The bloody ocean is boundless.

It seems to carry the whole world.

And that is the true body of Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

He finally manifested himself in chaos in his true form.

And at the moment he manifested,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One roar after another, countless bloody giant waves rolled back in the bloody ocean.

One weight after another.

There seems to be no end.

Until it turned into a bloody wave

"I wonder if your dark wave can block my bloody wave."

Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood laughed out loud.

Then, he raised his steps and waved his right hand.


Just a roar was heard, and the terrifying blood-colored waves crashed towards the boundless wave of darkness.


""Nine six three" a sudden loud noise resounded throughout the chaos.

Darkness and blood were entangled in an instant.

"Roar, roar. Roar...."

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Continuous roars suddenly sounded.

That is the fusion army under the wave of darkness.

The entire dark wave is the Fusion ArmyTransformed by the Shadow Army.

It looks like a wave.

In fact, it is the charge of countless fusion beasts.

But now, in the collision between two pairs, these fusion giant beasts all roared and howled wildly.

It seems to turn everything in front of it into pieces.

It's just a pity.

What they encountered was Yu Ziyu's clone, the body of the sea of ​​blood.

Although it looks like one person. but enough

"Let's go to war, Asura clan."

Suddenly speaking, in the boundless ocean where Yu Ziyu's blood-sea body was transformed, blood-colored whirlpools rose up one after another.

And in that whirlpool, countless ferocious figures like demons slowly rose up.

They It is the Asura clan.

It is an extremely warlike and extremely powerful race.

And this race is attached to Yu Ziyu's body of sea of ​​blood.

Just like bacteria on human beings.

The Asura clan is also on Yu Ziyu's body of sea of ​​blood.

And , and more importantly, as a subsidiary race of the Blood Sea Body, Yu Ziyu’s Blood Sea Body has never given up on cultivating them.


"fight, fight..."

"To drag them all overboard."

Hahaha, I didn't expect that someone would really dare to fight with us in the sea of ​​blood.

"What a thrill."

With repeated calls, countless Asuras became excited.

A battle with them already made them ecstatic.

But these guys, without any brains, actually fought with them in the boundless sea of ​​blood.

You know, the sea of ​​blood is their home field..

And it’s a natural home court.

In a place like this, will they lose? Even if they tell it, they themselves don’t believe it.



With loud shouts in unison, countless strong men from the Asura clan charged out.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With continuous roars, the entire chaos exploded with blood.

That is the blood of the Fusion Legion and the blood of the Asura clan.

In just a short moment, they seemed to have fought a thousand times.

Extremely cruel.

But what's heart-stopping is that it's as powerful as the Fusion Behemoth, and it can't do anything to the Asura clan.

Even fell into a disadvantage

"What race is this and why is it so cruel?"

"My God, aren't they afraid of death?"

"Are you kidding me, being so cruel?"

The Asura clan is extremely mysterious and low-key.

Therefore, not many people know their existence.

But now, everyone is dumbfounded.

Just because they saw the most cruel and violent race.

They seemed not to be afraid. ,.

They don’t know death.

Moreover, they are also very good at fighting.

The fused giant beast swallowed an Asura tribesman in one bite.

But more Asura tribesmen swarmed up and hacked the tribesmen to death. (It’s so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Blood dyed the body red.

But the stronger fighting spirit continued to rise.


When the fighting was about to begin, these Asura tribesmen rushed towards the dark wave with broken arms and lameness, regardless of their injuries.

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour has passed.

But since the war between heaven and earth, the most cruel war, actually broke out....

That is the ultimate fight between the fused giant beast and the Asura clan.

Crazy and cruel.

I don’t know what fear is.

For the first time, someone saw such a crazy race.

Fusion behemoth is okay.

They are the product of experimentation.

Don't know fear.

No emotion.

But what about these Asura clan?

No one knows why they are so crazy.

And what’s even more terrifying is, aren’t they afraid of death?

Looking at the figures who never took a step back, countless people were frightened.

However, what no one noticed at this time was that drop after drop of blood continued to drip into the bloody ocean.

It makes the boundless ocean of blood become even more pure and rich.

That was Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood, devouring the fusion beast and the power of the Asura clan.

The Asura clan won't mind this.

Yu Ziyu's body of blood gave birth to them.

They died in the sea of ​​​​blood, which was the greatest honor for them.

Just like the human soul returning to its homeland.

Their Asura clan also returned their souls to the sea of ​​blood.

What's more, their death can make the endless sea of ​​blood stronger.

Therefore, the Asura clan is never afraid of death.

The only thing they fear is death without fighting

"It's really interesting."

Suddenly sighing, Yu Ziyu's Blood Sea Body 2.7 raised the corners of his mouth slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

He could feel that his power was growing. Although many of the Asura clan's successors died in battles, these battles Many of the dead Asura clan have become his blood droplets.

In other words, they have become part of his great power, the blood god.

As for the fusion legion, although they can be fused, they are all flesh and blood fusions.

But now, they Fighting with the Asura clan on the sea of ​​blood.

Just after death, before their flesh and blood could merge, countless flesh and blood had already fallen into the bloody ocean, and then the bloody ocean swallowed it.

To a certain extent, Yu Ziyu's blood sea The body is really the nemesis of the Fusion Legion.

Just because, Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood can swallow everything.

Even flesh and blood will be swallowed up.

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