Of course, that was before.

Now, with Yu Ziyu, everything is different.

With his method, he can take Orochi to different points in time and harvest other inheritors.

In this way, Orochi can integrate all other inheritances into his own body.

Furthermore, it is expected to return to eternity

"If I want to conquer the ancient world, I must need a few eternal sages to help me contain the seven saints of the ancient world...."

"Only in this way can I compete with the prehistoric Taoist ancestors without any distractions."

Muttering in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also a little helpless.

The prehistoric world is too terrifying.

Although the seven saints of the prehistoric era are all pseudo-eternal, but they cannot withstand the long years, their methods must be very amazing. What's more, the seven saints of the prehistoric era are backed by the prehistoric world, and they have the prehistoric world. blessing...

Therefore, if you regard the Seven Saints of the Ancient World as 'pseudo eternity', you will not know how you died.

Yu Ziyu was very suspicious.

In the battle between heaven and earth, the Great Primordial Dao Ancestor did not even take action a few times.

The Seven Saints of the Great Desolate World alone suppressed the starry sky and the earth.

When thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"When we, Starry Sky and Earth, fought against the Great Desolate World, did we defeat the Seven Saints of the Great Desolate World?"


Nodding, Chaos Clock also said bluntly:

"In the Asura Era, that Taoist...There is another era..."

"Well, needless to say."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also understood.

He had fought in the wilderness no less than ten times.

He had broken through only twice.

Even Yu Ziyu was doubting whether he had completely broken through these two times.

However, he thought of Zhu Xian Er in his hands. Sword, Yu Ziyu was also silent.

Even such innate treasures fell into their Xingkong hands.

They should have truly broken through.

In other words, without the Primordial Dao Ancestor taking action, they were able to win twice.

"Not bad. Thinking about it this way, the Seven Saints of the Ancient World wouldn't be too scary."

While sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu ignored one point.

That is, it was already dozens of epochs ago.

And in these long years, who can guarantee that the Seven Saints will not go further?

Especially the Prehistoric Ones. Among the Seven Saints, Taoist Tongtian is astonishingly talented. With one person and one sword, he once wiped out hundreds of millions of armies.

He even killed two Eternals in a row and sealed them.

Such a good warrior, after years of precipitation, ghosts know how scary it would be...

So, some help is necessary.

And Yu Ziyu also didn't want to be disturbed by others when competing with the Primordial Dao Ancestor in the future. in this way...

"Practice hard, and when you set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen, that's when you will attain enlightenment."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also patted the big snake on the shoulder.

"Yes, master."

In response, Orochi was also excited.

He understood what Yu Ziyu meant. He had been looking forward to it.

Others may not know it.

But he deeply understood that the master is the key to his enlightenment.

Only the master can travel through the years..Only the master can lead him to find successors one after another in the long river of time.


However, there is no rush.

He is too immature now.

Although Yu Ziyu can take him through the years.

But walking through the years requires constant precipitation of state of mind.

Otherwise you will be lost.

And Yu Ziyu naturally does not want the snake to fall into the turbulence of time.

"Not urgent."

As he spoke softly, Yu Ziyu was not too anxious.

He planned to find one inheritor after another when the big snake had no way in, and then integrate into himself.

Of course, before that, he also needed to make some preparations..

Taking away and walking among the years requires karma.

What's more, Yu Ziyu also needs to plunder some inheritance from the"future years".

The karma in this is not an ordinary big one.

"When necessary, I also need to find some treasures and bear the karmic backlash."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also had a headache.

This treasure is not easy to find.

Only treasures comparable to the 'eternal inheritance' can bear the karmic backlash.

As for him to bear it, sorry, that is impossible.

If he bears it himself, he will definitely His foundation is damaged.

This is inconsistent with his ideals.

After all, his real enemy is the Primordial Dao Ancestor. He cannot be careless.

Only he who is at the peak can hope to face the Primordial Dao Ancestor.

However, it’s okay.

Time is still very long..

Such a long time is enough to give birth to some terrible treasures.

And with these treasures, Yu Ziyu can walk through the years with the snake without any worries.

Of course, here, a law is needed.

And that waits for 'balance' 'Law.

A very mysterious law.

Everything follows the principle of balance, and even more so, the principle of 'equivalent exchange'.

Only by mastering these laws can Yu Ziyu bear the backlash of cause and effect through treasures.

And this, It is also the biggest trouble with this plan.

The law of balance is very mysterious and terrifying.

Very few people can master it.

Now Yu Ziyu can only hope that someone can master it in the coming years.

Then, he will immediately collect it As a disciple, train him well.

Even if the training fails, Yu Ziyu can retain the 'seed of his balance law' and pass it on to the next person.

To put it simply, Yu Ziyu already has a disciple.

This disciple must sit high on the 'Throne of Balance' ' Above.

At this time, if you look behind Yu Ziyu, you will definitely be able to see that underneath his supreme law throne, there are seven smaller thrones.

These seven thrones represent seven kinds of power.

It also represents his seven future disciples.

One of them is 'Balance'.

The throne is also called the 'Throne of Balance'.

Anyone who understands the true meaning of 'Balance' has hope and sits high on the throne. Go up.

Then, from generation to generation, it continues to be passed down.

Until on this throne, a supreme person walks out.

In addition to the 'Throne of Balance', there is another throne, which also has a name.

Its name is 'Slaughter'.

I don't know when, the 'Mo' created by Yu Ziyu is already sitting on it.

And he is the owner of the Killing Throne.

However, no one knows it at present.

And these seven thrones are Yu Ziyu's way to check and balance the Seven Saints of the Ancient World. A trump card.

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