After handing over the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth to the Transcendents and others, Yu Ziyu didn't want to get involved. no need.

The precious treasure, the ancestor of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth has long been taken away.

He probably doesn't like the rest.

However, shortly after the Transcendent, the Devouring Beast and others left, three figures suddenly appeared behind Yu Ziyu.

Two of these three figures were extremely familiar.

One is Ling'er.

She wears dragon and snake earrings and a gorgeous robe. Her beautiful eyes flash with an inexplicable color.

One is the goddess of destiny.

His eyes, like autumn water, seemed to see through everything.

There are ripples.

Finally, there is a young man.

He was wearing a white robe and had a smile on his face.

When he saw Yu Ziyu, a look of respect appeared on his face.

This is destiny.

Yu Ziyu's half-disciple.

He gave up everything and only wanted to become Yu Ziyu's apprentice.

He was originally a prince of the Elf clan, but unexpectedly awakened the strange talent of the Interweave of Destiny.

Whenever, wherever.

He can control his destiny to his advantage.

In other words, he can make destiny go in the direction he wants.

If he is strong enough, he can even guide the destiny of the starry sky and the earth in a better direction.

That's how scary he is.

It's just a pity.

Now he is only the late seventh heaven master of Tianmen, and only one of the seven cardinals in the Temple of Destiny.

However, because of his ability, he has always been on the list of Yu Ziyu's key training.

Even in this civilized war, Yu Ziyu allowed him to express his opinions and opinions


Tianyunzi said with a very polite greeting.

"What do you think of my current choice?"

Yu Ziyu asked with a smile.

"The Master's decision seems to be a great gift to the civilization of mutants, but in fact it is difficult to digest the world of divine blood in today's starry sky and earth."

"The current starry sky and heaven and earth have not yet reached their peak development, and are not enough to cross the chaos and wander between the two worlds."

"Rather than retaining the divine blood world, it is better to be a favor and give civilization to the mutants."

"Moreover, I believe that Master values ​​​​the Transcendent One very much. Tianyunzi said patiently


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also praised.

This little guy really sees the long term.

"Grow up well, you will hopefully take over the Temple of Destiny."

As he said this, Yu Ziyu looked at the huge corpse not far away.

Immediately, his sleeves were rolled up, and three drops of golden blood appeared in front of them.

"This is the eternal blood, you can try to refine it"

"Thank you Master."

With a touch of gratitude, Tianyunzi was also delighted.

As for Ling'er, the goddess of fate, there is no need to say more polite words.

Time passed slowly.

A mighty war ended at an extremely fast speed. Curtain.

The entire Divine Blood World is confused.

Really confused.

Their ancestor actually ran away.

Really ran away.


What is worth mentioning here is that there are more than billions of creatures in one world.

Although their two ancestors trapped many living beings.

But most of them are the elites of the Divine Blood World.

More ordinary people still stayed.

And this number is also an astronomical number. so...(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the space was shattered, countless foreign warships crossed the sky, and the people of the Divine Blood World were dumbfounded. not only that...

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Continuously breaking through the air, countless sword lights crossed the sky.

That was the Sword Immortal of the Human Sword Sect.

They stepped on the fairy sword and came through the air with grace and grace.

Not far away, the Puppet Sect of the human race, the Taoist Sect, and the Buddhist Sect...Many other forces are coming.

And further away...The sky is still broken...

The forces of mutant civilization are also constantly pouring in.

Suddenly, the entire sky of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth was filled with starry sky monks.

"Rebels, kill..."

A scream sounded like thunder, exploding across the sky and earth.

That was the voice of the Vengeful Valkyrie.

And at this time, if you look at the Divine Blood World, you will be surprised to find that countless stars intertwined to form a huge illusory shadow, which was actually reflected in the sky of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

That is the form of the Vengeful Valkyrie.

She is projected across the entire heaven and earth.

It's like swimming between heaven and earth.

Overlooking the entire world.

Great and vast.

It's so frustrating.

At this moment, the Valkyrie of Vengeance dominated the entire world.

As for the current appearance of the Vengeful Valkyrie, it's a bit like a human sticking his head into a fish tank.

The perspective of those fishes is the perspective of all the spirits in the divine blood world.

An unprecedented sense of fear and despair permeated the air.

It is clear that the Valkyrie of Vengeance is as beautiful as a god, making people's hearts flutter.

But no creature dares to express blasphemy

"Yes, the Valkyrie of Vengeance"

"Yes, the Valkyrie of Vengeance."

Responded in unison, countless strong men were obeying orders.

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that above the chaos, several figures were already sitting together.

They were discussing about the connection between the divine blood world and the earth. down disposal

"Slavery, enslavement."

This is the voice of the Court of Life.

His voice was filled with absolute indifference.

"Is this really the case?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie seemed a little unbearable.

Immediately, she looked not far away.

There, Ling'er and Jiuwei, representing Yu Ziyu, participated in the meeting

"I also think slavery is better. We are their enemies after all, and we can’t hope to win over them."

"I agree too."

Unexpectedly by the Vengeful Valkyrie, Ling'er and Jiuwei, who seemed to be extremely gentle, actually agreed with the views of the Life Tribunal.

Among them, Ling'er even said:

"I hope to be able to give me some people from the Divine Blood World. I need to take them back to the Starry Sky World to do hard labor and develop various planets and worlds."


Silence, complete silence.

The Vengeful Valkyrie suddenly felt that Ling'er seemed to be more ruthless than the Life Tribunal.

"That's natural. We will give you whatever you want."

The Court of Life doesn't care about this.

Now, he only wants to carve up this world and run it smoothly.

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