The element-devouring beast was a little confused.

He can be considered well-informed.

But I have never seen such a strange eternity.

The sound alone can make his scalp tingle.

Now with the war song, it feels more like being in a magnificent world.

And in this world, there are countless armies stationed there.

There were even more terrifying powerful men coming out one after another.

This is Zhan Ji.

A war queen who belongs exclusively to the star-talking diva.

Every war princess is a domination-level existence.

They dance to the music and fight to the music.

The louder the music, the sharper their attack.

As for the gentle and gentle music, their defense will be greatly improved.

And this is the weapon of music.

"fight for victory..."

"fight for glory..."

One by one, the warrior girls danced and flew high to the music.

In an instant, he arrived at the side of the Yuan Devouring Beast.

Or like a knight, thrust out a spear.

Or just like a swordsman, slashing with one sword.

It was obviously just exuding the aura of domination, but for some reason, the element-devouring beast felt a chill spreading in its heart.

Moreover, there is another feeling.

That is, he must not forcefully accept it. that's the truth


The sudden roar was caused by an accidental attack by the Yuan Devouring Beast from a Knight Warrior.

It was impartial and just hit the lower abdomen.

I thought this was just an ordinary strike from the master.

But the next moment,


There was a sudden loud noise, and a high musical note burst out violently.

At the same time, the power of this penetration seemed to increase dozens or hundreds of times.

It actually shook this eternal venerable person.

This is the blessing of the Star Singer.

She's not good at fighting.

Therefore, in the wizarding civilization, countless warrior queens were trained to fight for her.

These warrior queens are not only powerful.

Under the entanglement of music, he transformed into a holy spirit-like existence.

Be with her. born with her...

However, it's not terrible.

What's really scary is that with the blessing of the Star Singer, these warrior girls can be promoted to the realm of eternity in an instant.

Even if it's just for a moment.

But that's enough.

Just like now, a warrior princess accidentally found a breakthrough and let the element-devouring beast fly backwards.

It even spurted out black blood.


There was a sudden sound, and the expression of the Yuan Devouring Beast also changed slightly.

"Why is this guy so weird?"

The element-devouring monster screamed.

Immediately, it accelerated immediately, thinking about escaping.

But for some reason, this world seemed to have no end. Especially

, the surging and high-pitched music that kept echoing made him feel distracted. It's a disorder.

But it's okay, it's really okay.

The combat power of this star singer comes from external objects.

It's not as scary as imagined.

Otherwise, there's really no guarantee that it can hold on.

Time passes slowly. , half a day has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the Yuan Devouring Beast and the Star Language Singer chased and escaped, and were already far away from the vanguard of the wizard civilization.

However, if you sense carefully, you will definitely be able to find the star behind the Star Language Singer. There were actually two vague auras.

Those were the other supreme masters.

They followed closely.

They probably planned to follow the Yuan Devouring Beast and find the source of civilization.

And this, the Yuan Devouring Beast also noticed came out.

Therefore, it did not rush straight back to the divine blood world.

Instead, it kept spinning in circles in the chaos.

"It's really difficult."

The element-devouring beast was a little helpless.

But there was no better way.

It tore the space several times, but the next moment, the all-pervasive music was trailing behind.

However, this is not scary.

What is really scary is...

"The sea is boundless..."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A sudden loud shout sounded from the end of the chaos.

Immediately afterwards...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amid the continuous roar, there were actually vast waves rolling back and forth.

This is a wave powerful enough to sweep across the entire world.

It also carries extremely terrifying repressive power.

Under this wave, even teleportation is impossible.

Before it arrived, an overwhelming pressure was already coming.

"Another eternity?"

The Yuan Devouring Beast frowned slightly, but it immediately activated its power.


Dark cracks opened in the chaos.

But it exudes a smell that engulfs everything.

This is the inner world of the Yuan Devouring Beast.

Its body is a ruined heaven and earth.

Now, the inner heaven and earth are opening up, swallowing most of the surging waves with the sound of unknown eternity.

"I want to see how much you can swallow?"

With contemptuous laughter, it sounded in the chaos.

Even more surging waves were rolling in.

At this time, looking at it, you can definitely see a huge figure standing quietly at the end of the waves.

It It has three heads and eight arms.

Its whole body is blue....

Appearance is like human beings.

But the lower body is like a fish.

A bit like the mermaid clan in the starry sky, but even more ferocious and terrifying.

In particular, the serrated teeth exposed at the corners of the grinning mouth are even more chilling.

And this is the alien eternity of wizard civilization.

This is the eternity of other civilizations.

But after the defeat, he joined the wizard civilization and became the so-called alien eternity.

Although, because of his status as the Eternal Lord, he is not absolutely obedient to the wizard civilization.

But after years of assimilation, they can be considered part of the wizarding civilization.

In a way, it's half the core.

There are many such existences in the wizarding civilization.

This is why the wizarding civilization becomes stronger with each war.

(Qian Li Zhao) constantly absorbs foreigners and constantly complements himself.

The internal and external complementarity has made today's most powerful civilization possible.

At this time, Yu Ziyu, who was outside the starry sky and heaven and earth, also sensed something.

"`.Why are you so embarrassed?"

Yu Ziyu shook his head helplessly.

He gave the Yuan Devouring Beast three original leaves.

These are life-saving leaves.

When the Yuan Devouring Beast is in danger, it can crush this leaf and initiate time and space teleportation.

But now, Yu Ziyu has already I sensed that the element-devouring beast was about to crush this leaf.

"well..."Or" with a sigh, Yu Yu was helpless. It is indeed the most powerful civilization in the legend. It is really terrifying.

This is different from the most powerful civilization like the prehistoric era. The prehistoric era was completely supported by Tao Ancestor alone.

But this civilization...

That is the overall strength, which is up to standard..

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