As for Hongyun, and Kunpeng’s grievances.

Everyone knows it.

I remember when Zixiao Palace first opened, there were six futon positions.

At the beginning, the positions of the six futons were Sanqing, Nuwa, Hongyun and Kunpeng.

But at that time, what no one knew was that these six people were actually the holy ones.

Sitting high in the six positions will make you a saint.

At this time, two embarrassed Taoists walked to the futon, and one of them cried: Brother, our spiritual veins in the West have been completely destroyed, and we are barren. We came a little late, and we can't even sit on a seat. What else do we have to live for? The meaning is not as good as hitting the death pillar.

After saying that, he made a gesture of hitting the pillar. Hongyun Taoist, who was in fifth place, couldn't bear it, and Zhen Yuanzi behind him couldn't stop him. He opened his mouth and said:"Wait a moment, fellow Taoist. You are coming from the west and the journey is long. I will leave this place to you."

After saying that, he left the futon without any nostalgia. The crying Taoist immediately pushed the other person onto the futon, and then said to Kunpeng, who was sitting at the bottom:"What qualifications do you, a flat-haired beast, have to sit with me?" If you get out of the way, I won't embarrass you.

When Kunpeng heard this, he was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped into a rage and prepared to fight against the Taoist.

At this time, Yuan Shi, who was sitting at the top, spoke: You, a man with hair and horns, wet body and an egg, are indeed not qualified to sit with us. If you still don't give up your seat to this fellow Taoist, Kunpeng saw that no one could help him. , and I didn’t dare to offend the three of them, so I gave up the futon...., the prehistoric Taoist ancestor, emphasized that everything should be allowed to take its course.

I have the intention to make Hongyun and Kunpeng saints.

Both of them are monsters.

It can be regarded as creating the second saint of the demon clan.

However, he encountered such a scammer as Hongyun.

In this way, it is understandable why Kunpeng wanted to kill Hongyun.

It’s not just Red Cloud.

If Kunpeng had enough strength, Yuanshi would never let him go.

This guy hates people wearing hair and horns the most.

This is talking about the demon clan.

If Yuan Shi hadn't spoken, Kunpeng would never have given up his seat.

However, Yuanshi is too powerful, and it is helpless to be as strong as Kunpeng.

As for why Kunpeng's reputation became so bad later.

This is also related to Hongyun.

This guy Hongyun was a good old man in ancient times.

It has something to do with everyone.

Also helpful.

Made many friends.

After Kunpeng killed Hongyun, it naturally aroused the disgust of many people.

But here we can also see the ruthlessness and unrighteousness of many powerful people in the ancient times.

Even though Hongyun is a good old man and has made countless friends.

At the critical moment, no one helped him.

Let him die

"Tsk tsk..."

After smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu felt somewhat sympathetic.

However, his empathy was directed at Kunpeng.

He could understand Kunpeng.

No one can express the grievances in my heart.

In Zixiao Palace, he was forced to give up his throne.

Just because others say nothing, and there are no friends to help.

This was also the reason why he was later willing to join Heavenly Court.

At that time, he began to take the initiative to make friends from all over the world.

He also assisted Dong Huangdi Jun to establish the supreme heaven.

He even created the title of Demon Master.

Demon Master!

Master of the demon clan.

In the Monster Clan, this is an extremely noble title.

This means that Kunpeng has guided countless demon clans and enlightened all demons.

This was something I never dared to think about before.

"Kunpeng is really worthy of sympathy."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also expressed his true thoughts.

"He really deserves sympathy, few people really understand him"

"To a certain extent, he can also be regarded as an extremely straightforward person."

Hearing Chaos Zhong Zhenling's words, Yu Ziyu also nodded and sighed:

"This is also the case. If you are not straightforward, how can you give up your position? If it were me, I would not give up my position even if I were beaten to death. If they were allowed to speak eloquently, could they still take action in Zixiao Palace?"


Chaos Bell Zhenling was silent for a while.

She was thinking.

If it was really Yu Ziyu, would he give up his position? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Good guy, after thinking for a moment, Chaos Bell Zhenling gave an extremely positive answer.

That's this guy, he won't let him go even to death.

If you ask him to voluntarily give up his position, you might as well kill him.

But although Yu Ziyu is extremely low-key, he will never allow anyone to step on his face.

In Zixiao Palace, there are countless strong people.

Giving way is tantamount to showing weakness.

It's the same as admitting to being inferior to others.

How could Yu Ziyu agree to this?

As for what Yuan Shi said

, to be honest, if Yuan Shi really said this to Yu Ziyu, Yu Ziyu would probably directly think about how to kill this guy.

"So, do you plan to help Kunpeng become a saint?"

Chaos Zhong Zhenling said curiously.

Chaos Zhong Zhenling still supports Kunpeng's efforts to become a saint.

One is that she knows Kunpeng. She knows this guy's temperament.

The second is that she knows that Kunpeng hates the Second Saint of the West and Yuan Shi and others. It's deep into his bones.

If he becomes a saint, there will be another provocation by Yu Ziyu and the legendary holy war.

"I have this idea, but let’s look at Ancestor Styx."

Speaking of the Ancestor Styx, Yu Ziyu also showed a complicated expression783.

The Ancestor Styx was familiar to him.

In the starry sky, there was a flower that was very similar to the Ancestor Styx.

That was the founder of the Asura civilization.

That is, the River of Blood.

That one set foot on eternity and looked out in all directions. He also led the Asura civilization to kill the ancient world. He can be regarded as the most dominant figure in the eight wilderness.

If the ancestor of Styx had not been bound by the shackles of the ancient world, he would It is very likely that he is the next Xuehe.

In other words, Xuehe is him in the parallel world.

But no matter what...

The prehistoric world is like a cage, binding it.

However, we can also see the potential of Ancestor Styx from this aspect.

He is still only a quasi-sage, but he has the power to give saints a headache.

If he really becomes a saint, relying on blood drops, I am afraid that even three or four saints will not be able to do anything to him.

At this time, things need to be considered.

That is, the Styx Ancestor with such strength, will he still cooperate with Yu Ziyu?

Although he also hates Buddhism.

But is he willing to really break up?

This is what Yu Ziyu needs to consider.

If Patriarch Styx turns his back and refuses to recognize anyone in the end, then Yu Ziyu will have a headache.

Not only did he not start a holy war.

It also created an extremely powerful saint for the prehistoric era!.

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