Regarding the disaster beast and the big snake, Yu Ziyu said nothing.

This matter requires them to make their own decisions.

Moreover, this is related to the serpent's enlightenment.

Yu Ziyu couldn't even speak.

Extra words will only affect the judgment of the big snake itself.

After a long time, the big snake seemed to have made a decision, and finally a look of determination appeared on his face.

"Master, I have already decided."

While speaking softly, the big snake also came to Yu Ziyu's side.


Yu Ziyu asked curiously

"I am willing to go back to the path of enlightenment of the beast of disaster"

"In exchange, I will ensure the resurrection of the beast of disaster, and he will also give me a life-...."

The beast of disaster will never replace me while I am still alive.

"But if I die in battle, the beast of disaster will truly return to the world."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also silent.

"Is this really the case?"

"This is the best way for me to realize eternity."

Speaking of this, the big snake also smiled and said:

"Master, I'm pretty good, after all...I have a way to achieve eternal enlightenment steadily"

"I believe this is out of reach for anyone."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also nodded slightly.

"That's true."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also agreed with Da Snake's choice.

And now...

The big snake suddenly knelt down on one knee

"Master, please allow me to be willful and step down from the throne as the Lord of Disasters...."


In response, Yu Ziyu also saw that the big snake's body shook violently.

Behind him, an extremely tall and vast black throne slowly emerged.

That was the throne.

The legendary throne of disaster.

Vast and vast. And huge.

It seems to be able to withstand everything.

And above this throne, there is a huge figure entangled.

It is a giant python.

However, it seems to be a dragon head.

There are eight dragon heads.

The eight beasts roar,

Looking up to the sky and screaming, as if to tear apart the entire chaos

"Hiss, hiss..."


Amidst the continuous neighing, this huge figure also had an extremely terrifying aura, rising into the sky....

However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu's voice suddenly sounded

"Big snake, let me give you a good fortune and swallow the throne."

"The throne is something tailor-made for you. It is a terrifying existence burdened with the law of disaster....If you swallow the throne of disaster, the law of disaster will definitely be able to go one step further."

Listening quietly, the big snake was also startled.

"But if this is the case, wouldn’t there be one less throne in the world forever?..."

"It doesn’t matter if one is missing."

Yu Ziyu smiled.

He never cared about this.

If sacrificing a throne can create a powerful subordinate, then he is 100% willing.

"I see...Owner."

In response, the big snake finally nodded.

He understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

However, he did not devour the throne now.

He planned to devour it again when he broke through.

And now...


Amidst the sudden neighing, the big snake also said bluntly:

I can sense that the three reincarnations of the beast of disaster have appeared in the world....I'm going to fuse them now

"go Go."

Yu Ziyu waved his hand and watched the big snake leave.

He would go back to the old path of the beast of disaster and return to eternity.

This is the path of the beast of disaster.

It is not the path of the big snake.

However, in the final analysis, the big snake is a beast of disaster. The reincarnation of fear body.

For him, this may be the best outcome

"hope everything is fine."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but lose consciousness.

For some reason, he recalled one scene after another in his mind.

The big snake...

He watched the little guy grow up.

Due to the mutation of Blue Star's nuclear weapon, he was born as a hydra.

Weak and pitiful. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it weren’t for Yu Ziyu’s endless supply of life essence liquid, the big snake might not have been able to hold on at the beginning.

Then, the big snake also strives for success.

Accompany Yu Ziyu all the way to grow and evolve.

Eventually it grew into what it is today.

Its name: Lord of Disaster.

It is the most powerful throne in the starry sky.

In one thought, thousands of disasters appeared in the world.

It is the embodiment of disaster.

It is synonymous with disaster.


He knows the starry sky, it is Yu Ziyu’s starry sky.

He knows that the world is the master's world.

Therefore, he cannot escape from seclusion.

Not willing to manifest in the world.

Just because he didn't want to bring disaster to the world.

This is not good for the starry sky or even the world.... so...

"Orochi, I am really loyal to you."

With a sigh, the Chaos Bell Zhenling on the side also had complicated eyes.

The big snake is an eternal seed. It is very good.

However, such an existence is indeed extremely loyal to Yu Ziyu.

Even if his body and soul are destroyed, he must consider Yu Ziyu.

This Amazing loyalty

"He, I watched him grow up"

"He is half my son."

Hearing this, the Chaos Bell Zhenling was also silent.


Orochi is half of Yu Ziyu's son.

Thinking about it this way, it is understandable. Maybe, in Orochi's heart, without Yu Ziyu, there would be no him. He sighed in his heart.

, Chaos Bell Zhenling asked:

"Serpent, there is some possibility of enlightenment and eternity."


Yu Ziyu responded firmly.

"Forehead..." stunned.

Really stunned.

Chaos Bell Zhenling also looked shocked

"Ten points, isn’t that 100 percent?"

"When the big snake makes this decision, it is inevitable to attain eternal enlightenment...."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Moreover, I will help him. I will use the power of time to help him find the remaining reincarnations of the inheritance."

"Once he finds the eight inheritances of the beast of disaster,..."

"The legendary beast of disaster will return..."

"However, the only question is whether the beast of disaster will directly replace its existence."

At this point, Yu Ziyu was also worried.

Although part of the consciousness of the beast of disaster has made a promise, but that is only part of the consciousness..

When the eight consciousnesses of the beast of disaster are completely gathered, it is the real beast of disaster.

And this is the key door..

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