Listening to the extremely confident words of Shenshu Eternal, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

The speed and eternity were in front of him, and he was particularly confident. good.

Not bad indeed.

What is needed is this confidence.

But, Yu

Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly and said bluntly,"

It's best to pay attention. The current war is no better than before."

"Don't worry, I'm very fast and there will never be any accidents."

Godspeed Eternal is smiling.

Except for the Lord of Time and Space, no one in Chaos can keep him.

To be blunt, even the Beyonder wants to keep him, it is difficult.

But the Lord of Time and Space has no choice.

Law restraint.

One hand seals space.

The other hand stops time.

No matter how fast the speed is, it can only stare at it.

Therefore, the speed of eternity respects Yu Ziyu very much.

But most of the other eternities, he does not pay attention to.

Just like the one from the previous wizard civilization The Eternal Lord.

If his strength had not been fully restored, he would most likely have forced him into a desperate situation.

Soon after, Yu Ziyu controlled the body of the sea of ​​​​blood and left, leaving God Speed ​​Eternal alone to guard the bloody city wall.

As for himself, Going to a corner of chaos

"Subordinate, pay homage to your master."

With one knee on the ground, an extremely mysterious and extraordinary figure bowed his head in front of Yu Ziyu.

This is the original beast.

The first beast.

It is extremely extraordinary, and its combat power has reached eternity.

Coupled with the two powers on its back, it is not simple..

To put it bluntly, if the Eternal Lord confronts him, he may overturn.

So....He is very powerful.

It can even be said to be terrifying

"How about the thing I asked you to do?"

Yu Ziyu asked curiously

"Reporting back to the master, everything is as you ordered, I have sneaked into the vanguard of the wizard civilization."

The primitive beast answered truthfully.

He inherited the evolutionary law of Purple Scythe and can evolve towards any creature.

This can be regarded as the most powerful disguise.

Even if it is ordinary and eternal, it is difficult to peek into its essence.

Because this is not the art of change.

It's evolution.

It's the dual evolution of life and soul.

"That's it."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

He was very satisfied.

Now, the primitive beast has infiltrated the vanguard of the wizard civilization.

There is a lot of potential.

War is always the fastest place to climb.

If the primitive beast seizes the opportunity, it may be possible. Being able to reach the sky in one step as the vanguard of the wizard civilization.

At that time, the vanguard of the wizard civilization was at the mercy of Yu Ziyu.

Yu Ziyu had done this kind of operation before in Blue Star.

He arranged for Ling'er to sneak into the human race and then take power..

Now, he has arranged for primitive beasts to sneak into the wizarding civilization.

To be honest, this kind of tactic is very common on the battlefield.

Isn’t it the so-called spy?

But the problem is that there are very few spies who are not discovered.

In today's wizarding civilization, especially those with a certain status, they will check again and again.

What they are afraid of is spies sneaking in.

But the problem is that the primitive beast has eternal combat power.

And it is burdened with the law of evolution.

He is like this Existence, even in front of the eternal wizard, will not be half empty.

It is naturally difficult to discover.


"Go ahead."

As Yu Ziyu finished speaking, the figure of the primitive beast slowly dissipated like bubbles.

This was just a ray of his projection.

At this time, deep in the wizard's advance troops, in a white holy tower, a figure suddenly raised the corners of his mouth. There is a subtle arc.

He is a wizard apprentice. He is only a third-level transcendent.

He follows a great wizard and learns the work. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, what no one knows is that his eyes The outline of a beast was reflected in the depths.

And that was the primitive beast.

He sneaked into the vanguard of the wizard civilization and became a wizard apprentice.

As for the original wizard apprentice, naturally everything was integrated into the primitive beast. The body.

Genes, blood, and even memories.

Everything is swallowed up.

Therefore, this is a perfect disguise that cannot be discovered.

In this regard, the primitive beast is very confident

"This is wizard civilization."

The primitive beast sighed and raised his eyes to look at the bustling wizards.

Most of them were wearing robes and holding staffs, shuttling through the streets.

At a glance, this seemed to be a huge city.

Beautiful and prosperous.

This is just a third-level city in the wizard's advance force.

The cities here are divided into nine levels. They correspond to the extraordinary ninth level.

In the third-level city, the strongest is the extraordinary fourth level.

In the fifth-level city, the strongest is the extraordinary. Level 6. As for level 9 cities, it is more like a complete world than a city.

There are only three of them in the entire wizarding civilization.

They can be regarded as wizarding civilizations and indestructible main cities.

"More prosperous and rich than I imagined."

With a sigh, the primitive beast has completely integrated into this identity.

He will follow the order of the Lord of Time and Space to sneak into this civilization.

Then, step by step, he will move towards the peak.

And Yu Ziyu is also looking forward to this.

The primitive beast, It can be regarded as a secret move on his part.

Being able to hide it all the time is definitely the best.

If it can't be hidden, it would be terrible for a chaotic behemoth with eternal combat power to suddenly break out in the wizarding civilization. It would be like a nuclear weapon exploding in the city.

It is an immeasurable blow to the entire advance force of wizard civilization.

However, this is just the beginning.

Yu Ziyu still has to make more arrangements

"I want to cannibalize wizard civilization as much as possible."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand


Amidst the sudden roar, there was actually a hazy blood shadow blooming in his palm.

This is the magical power of Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

It's called the Holy Law of Fighting.

It can condense a shadow of martial arts born for fighting to help the host fight.

Extremely scary.

But now, Yu Ziyu summoned this martial arts shadow.

He even promised a blood god son.

"Go ahead and fight on the battlefield"


With a response, the bloody shadow turned into a stream of light and headed straight for the bloody city wall.

The shadow of martial arts is the most terrifying.

It can be regarded as the ultimate incarnation of martial arts. If you give him time to grow, he will definitely transform into another god of war..

However, this is also an attempt by Yu Ziyu.

If possible, Yu Ziyu will promise more Blood God Sons, and then continue to release blood clones.

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