Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed.

The war between the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth and the vanguard of the wizard civilization has become anxious.

However, this is not enough.

According to the promise of the Life Tribunal, he will let the bloody city wall stand firm for millions of years.

Now, it is only a few hundred years, nearly a thousand years.

This is still a long way from a million years ago

"Just try hard."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu looked expectant.

He knew that the Life Tribunal was working hard.

The mutant civilization and the divine blood civilization were both working hard.

Nowadays, the mutant civilization is pretty good for the divine blood clan.

It can even be said to be not weak..

It has given most of the divine blood clan a sense of belonging.

Moreover, the Life Tribunal also allows racial intermarriage between the divine blood clan and the mutant civilization.

This further accelerates the integration of the two civilizations.

However, to be honest,

In fact, this is not what the Life Court wants to see.

He originally wanted to integrate slowly.

Now, the integration is accelerated through intermarriage.

To a large extent, it is because the threat of wizard civilization is imminent.

He has no better choice.

In order to truly conquer the divine blood clan. 600 In order to better resist the wizard civilization, he could only do this. And this, Yu Ziyu just looked at.


However, he asked Soul Mother for her opinion.

Soul Mother, this woman, is quite frank.

"The divine blood race is not my race, so what does it have to do with me?"

This is a fact.

The Soul Mother rules the Heroic Spirit Clan, and most of the Heroic Spirit Clan are in her world.

And that world is called the Heroic Spirit World.

It is a world created by the Soul Mother.

It is only to accommodate thousands of people. Thousands of people.

However, now, the world of heroic spirits has become one of the worlds of the starry sky.

This is also what Yu Ziyu suggested.

The world of heroic spirits will not grow in the hands of the soul mother.

But if it can be integrated into the world of the stars, it will happen with the world of the stars. Resonance.

Maybe we can go one step further.

This is of great benefit to the world of heroic spirits. It is even more beneficial to the countless members of the heroic spirit clan.

So, there is another big world in the starry sky and the world.

And Yu Ziyu is also thinking about it.

The starry sky and the earth The reason why there are ten thousand worlds.

Is it because of this?

The worlds created by the most powerful people one after another are eventually integrated into the starry sky and world and become part of the starry sky and world.

For example, the void and the nine worlds created by Yu Ziyu now.

After countless epochs, will there also be a big world in the starry sky and heaven and earth?

This is really uncertain.

But compared to the extremely long war of civilizations,

Yu Ziyu is more concerned about the situation on the other side of the prehistoric world.

On the other side of the prehistoric world , another immeasurable calamity has set off.

This time, the immeasurable calamity is a battle between Buddhism and Taoism and the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld.

To be more precise, it is good and evil.

Buddhism, Heaven, and Taoism...There are also all living beings who are bound to destroy the evil spirits.

And the so-called evil spirits are naturally the Netherworld Blood Sea, the demon clan, etc.

This is an unimaginable war.

It also affected the entire prehistoric era.

Go up to heaven and go down to hell.

All are set off by fighting.

Heaven and Buddhism are indeed terrible.

But the Netherworld Blood Sea, accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, is not a vegetarian.

There are also monsters.

Even if he is still alive.

There are also strong men who still exist today.

Not to mention, over the years, the Monster Clan has produced many talented people.

For example, Tiger Emperor.

Another example is Spider Woman.

These big monsters are extremely mysterious.

But the methods are all Tongxuan.

Even scarier than those of the older generation. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, among these great monsters, the most dazzling one is none other than the famous Monkey King. (dbdf)Now, the Buddha is judged to be a demon.

Known as Qitian.

A wish-fulfilling golden cudgel dominates the three realms.

You must know that this person’s title in Buddhism is the Victorious Buddha.

Known for its fighting prowess.

After becoming a Buddha, he devoted himself to practicing Buddhism for thousands of years and accumulated a lot of time.

Now that he has accumulated a lot of experience, his combat power has become truly profound.

As for why he betrayed Buddhism.

Nobody knows.

But everyone knows that the Monkey King's combat power is beyond imagination.

The Tathagata back then still imagined that he would be suppressed by the Five Fingers Mountain in the past.

That was already a dream.

Just because on that day, it was in the sky above Lingxiao Palace.

A Ruyi golden hoop slammed down.

Thousands of immortals all took action, but they couldn't resist it.

In the end, Erlang Shen Yang Jian walked out.

Only then did he catch it forcefully.

But it was this stick that made Erlang Shen Yang Jian stunned for a long time.

When did this Monkey King have such fighting power?

Before Erlang Shen Yang Jian could be more stunned, a shocking blow struck again

"If heaven wants to destroy me, I will destroy heaven; if earth wants to bury me, I will bury me in the earth."

The voice of the Monkey King resounded throughout the world.

But it lost the peace of the past.

Instead, there was a touch of unprecedented violence and madness.

And the reason for this is that the Monkey King completely remembered it....

I remembered.

Everything about him, his life, is under the calculation of others.

From the birth of Huaguo Mountain to becoming a disciple.

There is also a havoc in the Heavenly Palace and a journey to the west to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

Everything about him is planned by others.

Not only that, in order to better tame him, Buddhism even brought out his mental ape and asked him to get rid of it himself.

This also almost ended his path to enlightenment.

This is Buddhism.

This is heaven.

Therefore, Monkey King finally stopped suppressing his other side.

That is the side of the demon clan.

It is extremely crazy and violent.

However, it was precisely because of his violence and madness that he went one step further.

Set foot on the top of Quasi-Saint.

His combat power is even close to that of Kong Xuan in the past.

However, here, Tiansheng must thank one person for his help.

To be more precise, it's a tree.

It taught in dreams and helped him achieve enlightenment.

Who is this tree?

Monkey King doesn't know.

However, Monkey King knows that this guy is very, very strong.

Incredibly powerful.

Simply because the techniques it teaches are more terrifying than the last.

For example, what is the method of winning a battle?

Or, for example, the legendary Eight Secrets of Taoism.

He had never heard of these.

But it actually greatly improved his combat power..

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