In an unknown corner among the chaos, a figure quietly appeared

"Ahem, cough, cough..."

The roar mixed with coughing made people feel chills on their backs.

This is the element-devouring beast.

Now, black hair sprouted all over his body, and hideous wounds appeared on his body one after another.

He managed to escape.

But the injury was not serious.

But it's okay.

He is precious for eternity.

Give him some time and these injuries will recover

"The auxiliary type of eternity is really troublesome."

The Devouring Beast is a little helpless.

In the first trial, he unexpectedly met an Auxiliary Eternal.

Yes, Auxiliary Eternal.

Different from other types of Eternal Lords.

Although Auxiliary Eternal's own combat power is very average, if there are other Eternal Lords" With the help of"Nine Seven Zero", it will not be as simple as one plus one.

Therefore, the Devouring Beast is facing the eternal siege of three or even four gods.

And under such circumstances, he can actually Successfully escaped.

Thinking of this, even the Yuan Devouring Beast couldn't help but feel proud.

However, the next moment, as if it thought of something, the Yuan Devouring Beast looked at the two space-time willow leaves in its hands. These are treasures.

Such a treasure, To him, it is no less than two lives

"Good guy, just the two willow leaves given by the Lord of Time and Space have such unpredictable power, so how terrifying would the real him be?"

The Yuan Devouring Beast feels terrifying just thinking about it.

It can only be said that he is worthy of the Lord of Time.

Although he is a descendant, his strength is really suffocating.

And at this moment,


There was a sudden roar, and a portal slowly opened in front of the element-devouring beast.

The body tensed subconsciously.

But for a moment, a golden wicker poured out through the crack of the door.

"Did you successfully escape the pursuit?"

Yu Ziyu's voice came faintly, but it made the Yuan Devouring Beast feel relieved.


Nodding slightly, the Yuan Devouring Beast also said gratefully:

"Thanks to your time and space willow leaves...It allowed me to achieve super long-distance teleportation. Thinking about it, they shouldn't be able to catch up with me."

"That's good."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"Come back first, we are all waiting for you"


In response, the Yuan Devouring Beast also followed Yu Ziyu's opening of the gate of time and space.

Soon after, there was a place not far from the starry sky.

There, there was an extremely vast sacred tree, standing quietly.

It covered the clouds Blocking out the sun.

It seemed like a world was being held up.

No, it was more likely to be a civilization.

And now, on the crown of this sacred tree, several figures have gathered.

There is Yu Ziyu, there is the Transcendent.

There is the Revenge Woman The God of War also has an element-devouring beast

"According to your description, the Eternal Venerable they sent this time should not be underestimated."

"Not only should it not be underestimated, it was simply mind-numbing."

The element-devouring monster screamed, with a look of fear on his face.

"You know, that singing eternity is not that difficult to deal with. If it weren’t for your time and space willow leaves, and my ability to escape is also good, I would have fallen...."

"Just singing can attract countless figures, and then abandon them to besiege me,"

"i really am..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu and others couldn't help but look at each other.

Hearing this tone from the Yuan Devouring Beast, he had suffered a lot of grievances.

However, more importantly...All focused, everyone's eyes fell on the picture of the Yuan Devouring Beast rising.

That scene is exactly the scene of the eternal battle between the two major civilizations, the Yuan-devouring beast and the wizard civilization. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It seems that the Yuan Devouring Beast is indeed a bit embarrassed.

"That pink-haired figure should be following the path of sound, tending to assist."

"The other one is following the law of water. It’s hard to say the specific direction."

Yu Ziyu analyzed.

The laws are all kinds of strange.

It is also the law of water, and there is the law of water that focuses on thickness.

For example, weak water, a drop of weak water can sink a whole world.

Another example is the Nine Netherworld, which is biased towards corrosion. Water.

It can corrode and dissolve everything.

"The one who carries the law of water for eternity is easy to say, but the other one is really troublesome0...."

"If a fight begins, I recommend killing her as soon as possible."

The Transcendent's eyes narrowed slightly, and a killing intent flashed away.

This time, it is different from the previous Divine Blood World.

Although the Divine Blood World is powerful, it cannot threaten the starry sky or the mutant civilization.

But now , this wizard civilization, sorry, even the Transcendents feel troubled.

Just the advance troops are so terrifying.

Then how terrifying will be the follow-up!!

"If she is surrounded and killed, count me in."

The Yuan Devouring Beast said immediately.

He suffered a big loss at the hands of this eternity.

Naturally, he needs to regain his position.

"It's a siege, but it can't be a one-on-one fight?"

Vengeance Valkyrie has a touch of playfulness"

"Sorry, I don't like duels."

The Devouring Beast is very calm.

It is impossible to fight one on one.

He has fought against the Eternal Lord and already knows her combat power.

Although she is not strong alone, she is definitely worthy. It is definitely not something he can suppress on his own.

Moreover, two people are fighting each other forever. It is difficult to unilaterally kill another person.

Unless someone like the Transcendent has absolute strength.

Besides, there is How could he challenge the possibility of siege?

Before 1.7, he would not have dared to say this.

But now, they have the Lord of Time and Space on their side.

This one is good at blocking.

When he takes action, he will directly attack the An eternity, sealed in a piece of time and space, leaving her alone and helpless.

Then, he, the Devouring Beast, the Vengeful Valkyrie, and even the Life Tribunal can all take action.

Just thinking about this, the Devouring Beast is Some expectations

"Lord of time and space, could you please take action when the time comes and give us an opportunity to surround and kill that woman?"

"If there is that opportunity, I will naturally take action."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

He doesn't mind being surrounded.

Even if the target is a woman, he won't mind...

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