After seeing many masters of the void, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at Concubine Vukong aside and asked about Vukong's situation during this period of time.

"Reporting back to the master, Void is as usual as ever. However, during this period, Void has developed rapidly."

"In the legion alone, there are seventeen"

"There were even six void masters who stepped out one after another."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also pleased.

It lived up to his expectations.

With the guidance of the Fire of Civilization, it is indeed much easier for the Void Powerful to break through.

Especially existences like the Void Heavenly Concubine and the Void Purple Scythe are very close to the seventh level of Tianmen.

Yes, it's close.

It is estimated that within a few thousand years, the two of them will be able to set foot in the seventh heaven of Tianmen.

Become a powerful person in the true sense of the word.

At that time, the pattern of the starry sky will change drastically.

You know, the moment Yu Ziyu steps into eternity, he will not interfere with the starry sky...

Not only him, but even his three clones will not interfere in the void.

In the past, it was necessary to be hypocritical and submissive, to lead in various disguises.

But now, it's no longer needed.

When he stepped into eternity, he was already looking at him.

King in the truest sense.

Therefore, if Yu Ziyu interferes with Xingkong now, he is suspected of bullying the small ones.

More importantly, his existence is too terrifying.

It is easy to break the so-called balance and affect subsequent harvesting.


"From now on, you will be the new Lord of the Void..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Concubine of the Void not far away.


After a period of silence, Concubine Void also understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

"I know it..."

Nodding slightly, Concubine Void Sky was also silent.

The master no longer intends to interfere with all the races in the starry sky.

Then, as the Lord of the Void appointed by her master, she will lead the Void to its true peak....

Without saying much, Yu Ziyu also left the void with Lan.

Void is developing very well now.

All he had to do was watch from afar.

Occasionally, if there is a good seedling, he should pay attention to it.

For Yu Ziyu now...

There are three types of genius.

One is for harvesting.

When it grows up, harvest it and turn it into nutrients for your own growth.

One is for cultivation.

Just like Jiuwei, Ling'er and others...

And finally, it’s for attention.

Watch its growth.

Is it possible to become eternal.

If so, you can provide appropriate guidance.

The prehistoric world is very scary.

He was walking alone, which might be a bit stressful.

Therefore, it is best to have some eternal companionship.

However, what Yu Ziyu hopes most is that Jiuwei, Ling'er and others can set foot in eternity.

But think about it, it’s impossible.

Dominance can also be thought of as shaping.

Can be eternal...Forget it.

This is a realm that requires great opportunity, great fortune, and great perseverance to have the slightest hope of entering.

Jiuwei, Ling'er and others had almost no chance.

Great power is probably their limit.

On the other hand, existences such as Zi Si, Void Heavenly Concubine, and Golden Ant have the slightest possibility.

However, this is only possible.

If they take even half a step wrong, everything will be in vain

"I don't expect anyone I know well to be able to set foot in eternity..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also fully understood the difficulty of stepping into eternity.

This cannot be achieved by hard work and talent.

Yu Ziyu hopes more that some of them can set foot in the seventh heaven of Tianmen.

The seventh level of Tianmen is a hurdle.

A big one.

After setting foot on the seventh level of Tianmen, he was called 'Mighty'.

And in this realm, if one could find the legendary treasure - Hongmeng Purple Qi, it might even be possible to artificially create eternity.

It is better than the ordinary half-step eternity.

But much weaker than normal eternity.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that man-made eternity can live with the heaven and the earth, and coexist with the sun and the moon.

In terms of lifespan alone, it is not much worse than eternity.

It can also touch the realm of indestructibility.

Therefore, now, Yu Ziyu has no doubt that Honghuang is still the familiar Honghuang...

The legendary Three Pure Ones and the Two Sages of Buddhism may all exist in the world forever.

And this is something Yu Ziyu is quite afraid of.

Although, he values ​​eternity and is not afraid of these.

But, who knows what amazing skills they have developed over the years.

Moreover, his greatest enemy is the Primordial Dao Ancestor.

If he is involved in these Xiaoxiao, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

And at this moment, it seemed that Yu Ziyu was aware of Yu Ziyu's thoughts, and the voice of the Chaos Bell Zhenling also sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Among the Seven Saints of the Ancient World, there are two who are the most terrifying."

"One is Lao Tzu...He advocates inaction and conforms to the great road, although it is artificial eternity...But to be honest, his combat power is unfathomable. In the ancient world, his combat power should be no less than ordinary eternity."

"And the other one is the legendary Tongtian, the three-foot green peak...Lord of Interception...He is the most amazing among the Seven Saints of the Ancient World. Even without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he is very likely to set foot in eternity...."

"In comparison, Hongmeng Purple Qi is a constraint for him..."

"Our world has fought against the prehistoric several times, and one man in the sky has always killed Hunyuan with his sword, looking down upon everything....Enough to be called 'the strongest spear in the world'’...Unstoppable..."

"If it hadn't been for the Asura era, Taoist Styx would have united with the other four eternities from that era to snipe Tongtian....It is impossible for us to capture two of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian..."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel dumb.

I didn't expect that there is such a secret blessing.

The four swords of Zhu Xian were snatched from Tong Tian's hands. only...

"Didn’t he create eternity? It stands to reason that its combat power is far inferior to that of our true eternity."

Amidst some astonishment, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

"Man-made eternity is true, but it cannot withstand the fact that they have lived for too long. The prehistoric times do not count years, and their accumulation is naturally terrible....Moreover, the prehistoric world is very terrifying, and it has given them too much blessing...."

"Is that so?..."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu also realized another thing.

That is, it has always been this world, conquering the wilderness.

Instead of conquering this world.

Therefore, when the strong men of this world go to the prehistoric world, they will encounter the Seven Saints blessed by the prehistoric world.

Although they are seven pseudo-eternal beings.

But I can't bear to fight on their territory.

With the blessing of the prehistoric world, they climbed up endlessly....

If it really comes to a fight, it's really hard to say.

And this does not take into account the prehistoric times and whether anyone stronger will come out.

While thinking about this, Yu Ziyu also thought of a question.

"What do we call us on the other side of the prehistoric world?"

"Extraterrestrial Evil...Kill them endlessly, destroy them endlessly...The prehistoric people regard us as savage beasts. If they can't find the coordinates of our world, it will be difficult to come. I'm afraid they will kill us immediately...."

Speaking of this, Chaos Bell Zhenling couldn't help but smile:

"Chaos is endless, but the only ones who can truly transcend chaos are beings like us who are burdened with time and space...."

"Only we can travel between the prehistoric world and this world. As for other strong people, even if it lasts eternity, it will be extremely difficult for them to cross it."

"It would be difficult to spend a lifetime...

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