But at this moment, the three ancestors of the Divine Blood World, who were competing with the Transcendents and others, fell into an inexplicable panic.

"They actually have eternity that follows the law of time"

"this...How can it be?"

"And it’s not just an ordinary eternity that carries the law of time...."

The gods and thoughts are intertwined, and these ancestors also have a headache.

They have seen many masters who bear the law of time.

That's more of a headache than the last.

As for eternity carrying the law of time, sorry, they have never heard of it.

Does this kind of eternity really exist?

Now, however, they were convinced.

Such eternity really exists.

Moreover, he is still their enemy


In the sudden roar, the Vengeful Valkyrie came to kill them single-handedly.

Accompanying it is the element-devouring beast.

The Eternal Venerable on the Starry Sky World side did not give them any more time to think.

Killings came one after another.

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know the worries of the Eternal Lord of Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

He was thinking about something.

That is how to catch all the Eternal Venerables in the Divine Blood World.

Only by suppressing or sealing eternity, will the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth be within the confines of their starry sky and heaven and earth.

However, at this moment, 147 Yu Ziyu was suddenly startled.

"This is?"

With his eyes slightly focused, Yu Ziyu captured a flashing scene of the future.

In the scene, a black ape was chasing the Vengeful Valkyrie at extremely high speed.

The two chased and escaped, heading towards the deepest part of the chaos.

Specifically, Yu Ziyu didn't see much.

But he knew that it was the future in the near future.

It was the future that Yu Ziyu peeked into.

And this future was enough to make the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curl up slightly.

"Chaos Clock, the opportunity has come."

Suddenly speaking, Yu Ziyu looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling not far away.

"How to say?"

"It seems that an eternity from the Divine Blood World has come up and will hunt down the Vengeful Valkyrie in the near future."

Hearing this, Chaos Bell Zhenling was also a little confused.

The boss?

There is still such a saying.

However, think about it.

The Eternal Venerable stands at the apex of life.

All of them are arrogant masters.

Like this Existence cannot tolerate suffering.

The black ape may have suffered some losses from the Vengeful Valkyrie.

And, it’s not just that....

The black ape is originally a giant beast of chaos.

The most cruel and cruel.

Although it has the eternity of the divine blood of heaven and earth, it dominates its will.

But during the battle, the will of this chaotic beast is likely to affect the eternity of the divine blood world. this is called side effect

"So shall we take action?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling asked.


While nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu asked a question.

"You haven't seen blood for a long time, right?"

"Forehead...Suppression and killing are eternal, but they have not been available for a long time."

With a sigh, Chaos Bell Zhenling also had a complicated expression.

She has been sleeping.

Mostly as an observer, she observes the stars and the sky. It is a bit far away for her to do such a thing. However, this time


Taking one step out, a slender figure walked out of the starry sky.

To his left, there was an ancient bronze bell suspended.

This bronze bell is extremely mysterious.

Surrounded by earth, water, fire and wind.

Inside, it seems like a world is being nurtured, with traces of the birth and death of living things.


The faint ringing of bells, a sound that could shock the Eternal Lord, stirred in the chaos.

"I came here just to kill people."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also showed a complicated expression. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The fangs that have been hidden for many years are finally exposed.

With eternal blood, he will commemorate his another attack.

It's not bad.

However, before that, he needs (bbfj) to make a plan.

Never give this guy a chance to escape. It is not easy to kill an eternity. Although Yu Ziyu has absolute confidence. But there is also Be serious. If due to carelessness or accident, this person Eternal escapes, then even he will blame himself. Time passes slowly, and several years have passed in the blink of an eye. For Eternal Venerable, several years are just a matter of time. In a moment. At this time, the Vengeful Valkyrie and the black ape have been entangled for a while. However, the current black ape 's face is not very good-looking. There is a mark of a black pentagram on his body. A steady stream of black blood flows from it. He came out. There was a kind of aura of death, exuding. This was the wound caused by the Vengeful Valkyrie. It took a long time to heal. More importantly, this wound also affected his current body. After all, he was the one who won the victory. The body of the chaotic beast. Although this body has been refined for many years, it still has residual will. However, now, under the influence of the Vengeful Valkyrie, a violent will surges

"Damn it, God's blood is eternal, I'm going to kill you. Kill you."

"Take my body, take my body, I will destroy you"

"God-blooded clan, we, the chaotic beasts, are at odds with you."

The roars one after another kept ringing in my mind.

But it made the second ancestor of the Divine Blood World very upset.

"He didn't show up in the morning, he didn't show up in the evening, but he showed up at this time."

The second ancestor of the Divine Blood World cursed, his expression getting more and more ugly.

However, the next moment, his eyes fell on the beautiful figure in the distance.

It's all her, it's all her.

It's this guy who wakes up the chaotic beast again and again. will.

Even more so...

"You deserve to die."

The second generation Eternal Black Ape of the Divine Blood Clan roared and rushed towards the Vengeful Valkyrie.


With a cold snort, the Revenge Valkyrie didn't pay attention.

She just accelerated and opened the distance.

She is in charge of revenge. Her best ability is to summon all the enemies of the enemy.

This divine blood The second generation of eternity in heaven and earth took away the body of the chaotic beast.

It gave her a chance.

That was to awaken the will of the chaotic beast.

The revenge of taking away the body was not taken.

In order to take revenge, the chaotic beast would naturally make a desperate move.

Constantly disrupting The eternity of the divine blood world will even try to bite him back.

This is the real terrifying thing about the Vengeful Valkyrie.

If she is entangled with Yu Ziyu for a long time, she may be able to awaken the first immortal in the human race.

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