Chaos is known as the Three Thousand Laws.

This is the Three Thousand Avenues.

Every road, to the end, leads directly to eternity.

For example, the second eternity of the divine blood clan is burdened with the law of erosion....Able to corrode everything.

For another example, Lightning Eternal is burdened with the Law of Speed....Speed ​​beyond imagination.

As for the transcendent, the laws they carry are beyond all eternities, and the laws they carry are all different.

But the power of every law cannot be ignored.

Any law, taken to its extreme, has the potential to overwhelm the entire chaos.

However, among these thousands of laws, there are some laws that are recognized as terrible.

That's the law of law...soul law...infinite law...

These laws are different from others.

They are the root of chaos.

It is the cornerstone of everything.

Therefore, if you want to carry them, you need to make greater efforts and even painstaking efforts. like the law of time...It is the measure of everything.

Thousands of living things cannot escape the reincarnation of time.

Even if it is an imperial weapon or a treasure, it cannot escape the constraints of time.

This is the law of time...

So, how terrible would it be to be burdened with time?

Even the Wizard King doesn't know.

But one thing is for sure.

That's tricky...

"If you are really burdened with time, you don't know how difficult it will be, but it is definitely difficult."

The Dark Witch King made the most pertinent evaluation.

Indeed, it is difficult to say.

But it is bound to be difficult.

Because, at present, they have no experience in dealing with the eternity of time.

They don't even know his methods.

But this is not interesting. Where?

Looking at each other with a smile, the Dark Witch King and the Wizard King also looked expectant....

At this time, Yu Ziyu was already discussing the details of the battle with the Life Tribunal, the Vengeful Valkyrie, and others.

"There are still many aborigines in the Divine Blood World. Let them be the vanguard."

"If they can make great achievements, they can wash away their status as slaves and establish a divine blood clan among all clans."

This is the promise given by Yu Ziyu.

For this, the Valkyrie of Vengeance, the Tribunal of Life and others agreed.

Not long after, the Divine Blood Clan also sent three representatives.

They are the only members of the Divine Blood Clan. The three strong men who survived were all half-step eternity.

In the prehistoric times, they would have achieved quasi-sage cultivation.

But now,

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of Time and Space..."

"We are waiting to meet the Lord of Time and Space..."

They greeted each other in unison, the three of them were very respectful.

"There is an alien civilization coming, and we have decided to let your divine blood clan take the lead, okay?"

"In exchange, we will do our best to train you"

"You can even use this to wash away your slave status and gain the same status as all the races in the starry sky."

Listening quietly to Yu Ziyu's narration, these three Half-Step Eternals had no objections.

Even if they were unwilling, they did not dare to reveal it.

Just because they were the defeated.

There is no so-called human rights.

Everything is It is in the hands of Yu Ziyu and others.

Now, the time has come for them to sacrifice.

Of course, the promise given by Yu Ziyu is also very important.

This is related to the future of the divine blood clan.

If they grasp it well, they may really be able to integrate into all races. , became a new clan of all races.

At this time, Yu Ziyu did not let the representatives of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth leave, he continued to arrange things

"The mutant civilization has many strong races. Our races in the starry sky are not weak. We can form our own legions to deal with powerful enemies.."

"At the same time, you eternals need to start cultivating your own legion."

"I hope that you will use the Forbidden Legion as your standard."

Hearing this, the Life Tribunal and the Vengeful Valkyrie were startled.

Forbidden Legion?

And at the next moment, they seemed to have noticed something, and their expressions changed.

"Swish, swish..."

"Swish, swish..."

Sound after sound broke through the air, and countless black feathers floated down in the chaos.

Immediately afterwards, these black feathers turned into black figures one after another.

They have wings on their backs and are extremely beautiful.

Like an angel falling into the world.

It's just that they are black angels

"This is the first legion under me - the Fallen Angel Legion..."

"11,300 members"

"There are three thousand masters...."

Among them, 500 high-ranking masters

"Half a step to eternity, three."

Listening quietly, the Life Tribunal was silent, and the Vengeful Valkyrie was also silent.

As for the representative of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth on the side, the corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching.

Good guy.

This tm army?

Are you sure you are not a civilization? From Elites selected from all ethnic groups

"All I can say is that the standards of your Forbidden Legion are a little difficult."

The Court of Life is more subtle.

He clearly knows how terrifying Yu Ziyu's army is. He also knows that Yu Ziyu's army is not from this world.

It comes from one era after another.

It is the reincarnation of eras. Created this forbidden army.

This can be regarded as the strongest forbidden army.

In the true sense, it is a terrifying army that shakes eternity.

"Just because it's a bit difficult doesn't mean it's impossible"

"Our enemy is the civilization of chaos hunters and wizards, the legendary prehistoric civilization....If you want to defeat them, you need to hold yourself to the most stringent requirements."

Yu Ziyu said softly.

Then, he said bluntly:

"In addition to the Fallen Angel Legion, I also have three taboo legions under me..."

"Natural disasters of the undead, as you know, overwhelming...Not weaker than others"

"In addition, there is also the mechanical army that Yaoting is working hard to well as..."

Listening quietly, everyone was silent.

Suddenly, they were shocked to find that Yu Ziyu, the Lord of Time and Space, seemed to have reserved a bit too much.

"Work hard to build it...The Lord of Time and Space will not trick you."

Besides, the Transcendent spoke.

"yes." responded in unison, and many eternities also stopped talking.

Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent all said this.

That is, the overall situation has been decided!!

The legion is very important.

In the war of civilization, the legion is an existence that the eternity cannot ignore.

After all, , although the Eternal Lord is powerful and has enough power to shake the local battlefield.

But there are only a few Eternal Lords when they are full.

Counting the wizard civilization and the starry sky civilization, there are only a few dozen.

But how vast is Chaos.

Here In the face of Chaos, the so-called Eternal Lord is just a drop in the ocean.

At this time, the importance of the legion is highlighted.

Whether it is used to search for foreign lands or as the main vanguard of the invasion, the legion is the first to be involved.

Even When they invaded the world, the Legion was still the main force.

As for the Eternal Lords, they just need to check and balance each other.

Therefore, except for super-standard existences like the Primordial Dao Ancestor, most of the competition among other civilizations relied on the Legion.

Countless powerful men followed one after another. Turned into a torrent, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Invading the world...

This is the war of civilization, the correct way to start it.

Just like this time, the expeditionary force sent by the wizard civilization was like a torrent, coming from the depths of chaos.

The tower suspended above the chaos was shining with lights.

That's the Wizard's Holy Tower.

It is the abode of the endless Lord.

It is like one heaven and earth, carrying billions of living beings.

There are also ancient castles that look like cities...

That is also the abode of the Infinite Lord.

It is the war temple of wizard civilization.

The wizards living inside are all fighting wizards born to fight.

All of them are competing against each other.

In addition, there are towers of different sizes, slowly advancing under the escort of countless powerful people.

Yu Ziyu didn't know about this.

He didn't even know when the wizarding civilization came to the Divine Blood World.

But prepare sooner rather than later

"I have arranged for the formation masters in the starry sky to gather in the divine blood world and lay out various formations..."

"And I ordered the alchemists and weapon refiners in Xingkong to work day and night on refining alchemy, making medicine, and preparing for war...."

Hearing this, the Life Tribunal and others were also silent.

They knew that Yu Ziyu was serious.

If we say that before the invasion of the Divine Blood World, Yu Ziyu was more interested in watching the show.

So this time, he will take charge of the overall situation personally.

"Reporting back to the Lord of Time and Space, I have arranged for the mutant civilization and major forces to begin recruiting troops."

"Presumably within a hundred years, an army of hundreds of millions will gather together..."

Listening to the voice of the Life Court, Yu Ziyu also nodded.

Immediately, he also said bluntly:

"However, this is not enough. This is a protracted battle, far beyond imagination..."

"very long..."

Listening quietly, everyone nodded in unison.

They knew that this battle might be longer than they imagined....

Time passed slowly, and months passed in the blink of an eye.

This meeting was extremely long.

During this period, the number of people continued to increase.

Jiuwei and Ling'er came one after another.

Also the Lord of Reincarnation, the First Dragon Emperor...

Countless powerful men gathered in one hall.

Just to fight this civilized war well.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly stood up

"The Lord of Time and Space, the war of civilization, is victory at all costs? Even if the forbidden method is used, can it still be used?"

"Of course."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu looked at this figure.

This is a familiar figure.

He is the mechanical pioneer who controls the technology side of Yaoting.

"That's good, our Demon Court has had many powerful but inhumane weapons over the years, and they must be put to use this time."

Listening quietly to the words of the mechanical pioneer, many strong men were silent.


But not very humane.

Good guy, this seems a bit cruel.

"In the war of civilizations, there is no right or wrong, only life and death."

"Therefore, I do not recommend that everyone show mercy."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked towards the corner.

There, there was a beautiful figure. Long emerald hair, eyes like yellow gems.

This is a top master of the elf clan.

She carries the burden of She gained life and gained insight into the existence of vitality.

Kindness and kindness are the best descriptions of her.

However, now that Yu Ziyu looked at her, she couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart.

"The great Lord of Time and Space, do you have any instructions?"

The Lord of Life asked nervously.

Although she is not bad in strength, she is just a slightly bigger ant in front of the Lord of Time and Space.

And she has an innate respect for the Lord of Time and Space (Qian Nuo ).

Therefore, at this time, she did not have the arrogance of a strong person.

All she had was a woman's low voice and nervousness.

"You carry your life on your back and are not good at killing enemies..."

"But I can teach you a technique to help you achieve miraculous feats on the battlefield."

Speaking, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"This is the rain of life, like a heavy rain falling from the sky, washing all living beings..."

"If it is one of your own, the injury can be healed..."

Hearing this, the Lord of Life was also delighted.

This move is good.

Healing others, she loved it.

But the problem is, she seems to be able to simply bring rain to heal others, and there is no need to teach it.

Is it possible...

As if he thought of something, the Lord of Life's face changed slightly.

At this time, Yu Ziyu spoke again:

"However, if this is an enemy, no matter whether a man or a woman bathes in this rain, life will be born."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was quiet for a moment.

Many women's faces turned red.

As for the strong men, their scalps were also numb.

"What? Pregnant?"

With an exclamation of disbelief, a figure jumped up excitedly.

This is Bai Hu.

He couldn't believe it.

This kind of move is something that people can come up with.

Not only him, but the others also looked weird. Looking at Yu Ziyuxian

"Therefore, I tell you, obtain souls at all costs"

"No matter what the moves are, how weird they are...I don't mind"

"Now, I can give you an example."

Yu Ziyu said calmly, not caring about anything else.

As he said, he only pursues results.

As for the process, he cares...

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