As long as the benefits are large, the snake firmly believes that the master will bow his head.

He learned this from his master.

Now, used here, it is not bad.

At least these dozen high-level snake clan masters have chosen to follow him.

What is worth mentioning here is that there are not many of these dozen high-level masters.

This is from an extremely large race.

There must be hundreds of millions of snakes on this planet.

The starry sky is so vast, and there are billions of snake clans, no exaggeration.

In almost every world, there are snakes.

They are just like the human race, existing in every world.

Pervasive is the best way to describe this race.

However, such a race only has a dozen high-level masters.

It is conceivable that this race gave birth to powerful people.

It's not terrible, though.

What is really scary is that the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan have far fewer members than the Snake Clan. The high masters alone now probably have dozens or even more. This is the gap.

A real gap.

Moreover, the Snake Clan is still divided.

Like the World Snake, Ye Meng is alone.

They don't even admit that they are snakes.

Instead, they think of themselves as the so-called gods.

There is also the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python clan, who mostly think that they are divine beasts.

Rather than the lower snake clan.

There are many strong snake clan men with such views.

This is also the reason why the Snake Clan, which has quite a few strong people, is still considered a weak race.

No real unity is the key.

Do their own thing

"I will fulfill your wish."

While narrating softly, one picture after another flashed through Orochi's mind.

They were all the memories of the ten thousand-year-old snake girl.

This woman wanted to revitalize the snake clan.

She wanted to be famous in the starry sky.

Now, so does Orochi. Grant his wish.


"The remaining three inheritors have not really come out yet..."

"Simply put, they are not in this era..."

The big snake's voice was a little helpless.

The beast of disaster is divided into eight pieces.

Therefore, there are eight major inheritances.

They are fear, desire, hatred, and despair...

For every inheritance, a successor will be chosen.

It's just a pity that the eight major inheritances cannot appear in the same era.

This is inevitable.

If the eight major inheritances all appeared in one era, and then were suppressed or even refined, wouldn't it mean that the beast of disaster would completely disappear from the world.

Therefore, the instinct of the beast of disaster will naturally have another choice.

That is to let the eight great inheritors be born one after another.

Then, one after another, they were devoured.

This time may be much longer.

But it's better to be safe.

After all, the inheritor who can survive to the end must be pretty good.

But, that was the idea of ​​the beast of disaster.

From Orochi's point of view, the sooner the Eight Great Successors are born, the better.

Therefore, he used a secret method to draw out several inheritors in advance.

Then, devour them one after another.

But the problem is...This is far from enough.

The remaining three inheritors were hidden too deeply.

Even if the big snake wants to let them be born in advance, it will be extremely difficult

"In the end, I still need to seek the help of the master, walk through the long river of time, and then help me find it."

As he spoke softly, the big snake changed his mind. He had already asked his master for help.


Amid the sudden roar, a wicker tree hung down from the void like a divine chain.

At the same time, a river also came along.

In a daze, this river was pulled by the willow tree and came to the front of the big snake.

"Your remaining three successors were born at a very delicate time."

"One after millions of years, one after tens of millions of years, and the last one after 100 million years...."

Listening to the master's voice quietly, the big snake was stunned.

"So long?"


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"This is what I captured by looking at the future from your perspective..."

"However, although 100 million years is a long time, for us, it is only a blink of an eye...."

Hearing this, the big snake was also silent. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is true.

However, one hundred million years is really long compared to his current life span.

Now, with all his calculations, he only has a few hundred thousand years left.

But forget it.

This cannot be forced.

After all, he is different from others.

When he finds the inheritor and then devours and refines it, it means he is one step closer to the Eternal Venerable.

Devouring them all, he could almost say that it was a stable eternity. so...

It was only a hundred million years, he could afford to wait. and...

As if he thought of something, the big snake also looked forward to it

"Master, you should be able to help me speed up."

The big snake smiled.

He knew that his master must have a way.

From the beginning to now, it has always been like this.

His master can always do what ordinary people can't.


After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu also sighed:

"There is a way...but it's not necessary"

"My so-called method is to let you go to the future....However, the risk is very high. If you are not careful, you may be lost in the long river of time in the future...."

"At that time, as time goes by, life span is like the grains of sand in an hourglass, which will continue to pass by and cannot be restrained."

Hearing this, the big snake's eyes lit up.

"Master, I think this method is acceptable."

The big snake smiled, looking forward to it.


In a daze, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

He knew that the big snake would be interested.

However, time is the strangest and most impermanent thing.

The risks involved, and that is the big snake now, I can understand it

"No rush, wait until I can stabilize the long river of time...."

Yu (De Nuo Hao) Ziyu said simply.

Now, he is trying to stabilize and even control the flow of time.

If this can be achieved.

He is not far away from the so-called detachment.

At that time, he was very likely to be the next great Taoist ancestor.

The ancient Taoist ancestors followed the path of harmony.

The ancient world, this extremely terrifying world.

And he plans to try to stand on the long river of time.

If it didn't work, he would learn from the ancient Taoist ancestors and merge with the long river of time.

To put it more directly, he became part of the long river of time and abandoned everything in the present.

This, in Yu Ziyu's opinion, is feasible.

However, the price is too high, too high.

Zi would never make this choice unless he was in a desperate situation.

After all, he hasn’t made enough trees yet?

How can we make a river?

Moreover, this river is still a virtual river.

Ethereal and uncertain, suspended in chaos..

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