Those with strong winds are not weak.

But he eventually fell into the encirclement of the advance team of wizard civilization.

Moreover, the one who attacked him was a wizard from the eighth level of Tianmen.

Different from the opponents he had encountered before.

This wizard is extremely weird.

Like a mage, but able to control ferocious beasts.

What's even more terrifying is that he is also good at curse-like spells.

After only a moment of fighting, the Windbreaker already felt that his strength had been reduced by more than 30% to 50%.

However, this is not yet scary.

Slowly raising his eyes, Gale was shocked to find that in the distant chaos, figures shrouded in black robes stood quietly one after another.

They are all part of the wizard team.

Now, everyone is watching the battle

"Is this an alien civilization? The fighting style is very one-on-one"

"Just rely on body and energy to fight"

"It seems that he has applied the rules well."

"It is a common law of wind...high speed..."

As they spoke one after another, many wizards narrowed their eyes.

Although they are watching the battle.

But more of them are observing the situation of strong people from foreign civilizations.

Analyzing from all aspects, a strong man from a foreign land!

However, as of now, the 14 members of the foreign civilization are not enough for them to take seriously.

At this time, on the other side, the team of Swift Winder also noticed that something was wrong.

"Swift Wind, it’s been a long time since I’ve sent any messages."

"Something must have happened..."

"what to do? Retreat first."

After repeated discussions, everyone in this team also made a decision.

For a moment, they all were like arrows leaving the string, heading straight to the end of chaos.

However, at the next moment, the leader suddenly shouted:

"Separate and transmit when necessary"


Responded in unison, these six people all shot in different directions.

However, just as they shot in different directions, several black streaks appeared in the chaos. dim light

"Want to run?"

Jie Jie's laughter sounded in the chaos, and a burly figure with a hard body shot out and went straight to a member of the Divine Blood World team.

On the other side, a figure that looked like a mermaid, with a fish tail swung, also Fiercely fired towards the rest of the members.

Fast, fast.

There was no time to react.

It is hard to imagine that the wizard civilization was chasing and killing so fast.

However, the Divine Blood World team had already been prepared.

First Time retreats without hesitation.

It will never stop fighting.

And not long after that, in the deepest part of the Divine Blood World, the voice of the Life Tribunal sounded.

"One of our teams seems to have encountered a wizarding civilization..."

"What? Did they meet so soon?"

Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

"They also sent an advance team. It can only be said that it is a wizard civilization that is very good at invasion and has already sent an advance team for reconnaissance."

"The advance team has met them, so the main force is probably not far away."


Amidst the continuous discussion, everyone also had a headache.

They did not expect to encounter wizard civilization so quickly.

But the problem is...

"Just a wizard civilization..."

The Life Tribunal snorted coldly:

"You'll first send someone to pick up the team, then pull back to the front and prepare to defend."


Everyone responded in unison, and everyone followed the order.

Not long after that, news of the arrival of the wizard civilization also reached Yu Ziyu’s ears.

"It came faster than expected."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yu Ziyu smiled, with an inexplicable look on his face.

This is just an advance force of the wizard civilization.

It is nothing to worry about.

He is just afraid of this group. It’s just the wizarding civilization behind the advance troops.

"That Dark Witch King, I will probably meet him soon."

A chuckle, Yu Ziyu was looking forward to this....

The Dark Witch King and the Transcendent are on the same level.

However, it is different from the straightforwardness of the transcendent.

The Dark Witch King is famous for his weirdness.

He plays with souls, controls life and death, and touches the underworld.

It is a terrifying existence that walks on the boundary between life and death.

Although such existences are not necessarily stronger than the transcendent ones.

But it’s better than weird.

And this strangeness made Yu Ziyu especially afraid

"Do you care about the Dark Witch King?"

The Chaos Bell Zhenling suddenly appeared next to Yu Ziyu

"I have fought against him and know how scary he is"

"To be honest, I would rather fight two Transcendents than him."

Hearing this, Chaos Bell Zhenling suddenly chuckled:

"If the transcendent heard what you said, he would probably want to fight you."

"I heard you."

A faint voice came from behind the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

It was the Transcendent. He touched the back of his head as if he was shopping, his eyes dull.

But the blame in his words was beyond words.


Chaos Bell Zhenling silently took a step back

"I'm not saying you are weak, I'm just saying that beings like the Dark Witch King are too cunning and unimaginable."

"Just like you, want to meet me?"

Listening quietly, the Transcendent also nodded 643:

"Indeed, I don't want to meet you...."

Among the many eternities, the one the transcendent least wants to encounter is Yu Ziyu.

The reason lies in two words - weird.

And Yu Ziyu is indeed extremely weird.

Very much one can imagine.

Although the transcendent is powerful.

But when he met Yu Ziyu, he was also very confused.

At this time, the Transcendent, Yu Ziyu and the Chaos Bell Zhenling gathered here.

A discussion started about wizard civilization

"Currently, the Living Tribunal is working hard to involve the wizarding civilization..."

"I don’t know how long he can be involved"

"If he loses early, we will take action"

"My point of view is that we should not take action if we can."

After a series of discussions, Yu Ziyu expressed his opinion.

If you can't help it, don't take action.

This is the bottom line.

"The Life Court is relatively reliable and worthy of trust."

"I believe too."

Chaos Bell Zhenling also smiled and said

"The Court of Life, how should I put it, is not enough to attack, but it is more than enough to defend...."

Yu Ziyu said frankly.

Immediately, he said:

"I'm a little worried about the Speed ​​Eternal and the Devouring Beast."

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