Looking at it blankly, Kyuubi was stunned.

At this time, Yu Ziyu was like a sacred tree transformed from stars.

The hazy starlight shines in all directions.

There is also a hazy shadow that wraps around the body~.

Beautiful and peerless.

Especially the formation patterns engraved all over the body, shining with inexplicable star brilliance, make people can't help but stare slightly.

"I have merged with the Zhoutian Star Formation and turned into the Chaos Star Sacred Tree"

"The so-called Chaos Starlight is my strongest weapon."

Telling softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes were calm.

He has always lacked attack.

In other words, he does not pay attention to attack.

But the formation soul of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation has integrated into his body, so it is different.

Branches With a slight swing, the swaying starlight in the sky is enough to turn into his most terrifying weapon. He kills people invisible.

With his thoughts together, he can set off boundless murderous intent.

As the saying goes, when the earth sends out murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the ground. When the sky sends out murderous intent, the stars move..What he said is exactly how terrifying the stars are.

"Then I am here, congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master."

Kyuubi smiled and congratulated from the bottom of his heart.


Nodding slightly, Zi also said bluntly:

"I definitely can’t give you the formation soul of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, but I can explain to you the formation method of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation."

"If you can learn it, it will definitely not be difficult to set up a simple version of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation."

Listen quietly, and finally accept it.

"With the master's explanation, I will definitely be able to understand it quickly."

Smiled, Jiuwei also looked forward to it.

Time passed slowly, and several years passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Yu Ziyu has been explaining the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to Jiuwei.

Although because of the formation soul, Jiuwei could not display the Zhoutian Star Formation. The Tianxing Dou Formation is the most powerful.

But if you exert one-tenth of it, it is enough to surpass 99% of the formations in this world.

Overbearing and vast.

Terrifying and suffocating.

This is the best way to deal with the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation. description.

As he continued to explain, Yu Ziyu’s understanding of this formation became deeper and deeper.

"The so-called Zhoutian Starry Formation is to attract the infinite chaotic starlight."

"With the Chaos Starlight, you can attack eternity from above, and resist everything from below...."

"The integration of offense and defense is the most terrifying."

While murmuring, the chaotic starlight around Yu Ziyu is also constantly changing.

At this moment, if you pay attention not far away, you will definitely be able to see a beautiful shadow, also wrapped in the starlight.

That is the Nine Tails.

She It has been able to attract Chaos Starlight.

Even control Chaos Starlight.

But it is still very difficult to control Chaos Starlight.

Chaos Starlight is not comparable to the starlight of stars.

This is an extremely pure energy.

Only Chaos has it.

"Chaos starlight is the most domineering"

"To a certain extent, this is a power that only the Eternal Lord can truly control."

Kyuubi sighed, with a complicated expression.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also added:

"However, this is just a kind of energy after all. If you master some secret techniques, it is not difficult to control it."


As he finished speaking, a shadow actually appeared behind Yu Ziyu.

She seemed to be transformed into the starry sky.

Both appearance and figure are excellent.

Not even an inch of hair.

Leisurely and contented.

It fell on Yu Ziyu's shoulders like a breeze.

He even rested his head on Yu Ziyu's shoulder.

Looking around cutely

"The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation requires a lot of energy, so be careful when using it."

This is the formation soul of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

After many years of gestation, she actually gave birth to a ray of spirituality.

She also has wisdom.

"Got it, Xingdou."

Jiuwei smiled and raised his hand, wanting to touch Xing Dou's cheek.

But the next moment, Xing Dou tilted his head and turned into a wisp of breeze and left.

She didn't want others to touch her.

Even if this person was A subordinate of her master.

It is worth mentioning that the name of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is Xingdou.

She got it by herself.

Yu Ziyu originally wanted to name her:"Xingchen, Xingkong..."

But she refused. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the name Xingdou doesn’t sound good.

But it is better than reality.

At this moment, news came from the Life Court

"The Lord of Time and Space, the vanguard of the wizard civilization is approaching"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also indicated that he understood.

If there are no accidents, in a few thousand years, the vanguard of the wizard civilization will collide with the divine blood world.

Thousands of years, whether it is long or short, is not long. Short.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu hopes that the Divine Blood World will prepare as soon as possible

"How are you preparing for the war?"

Yu Ziyu's voice, through the vast chaos, fell on the ears of the Life Tribunal.

This is the internal world of the Life Tribunal, and he has built a time and space teleportation array.

With this time and space teleportation array, he can not only teleport the army. He can also teleport sound in ears

"Reporting back to the Lord of Time and Space, we will follow your instructions, three steps and one spell, five steps and one fortress."


The voices of the Life Tribunal were full of solemnity.

Before, they were invaders.

So they had no scruples.

But this time, they were invaded.

Moreover, the enemy was stronger than imagined.

So they did not dare to be careless..As cautious as you can be.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also took down some willow leaves.

All these willow leaves floated to the teleportation array.


With a roar, the space-time teleportation array emitted a bright light, and it also took these willow leaves and rushed towards the Court of Life.

"These are my spiritual leaves, which contain immeasurable life essence."

"You can mix it with water and turn it into spiritual liquid, then nourish the army."

"Even treating the wounded."

Listening quietly, the Life Tribunal did not refuse.

He knew the power of the Lord of Time and Space.

He knew how helpful this spiritual leaf was to the legion.

However, at this moment, the Life Tribunal suddenly smiled and said:

"If we talk about auxiliary eternity"

"The Lord of Time and Space must be the first auxiliary of Chaos, Eternity."

"Its auxiliary ability is unparalleled and vast."

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