The meaning of Nine Tails to Yu Ziyu is indeed different from that of others.

Therefore, after taking a deep look at Jiuwei, Yu Ziyu also looked expectant.

"I understand, Master."

With a slight smile, Jiuwei once again fell in front of Yu Ziyu.

As always, it has never changed.

However, at this time, few people knew how firm Jiuwei's determination was.

Everyone in the world practices cultivation for themselves.

But she is different..

She practiced for Yu Ziyu.

It was for her master.

The master's recognition and praise were the greatest appreciation for her. It has always been like this.

But now, the master is looking forward to her breakthrough and stepping into the Eternal



Taking a deep breath, Jiuwei, who was lying next to Yu Ziyu, was also surging with spiritual power.

Trying to absorb Yu Ziyu's overflowing spiritual power.

Yu Ziyu's true body is a sacred tree.

Just staying with Yu Ziyu and practicing is better than any blessed place or cave.

Not only that, Yu Ziyu's overflowing spiritual power can also be regarded as the purest spiritual power in the world.

Just a wisp of it took Chang Zhu to refine it for a period of time.

This is also the reason why Yu Ziyu's subordinates are not weak in cultivation.

Not only because Yu Ziyu has unlimited resources and vigorously cultivates them.

It's because Yu Yu is the greatest creation in the world.

His overflowing spiritual power is better than other people's various practices.

One of his willow leaves is the sharpest flying knife in the world.

One of his branches can be turned into a divine chain.

And his tree roots are like real dragons.

He is full of treasures, that's what he said.

Not to mention, the fruits he condensed and the heart of the tree...

I can’t say what the fruit is yet, but the heart of the tree is definitely a treasure that will make eternity crazy.

Just because, Yu Ziyu has already studied tree heart.

That is the treasure that can give the Eternal Lord a second life.

Such a treasure, which eternal venerable person would not be moved by it?

However, at this time, looking at Jiuwei who was engaged in practice, Yu Ziyu also looked expectant.

He very much hoped that Kyuubi could break through again.

Set foot on a height that he didn't even dare to imagine

"Nine tails, big snake, golden monkey, and purple sickle...golden ant..~."

Speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also thought of the five most important beings under his command.

Their status under Yu Ziyu was like kings of heaven and supreme beings.

All of them are extraordinary to the extreme.

The Nine-Tails is a celestial fox, carrying nine talents and is mysterious and unpredictable.

Orochi has the heritage of the beast of disaster and carries the throne. Now it is pursuing the heritage of the beast of disaster and embarking on the road of eternity.

The golden monkey fought in the wilderness and sacrificed his life.

And Zi Si...

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes and thought of this little guy.

He is the Void Killer God of the Void Empire.

Is it the Void Empire? A sharp sword.

One person is enough to conquer any world among all the worlds.

At the beginning, he even joined forces with the golden ants and fought with the Eternal Lord Lightning Eternally.

"This guy Zi Lian must have made some progress again."

Sighing softly, Yu Ziyu also had a complicated look on his face.

Purple Scythe and Golden Ant, these are his subordinates with the most explosive combat power.

In any era, they are enough to be called gods of war. , sweeping through the contemporary era.

But now, they all follow Yu Ziyu. They are even more loyal to Yu Ziyu.

But, it’s a pity. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Purple Scythe and Golden Ant are not with Yu Ziyu now.

They left.

With Yu Ziyu's expectations, they headed towards chaos and traveled together.

Although one of them was only half a step into eternity, and the other was only at the top of the ninth level of Tianmen.

But Yu Ziyu was not worried about their safety.

Because, Zi Lian With Golden Ant, the two of them joining forces is not as simple as one plus one.

Although they cannot compete with the real Eternal Lord, they can still struggle for a while.

However, this is not the confidence of the two of them.

Their real confidence lies in Purple Scythe.

This guy refined some of the laws of lightning eternity's speed, and then developed a divine speed posture unique to him.

Surrounded by purple electricity, in an instant, he broke out at the fastest speed in the world. In terms of speed alone, he is no less than an ordinary eternity..

Even compared to some Eternal Venerables, it is even more exaggerated.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is rest assured that the two of them are traveling.

If they can't fight, can they still run away?

Besides, Yu Ziyu has given them some trump cards.

There is still no problem in saving their lives. At this time, in a corner deep in the chaos, two streams of light, one golden and one purple, shuttled at extremely fast speeds.

In an instant, they crossed this chaos

".~The chaos beast is really terrifying"

"Although it was only half an eternity, it actually withstood ten punches from me without dying."

The golden ant sighed


Zi Lian was silent for a while, then rubbed his brows.

He was thinking about whether Golden Ant would be frightened to death if others heard what he said.

After all, the current Golden Ant is in the ninth level of Tianmen.

He was actually able to fight with a half-step eternity-level chaotic beast.

What's even more exaggerated is....Forget about fighting.

This giant chaotic beast seemed to have only received ten punches from him. this...

"Your fighting power is truly beyond imagination."

After a long time, Zi Lian said this.

"Your top speed, so why not?..."

With a chuckle, Huang (Mano's) Golden Ant said frankly:

"Your speed, combined with my strength, even the Eternal Lord is not afraid of"

"This, indeed..."

Nodding slightly, Zi Lian agreed with this point.

However, at this moment,

Zi Lian also thought of his master’s instructions: to pursue the road of eternity with all his strength.

"The road to eternity is actually the second one"

"The real key is whether we can have the fighting power to rival eternity"

"Only in this way can we help the master"

"Only then can it become the sharpest sword in the master's hand."

When thinking about this, Zi Lian's eyes also condensed.

Because, at this moment, he thought of what the golden ant just said.

His power, coupled with his own extreme speed, can rival eternity?


"Xiao Wu, I remember that in a certain era, there was a very strong race that was good at fusion, right?"

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