The wizarding civilization is very confident.

This confidence does not come out of thin air.

But it was achieved one victory after another.

Maybe they have failed, but the balance of victory will eventually tilt in their favor.

But now, the star singer has calm eyes

"The real war has arrived"

"May you return in triumph."

Listening to the voice of the Star Language singer, everyone was shocked.

"Yes, Lady Diva." responded in unison, and countless strong men of the wizarding civilization showed excitement.

The new war has finally arrived.

At this moment, the Divine Blood World and the Life Tribunal have begun to move toward Yu Ziyu and others through the teleportation array. People started reporting.

Regarding this, Yu Ziyu and the Beyonders just listened quietly and did not express their opinions.

"The wizarding civilization has only revealed the tip of the iceberg, and it is already extremely terrifying."

Listening to the life court's narration, Yu Ziyu also looked surprised:

"Is their fusion army so interesting?"

"It's not funny, it's downright scary."

The Life Tribunal emphasized

"This is just one of their legions, and I don’t know about the other legions, but even this is...."

"No problem."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu said frankly,"

The existence of the fusion legion is indeed unexpected, but the natural disasters of the undead in our starry sky world are not weak.

In terms of legion, Yu Ziyu considers himself not weaker than others.

Especially the existence of the fallen angel legion....It made Yu Ziyu even more confident.

This is the Starry Sky and the First Legion.

It is also the first legion in chaos.

And this is true. the reason is simple.

The rest of the Forbidden Legion, no matter how powerful they are, is only the accumulation of one era.

But what about the Fallen Angel Legion?

It is continual reincarnation, continual reincarnation.

It is a supreme legion built on the two greatest treasures, the Reincarnation Pool and the Three Rebirth Divine Stones.

Yes, supreme.

Its existence has surpassed the Forbidden Legion and reached a whole new level.

And this is the so-called supreme army!

"The existence of the Fallen Angel Legion gives me an invincible trump card in legion battles~."

"Therefore, no matter how terrifying the legions are, I am not afraid."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the Court of Life and continued:

"You should try to resist first. If you can't resist, we can provide appropriate support."


With a slight nod, the Life Tribunal also accepted the order. What he wanted was these words from the Lord of Time and Space.

Although he was confident that he could resist the advance troops of wizard civilization.

But he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In case, wizard civilization Give him a big one.

It won't be fun.

And, more importantly, the Lord of Time and Space and the Beyonder are obviously unwilling to take action.

It's more like sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

If you don't understand the plan of the two of them, , the Life Tribunal thought that they and even the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth were their abandoned sons.


He needs a commitment.

Soon after, the Life Tribunal disconnected from Yu Ziyu and began to prepare for the invasion of the wizard civilization.

As for Yu Ziyu and those who transcend.

Then he started practicing as usual.

However, at this time, the Transcendent suddenly spoke and asked:

"You say, should I go and have fun with the advance troops of wizard civilization?"

Looking at the eager Transcendent, Yu Ziyu stopped him and said:

"I advise you not to"

"Alerting someone in the grass will affect some of my plans." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Listen quietly, those who transcend are also helpless

"All right."

With a sigh, he also gave up this plan.

He really had the urge to go to the wizard civilization advance team to have fun.

Especially when he heard Yu Ziyu say that the black wizard king was so powerful, he was even more excited.

But now, After all, it is no better than before.

In the past, he was almost alone.

He did everything based on his own mood and anger.

But now, he and Yu Ziyu are cooperating.

They want to jointly conquer the Great Ancestor.


Suppressing the impulse in his heart, the Transcendent planned to retreat

"Next, I will retreat, and you can take charge of the overall situation."

If you need anything, just call me.

The moment the words fell, the Transcendent turned around and disappeared into the chaos.

Yu Ziyu was left alone with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"It seems that the Transcendent has gone crazy."

Chaos Bell Zhenling said with a smile.

"He was indeed panicking, but it was fast, really fast"

"Next, countless fierce battles await him."

Yu Ziyu's eyes were slightly condensed, and there was a hint of deep complexity on his face.

Time passed slowly, and hundreds of years had passed since the vanguard of the wizard civilization attacked the bloody city wall.

However, that was indeed a beginning.

Later, , the wizard civilization organized fusion legions to attack again and again.

One hundred years is a period.

Every hundred years, they can cultivate countless fusion behemoths.

Then these behemoths gather into a torrent.

Like a tide, they move towards the bloody city wall. Spread.

On this side, the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth are not to be outdone.

Each major force, with a twenty-year cycle, sends troops to garrison the city walls.

First comes the Eastern Cultivation, and then the extraordinary powers.

Finally, there is the Divine Blood clan....

The major forces took turns guarding and resisting.

This is the war of civilizations.

The purpose is to consume each other.

It is also a test of how quickly each can develop their own strength.

However, at present, it seems that the wizard civilization is better.

Their fusion army is really endless.

Round after round.

As for the Divine Blood World, all the forces have weakened a lot.

The new strength has not yet grown up. (Good money) The older generation has withered away.

In the long run, exhaustion of potential and foundation will inevitably lead to

".It is indeed not an option to continue like this."

With a sigh, a wise man from the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth also said frankly:

"We must think of a way to suppress their fusion legion as soon as possible"


Nodding, another person also said frankly:

"For now, we already know a lot about their fusion army."

"They are cultivated by wizards individually. Every extraordinary fourth-level wizard has an internal space. Through this space, they can cultivate fusion beasts. A wizard can train tens of thousands of them in a hundred years, so a hundred wizards or a thousand wizards will equal tens of millions of fusion beasts."

"But the problem is, there are not just hundreds of them, but thousands of wizards..."

"If you want to suppress their fusion army, you must deal with its source, which is the wizards"

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