At this moment, the chaos in the starry sky and heaven and earth was nearby.

A sacred tree, quietly rooted in chaos.

The branches of this sacred tree are like divine chains, intertwined in the universe.

The roots of the tree are like real dragons, swallowing immeasurable chaotic power.

Surrounded by the river of time.

There are nine extremely bright, planet-like worlds surrounding it.

This is Yu Ziyu’s true body.

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu's eyes fell not far away.

There, two figures stood quietly.

These are purple sickles and golden ants.

Now, with serious expressions on their faces, they came to Yu Ziyu.

Just because they adjusted it well

"Master, now we can try to simulate fusion"

"Analog fusion?"

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also had complicated eyes.

Looking up, he saw that the ancestors' fusion earrings had been refined separately. They were also nourished with essence and blood.

I think I can really try to simulate fusion.

"Give it a try, I'd also like to see the product of your fusion."

Chaos Bell Zhenling suddenly walked out.

Her eyes looked expectantly at Zi Si and Golden Ant.

Immediately, she looked at Yu Ziyu again.

She knew that without Yu Ziyu's permission, the two would not merge.

"Then give it a try."

As he spoke, Yu Ziyu flicked the branches.

In just a moment, a light shield covering half of the star field appeared.

This is the shield offered by Yu Ziyu.

It is just for these two protectors.

Although it is just a simulation Fusion, but Yu Ziyu doesn’t want to see any surprises

"OK, Master." responded in unison, the two figures looked at each other and smiled in unison.

They had already made up their minds.

So now, it was just a show for the master.

Thinking about this, they also had spiritual power surging.

"Boom, boom..~~."

Amid the sudden roar, two beams of light erupted from around them.

A beam of light, purple.

That was the Purple Scythe, and the power of the void kept pouring out, tearing apart the entire chaos.

A pillar of light was golden.

That's a golden ant.

His overwhelming power surged out as well.

It is even more vast and terrifying.

And just when their power continued to spurt out.

The earrings on their ears also started to vibrate.


There was a sudden loud shout and an explosion in the chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the two beams of light began to merge bit by bit.

"Click, click..."

In an instant, there was lightning and thunder.

There are even clouds gathering in chaos

"Is this Chaos Tribulation Thunder?"

There was some astonishment in the voice, and the Chaos Bell True Spirit also looked at the sky.

There, the calamity clouds rose.

Chaos calamity thunder.

The world-shattering calamity thunder will only appear when a great terror that is not tolerated by chaos appears.

And Now, the emergence of Chaos Tribulation Thunder also means that the fusion of golden ants and purple sickles is a bit terrifying.

And it is not just ordinary terror.

Thunder explodes, and lightning tears through the sky.

The whole chaos seems to be shaking.

Terrifying The power of the void and the golden spiritual power that dominated the world were constantly intertwined and intertwined. They actually turned into a deep black.

Yes, black.

Along with it, black lightnings swirled up one after another.

And At this time, the figures of the two people could no longer be seen.

All that could be seen was the terrifying tribulation cloud.

Under the tribulation cloud, there was a towering black tornado rolling up.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, the black tornado seemed to swallow up everything.

It's actually extracting all the power from the chaos.

"Do you need strength?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu swayed his branches.

In an instant, infinite spiritual power surged towards the black tornado like a vast ocean.


In the sudden roar, the black tornadoes turned into gold in an instant.

But this is not the end. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s still devouring it.

Devouring Yu Ziyu's spiritual power like a vast ocean.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura was also rising.

That aura was weird and overbearing. trembling


With an admiration, the Chaos Bell True Spirit also showed astonishment.

It's not just the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

Because, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see two figures coming to Yu Ziyu at some time.

One figure is bald.

He The face was expressionless, but the eyes looking at the black tornado had a touch of splendor.

A figure was a handsome young man in red robe.

There was a smile on his lips, as if he was expecting.

This was the Transcendent and the Master of Tongtian.

They were all aware of it. I came here specially with an earth-shattering breath.

".What's this?"

Master Tongtian is a little curious.

"They are two of my subordinates, trying to merge"


Tongtian Cult Leader was even more stunned.

"Two completely different creatures merge together, taking advantage of each other's strengths, which is extremely weird."

Yu Ziyu introduced

"Weird indeed."

The Transcendent was also standing by, expressing his approval.

But, at this moment,


A long roar suddenly exploded in the chaos.

The exploding and terrifying black tornado kept shrinking.

Until, intertwined at one point.

And at that point, if you look carefully, you can see a black figure.

The appearance of the mantis is different from that of the purple sickle.

It is also different from the ant form of the golden ant.

He is more like a combination of the two.

The arms are like mantis scythes, as black as (De Zhao) ink, and so sharp that it's suffocating.

It's just that he doesn't have arms.

But it has six arms.

Six-armed sickle.

The golden ant has six arms.

This must be the fusion of the power of the golden ants.

As for the sickle, there is no doubt that it belongs to Zi Si.

Not only that, but behind him, there are also Zi Lian's iconic cicada wings.

However, that's not all.

All around, wisps of black electric light lingered.

The space seems blurry.

That's the Speed ​​Force.

The divine speed power that belongs exclusively to Purple Scythe.

Able to give Purple Scythe absolute speed that transcends time

"Is this the product of the fusion of purple sickle and golden ant?"

Yu Ziyu was a little curious.

His breath was very strange, just half a step to the eternal peak.

But for some reason, Yu Ziyu actually felt a touch of coldness and chill....

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