At this moment, another figure came to Yu Ziyu.

This is the Valkyrie of Vengeance.

She was wearing civilian clothes.

One step after another, we came here

"Meet the Lord of Time and Space."

The Valkyrie of Revenge respects the strong.

Yu Ziyu is stronger than her.

She bows her head.

"What's the matter?"

Yu Ziyu, who was sitting high in the sky, asked

"The deal with the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth has basically come to an end."

"However, during the sweep, we found many treasures left behind. Please also ask the Lord of Time and Space to choose."

The Vengeful Valkyrie said, raising her right hand

"Boom, boom..."

There was an instant roar, and countless treasures glowing with inexplicable brilliance were suspended in the sky.

There are hundreds of thousands of blood-colored mountains, glowing with blood, giving people a cold and terrifying feeling.

This is Cold Blood Falling God Iron.

A kind of divine iron that only belongs to the divine blood world.

Extremely precious.

And right next to this magical iron, there are several eggs of different colors.

This is suspected to be the egg of a mythical beast.

It looks like they are some precious mythical beast eggs from Shenxuetian.

Also, a golden cup.

The cup is not big, but it contains a cup of scarlet blood.

Just looking at it, Yu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Seemingly aware of Yu Ziyu's gaze, the Vengeful Valkyrie also spoke:

According to the explanation of the creatures in the Divine Blood World, this is the Holy Grail of Divine Blood, the most precious item in the Divine Blood Universe.

"However, this object is intangible and is born from the interaction between heaven and earth. Even the ancestors cannot take it away and can only stay in heaven and earth."

"And this thing in front of me is just a replica of the Holy Blood Holy Grail."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also looked curious.

"What is the magical use of this blood of the Holy Grail?"

"It is said that the blood of the Holy Grail can reshape any flesh and blood life. It is extremely terrifying, and it is also useful even for our Eternal Venerable."

Speaking of this, the Vengeful Valkyrie also added:

"The ancestor of their divine blood world often drank the blood of the Holy Grail, which made his body so powerful."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

He had to admit the fact that the ancestor of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, the so-called Eternal Venerable, was indeed scarier than them.

He thought it was the uniqueness given to them by the heaven and earth. But now it seems that it has something to do with the Holy Blood Holy Grail

"nice one."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also took a step forward.

"I'll go there myself."

As the words fell, time and space reversed, but Yu Ziyu went straight to the divine blood world.

The divine blood world was different from what Yu Ziyu had imagined.

He thought this world exuded a strong smell of blood.

But when he got closer, Yu Ziyu discovered that it It exudes a faint fragrance.

I don’t know where the smell comes from.

But it is extremely interesting.

And now, take one step forward.

When he appears again, Yu Ziyu has already appeared inside the Divine Blood World.

This is one of his clones.

It can be regarded as Transformed into a branch.

Therefore, you can easily enter this world.

And right in the center of this world.

Without the guidance of others, Yu Ziyu has already felt an extremely mysterious aura.


Smiling, Yu Ziyu's figure has disappeared here.

And not long after that, Yu Ziyu has come to a towering altar.

This altar is extremely magnificent.

It is like a pyramid, standing on Between heaven and earth.

I don’t know how many thousands of miles high it is.

It’s hard to imagine that this is a masterpiece piled up by mortals. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And just above the altar, a bright red light beam reaches into the sky.

This red light seems to have materialized.

It is like a pillar of blood.

It can be touched, but it is illusory.

"There is reality within the void, and there is void within the reality. Every thousand years, a drop of true blood condenses in the beam of light."

"It would take a hundred thousand years to fill a cup."

While speaking softly (bgad), Yu Ziyu also looked at the center of the altar.

There, there was a golden Holy Grail, standing quietly.

It seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth, regardless of each other.

Even if Yu Ziyu tried to pick it up, it would not work. Can't lift it

"If you want to pick up this Holy Grail, you need to have the power to overturn the world, because this cup carries this piece of heaven and earth, and is the building block of this piece of heaven and earth."

"The starry sky has building trees, the trees that support the sky, and the divine blood has the Holy Grail, which carries all things."

Yu Ziyu has almost realized the essence of this Holy Grail.

It is a thing conceived by heaven and earth. It is extremely precious.

And every drop of blood it receives is not so much blood as it is the essence of all living beings, the blood of heaven and earth.

It is the most precious thing in the world. Precious blood.

That’s why it has the power to wash away all traces of lead.

Even a common man who drinks a drop of it is enough to turn into a wizard who shocks the world.

If a wizard drinks it, I’m afraid...

"Indescribably wonderful."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand.

In an instant, all the blood in the cup rose.

There was not much blood in the cup.

Only 20 drops.

But for Yu Ziyu, it was enough.

It was just half a cup.

"This blood, used to make wine, is probably enough to brew a real divine wine."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

He likes to taste wine.

Especially good wine, he also likes it.

I think back then, he seemed to have envied the unrestrained and unrestrained sword fairy.

With a pot of turbid wine and a long sword, he could travel all over the world.

Therefore, he drinks from time to time.

But now, looking at the blood of heaven and earth, he is also overjoyed

"Ask the best winemaker and arrange the colorful sacred flowers,"

Yu Ziyu smiled.

The colorful sacred flowers can now be said to be his personal nutritionist.

A lot of what he eats and drinks is arranged by the colorful sacred flowers.

This girl , careful.

He will collect the most delicious nectar in the world, and he will also collect the sweetest ice springs in the world.

Just to make the most delicious food for Yu Ziyu.

If it can maintain health, that is even better.

Now Yu Ziyu , after all, it is not ordinary.

Ordinary treasures will not improve him in any way.

However, I have to praise the colorful divine flowers here.

She made a lot of things, and Yu Ziyu feels that they are of great use.

Just like now, some of the fine wines in his treasure house After taking a sip, you feel your body and mind are clear.

It’s like you are about to fall into enlightenment.

And that is the wine brewed from the sacred tree of enlightenment and the sacred leaves of the Bodhi tree.

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