The wicker is entangled and devoured wildly.

Everything, everything, plundered.

In just a moment, the black ape felt a little weaker.

But it doesn't matter.

Now, the most important thing is to escape. must escape


The roar that shook the sky seemed to be calling for something.

But what made the black ape's expression change drastically was that his roar was not heard.

The barrier of space was formed at some point.

Layers upon layers, intertwined at one point.

In the end, it turned into an invisible cage.

Imprison him.

And this is not terrible.

What is really scary is that the long river of time appears unexpectedly and surrounds space.

It has obviously been more than ten breaths.

But the outside world seems to be still

"damn it."913"" the black ape roared.

The call for help failed.

Then, he can only rely on himself.

He knew that he could not hold back his hand.

If he held his hand again, he might really


"Roar, roar, roar."

Roaring one after another, countless blood spurted out from the black ape's body.

This blood was extremely corrosive.

The moment it touched the wicker, it actually polluted the wicker.

And at the next moment, Yu Ziyu With his eyes focused, he unexpectedly lost control of some of the wickers.


"What method is this?"

He was a little surprised.

For a moment, he also looked at the black ape.

He also looked at the boundless blood.

【The blood of erosion - an extremely terrifying blood that can corrode everything. It is the terrifying blood that carries the law of erosion. No matter whether it is a creature or an object, anything that corrodes will be plundered. ]

Looking at it blankly, Yu Ziyu was also a little stunned. erosion?

Is this guy carrying the law of erosion? interesting.

No wonder, it can seize the body of the chaotic beast.

It seems that his essence is to rely on the law of erosion to erode the body of the chaotic beast and then seize it.

At this time, the blood of erosion spread all over the wicker.

In Yu Ziyu's calm gaze, thousands of wicker branches were dyed red

"Swish, swish..."

One after another, the air pierced, and thousands of blood-colored wicker branches flew in all directions with their teeth and claws.

As for why they pounced in all directions.

That's naturally because none of the current black apes have discovered where the enemy is.

He didn't know where Yu Ziyu was.

I don't even know where I am now.

Now, all he can do is to use brute force to tear everything in front of him into pieces.

However, at this moment,


The faint chime of a bell suddenly sounded deep in the space.

Immediately afterwards, the black ape was shocked.

His eyes dimmed for a moment, as if they had lost their light.

This is the chime of the Chaos Clock.

One bell tolls, and all souls perish.

Even eternity cannot bear it.

Lost his mind for a moment.

And in this lost moment,


In the sudden roar, the power of Huanghuang descended from the chaos.

He looked up.

It was a huge bell that covered the sky and the sun, buckle it down.

This bell is surrounded by earth, water, fire and wind.

There are even more sun, moon and stars shining continuously.

This is the legendary Chaos Clock.

It is an indescribable treasure of chaos that only exists in legends.

It has the power to suppress the"Hongmeng World", the power to reverse the"heavens, time and space", the power to evolve the"mysteries of heaven", and the ability to refine"earth, water, fire and wind".

And now, at the moment when the Chaos Giant Ape loses consciousness, this huge copper bell has already covered him


Amidst the roar again, the Chaos Giant Ape felt that the world had changed.

You can't even feel the rules

"How can this be?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In a daze, this Chaos Giant Ape was also confused.

At the same time, the first ancestor of the divine blood and the heroic spirit clan were entangled with the Transcendents and others. Their eternal expressions changed drastically.

In just a moment, they lost their sense of their third brother.


"not good."

While shouting in unison, they did not rush towards Yu Ziyu immediately.

Instead, they retreated towards the Divine Blood World...

"These two guys are so cautious."

Yu Ziyu rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

He expressed his annoyance for such an extremely cautious guy.

It is really not that difficult to suppress him.

If the Chaos Giant Ape was half as cautious as them, he would not be trapped in a cage.

"What to do next?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling didn't know when he appeared next to Yu Ziyu

"Of course it was a force attack."

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him"

"The three eternal defenses are all in danger"

"Now that there are only two of them left, it is only a matter of time before they can break through."

Listening quietly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also nodded.

"That's true."

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"You don’t need to take action, remember our existence is a sharp sword in the starry sky and heaven and earth. It will not be unsheathed until the critical moment."

"We must never appear in front of people."

Hearing this, Chaos Bell Zhenling couldn't help but feel dumb.

This guy is plotting all day long.

But this time, he is probably plotting against the wizard civilization.

That civilization will shape the sky and the earth in the future.

It's even more of a trap. His daughters.

With Yu Ziyu's personality, if he doesn't take revenge, he might not be able to practice at ease.

Don't look at him, he doesn't say a word after looking at the scene in the future.

But in his heart, he has already sentenced 0.3 to the death penalty of wizard civilization..

I estimate that he had skinned the Dark Witch King more than ten thousand times during the deduction.

"Listen to you."

Nodding, Chaos Zhong Zhenling doesn't want to think too much.

She is not good at planning.

Compared to this, she prefers to sleep.

Leave these to Yu Ziyu.

He likes to play with these. He also likes to calculate behind the scenes..

However, Chaos Bell Zhenling is looking forward to it...

Looking forward to another civilization falling into the giant web woven by Yu Ziyu

"Wizard civilization is indeed good, but unfortunately, I feel that you can't play this little guy."

Sneering in his heart, Chaos Bell Zhenling also took a deep look at Yu Ziyu's back.

This little guy has completely grown up without knowing when.

He has grown into a new behemoth...

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