds extremely nice.

It's like a fairy playing music, and it's like a sermon sounding.

And this is the cry of the Phoenix Clan.

The Phoenix tribe is the head of all birds.

If it weren't for the scarcity of the tribe, it would be another extremely powerful race.

And from such a powerful race, another terrifying strong man will emerge today.

Just because this is a breakthrough.

Still trying to hit half a step into eternity.

Suddenly, a willow leaf floated from the end of the chaos.

For a moment, as the willow leaves were turning, a figure appeared.

This is Yu Ziyu.

He just felt that there was a strong person in the starry sky attacking Half-Step Eternity, so he came here specially.

From here, we can also see how terrifying Yu Ziyu is in controlling the stars, heaven and earth.

Even if he breaks through in the depths of chaos, Yu Ziyu can easily capture it.

The current Yu Ziyu seems to be rooted in chaos.

But in fact, his roots and branches have spread to every corner of the starry sky.

Perhaps there is a world in the starry sky and earth where the sacred tree transformed from his tree roots has taken root.

Perhaps, his roots spread deep in a planet in the starry sky and earth.

This is Yu Ziyu.

The true Lord of the Starry Sky.

Of course, this kind of control is unknown to outsiders.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, Yu Ziyu has already severed his connection with the starry sky and heaven and earth.

And this is also true.

However, Yu Ziyu's roots and branches continue to spread.

I don’t know when the starry sky and the earth have been enveloped.

Even spreading towards the more distant chaos...(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Was it this girl who made the breakthrough?"

Yu Ziyu was a little stunned.

He raised his eyes and looked into the depths of chaos. There, a beautiful figure wrapped in black gauze stood quietly.

Behind it, there were nine jet black feathers.

A pair of eyes as bright and bright as obsidian..

Her facial features are extremely delicate.

So delicate that they are not like what can be found in the human world.

This is the immortal demon phoenix.

Yu Ziyu’s general.

Later, she joined the Phoenix clan and became the ancestor of the Phoenix clan. She has relatively little contact with Yu Ziyu.

However, she There is another identity.

That is, she is a member of the Time Management Bureau.

Because her eyes can peek into the future and involve time.

But I didn't expect that this person would actually be impacting half a step into eternity.

"I thought the next one to hit Half Step Eternity would be the Kyuubi, or..."

Yu Ziyu smiled.

He is naturally happy when a strong man steps out of the starry sky.

What's more, this one is his general

"The Immortal Demon Phoenix possesses the immortal power of the Phoenix clan, and also possesses the power of time. It cannot be underestimated as it takes half a step into eternity."

Yu Ziyu sighed.

Yu Ziyu is still very optimistic about Demon Phoenix.

Although this person has a cold personality, I do n't even have much communication with him.

But his talent and potential are nothing to say.

Especially after leaving him, he joined the Phoenix clan. , and even have the inheritance of the Phoenix Clan.

The Phoenix Clan has the foundation of the most powerful clan. It is extremely terrifying.

In the past, one era after another, many Eternal Lords have emerged.

Like the earliest Immortal Divine Phoenix...

That one, known as the number one phoenix of all times, is also the unrivaled figure in ancient and modern times.

There was also the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl who walked out later.

That person was transformed into a black bird from the Phoenix Clan.

Also amazing

"Could it be that in this era, another Eternal Lord from the Phoenix Clan has emerged?"

Yu Ziyu's eyes flickered, looking at the immortal demon phoenix who was still breaking through in the distance.

The spiritual light spurted out of her body.

Visible to the naked eye, half of her body was crystallizing.

That was eternity.

It is the body that is extremely critical. A breakthrough.

When her soul also undergoes a qualitative change.

Then the body and soul are united, and another eternity is about to emerge.

However, the transformation of the body is easy, but the transformation of the soul is not as difficult as it is.

Maybe she will never reach this point in her life. Soil..

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