"How did you come?"

With some astonishment, the daughter of destiny also looked at this illusory figure.

Although he was illusory, it was like reality.

It was more real than reality. What was even more terrifying was that just when he arrived , the surroundings were quiet, and the laws were calm, as if in awe.

And as if in fear.

This is Yu Ziyu.

A great being who is above all living things.

A person, walking in the eternity of the human world.

And now, he Arriving.

Arriving at the side of the girl of destiny

"Are you awake?"

Instead of responding directly to the girl of destiny, Yu Ziyu asked about the girl of destiny.


Amid some astonishment, the daughter of destiny was also puzzled.

"Every being who is burdened with the supreme law will awaken some special abilities after deeply understanding the law...."

"For example, when I carry time and space on my back, what I touch is time and space... I can walk in the past and future."

"And you..."

In the soft murmur, Yu Ziyu also felt the vibration of the law of fate.

That is the trace of the awakening of the girl of destiny.

It means that the daughter of destiny has a deeper understanding of destiny.

Touched upon the true power of destiny.

And what is the true power of destiny?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a ray of purple light flashed deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

That is the power that created the Jade Butterfly.

In the past, Yu Ziyu used it to see clearly the talents and even powers of all living things.

And now...

Same thing


Amid the sudden roar, a blue light curtain appeared in front of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

【Race: Human race.

The Law of Life - Destiny: Able to see clearly the fate of people and control their destiny...It is also possible to use the power of fate......


Eye of Destiny - can see clearly the trajectory of all things, and can also draw out his talents to the greatest extent -】...

Watching quietly, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, I'm awake.

With a smile on his face, Yu Ziyu also focused on the Eye of Destiny.

This is a terrible ability.

It can bring out the talents of all living beings to the greatest extent.

It sounds ordinary, but for any force, it is extremely terrifying.

Just because the daughter of destiny can clearly see what each person is good at?

Then, start cultivating it from an early age.

In other words, the Daughter of Destiny can guide all living beings onto the path that is most suitable for them.

Yes, best fit.

Those who are good at cultivation should practice.

Those who are good at business will do business...

And what does this mean?

It means that a country, a sect, and a force can all move towards the best under the guidance of the Girl of Destiny.

And this is what Yu Ziyu admires

"This ability is exactly what I need."

While sighing from the heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the daughter of destiny and said with a smile:

"Will you follow me from now on?"


Amidst some astonished voices, the daughter of destiny was also puzzled.

"Your Eye of Destiny is of great use to me."

Speaking, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"You know what? Beyond the starry sky, there is a vast world..."

"And in the future, that will be our battle ground"

"I need to form an extremely large force and cultivate countless legions...."...

Listening quietly, the beautiful eyes of the girl of destiny also widened.


"I will tell you the details later."

With that said, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"But you need to help me in the future to maximize the potential of some people"

"Only this way...We will have more chances of winning in future battles"...

Hearing this, the daughter of destiny couldn't help but fall silent.

"Could it be that there are still things that you find difficult?"

"Yes, there are many more. Chaos is vast beyond your imagination, and I am just a drop in the ocean."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also raised his hand and grabbed the hand of the Girl of Destiny.

There is no need for her to refuse, and she is not allowed to refuse.

The power of the Girl of Destiny must be used by him.

Mining people to the greatest extent The potential to guide living beings to the best destiny.

How terrifying this is.

With the Daughter of Destiny, Yu Ziyu can select a group of the best alchemists.

He can train a group of generals who are the best at fighting.

He can tap out the best management Talents.

And these are all choices of fate.

It is the daughter of fate, the best arrangement for them.

If things go on like this, Yu Ziyu can ensure that he has the best talents.

There is an endless supply....

"Your talent is indeed terrifying."

Suddenly sighing, Chaos Zhong Zhen Ling'er Research Institute appeared next to the girl of destiny at the right time.

"With you, our chances of winning will increase by 10%"


During a moment of silence, the Lady of Destiny also looked at the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

She doesn’t know the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

But she could feel the terror of the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

This seems to be the same existence as Yu Ziyu.

Extremely great. heart palpitating

"I will introduce you to them in the future."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also decided to pull the girl of destiny into his camp.

Become a strategist-like existence.

No, not a strategist.

But the 'Goddess of Destiny'.

Become the god of destiny who guides the entire starry sky.

Thinking of this -, Yu Ziyu can't help but look forward to it.

If there is a daughter of destiny who can guide everything, then everything will develop much better than he imagined. ps:***********************Asking for flowers, asking for rewards*****************

We are about to conquer the ancient world, and then, Crimson will try our best to ensure two updates in the future. I’m sorry that there was a problem with the latest update.....

Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you so much.

The final prehistoric volume is ready...............

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