The vision becomes more and more blurred....

Dragon Emperor Mengmeng's clothes are becoming more and more messy....

"I don't need a status...I don't need anything else..."

"I just want you to come here occasionally and stay with me..."

"I'm alone, okay, I'll always be here waiting for you, waiting for you..."

While speaking softly, Long Huang Mengmeng boldly approached Yu Ziyu through the so-called drunkenness....

And for...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu didn't know what to do.

In the world, it is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman.

Don’t you see, from ancient times to the present, how many strong men have fallen to beauties?

But Yu Ziyu is different from most people.

He cares more about himself than his feelings. so...Before he really reached the top, he had been practicing hard.

But now, he has set foot on eternity...

The beauty is not old yet, but he has a headache.

No, it's not a headache either. he was just thinking...His choice.

There are really many girls who like him.

All of them are beauties of heaven, rare in this era...

Nine-tails, the most mysterious race in the world, the nine-tailed fox...

Ni Shang...The leader of the Phoenix clan...Wearing colorful clothes...

There are thorns...Accompany you day and night...

As for the current dream, the same is true...

Each one of them is peerless in the starry sky.

All available...Promised my love to Yu Ziyu...

Is it their fault?

Naturally, it’s not surprising.

After all, it is normal to admire excellent people.

And Yu Ziyu is the most brilliant and dazzling existence in the era.

Being loved is normal.

However, most eternal sages will not respond. because...Beauty ages quickly and stays forever...

Accept it, so what?

I just watched helplessly as the beauty passed away.

In the end, I was immersed in eternity, turned around, and left this starry sky full of sadness and regret....

But, Yu Ziyu is not another Eternal Venerable after all....

He holds himself responsible for"time and space", although he dare not say that he can make the beauty last forever.

But he can also promise them a long life. so...


During the long silence, Yu Ziyu only said this:

"I can't give you anything"

"The moment I set foot on eternity, my life has been fixed, and there has been a huge leap in the level of life....Make it difficult for me to allow you to live..."...

Listening quietly, Dragon King Mengmeng didn't pay attention.

Instead, he accelerated and threw himself into Yu Ziyu's arms.

"Having you is enough..."

"you are eternity...You will definitely stay in this world forever, and you can stay with me until my hair turns gray..."...

Dimensions, boundless...

Everything is nothing.

But not long after...But there were waves of dragon roars coming out.

Looking for this sound, what caught my eyes was...A real purple dragon and a red dragon are constantly fighting in the vast void....

Broken dragon scales...blood splattered....

Severe pain hit his body, causing Dragon Emperor Mengmeng to tighten his claws.

As for why it is a purple true dragon.

That was naturally the result of Yu Ziyu's transformation.

He has the power of evolution and can evolve at will.

The Dragon King is a member of the dragon clan, and he also chose the body of a true dragon.

If it's Kyuubi...He doesn't even mind choosing the fox clan...

Everything is in one thought.

However, at this time, if you look carefully, you will definitely find that the Dragon King's dream seems to be undergoing a transformation.

The breath is becoming more and more terrifying. from an eternal...Nature is an unimaginably great creation.

However, this is because Yu Ziyu has restrained himself again and again, otherwise...I'm afraid Dragon Emperor Meng Meng has already been defeated.......

Time passed slowly, and Yu Ziyu did not indulge too much....

"If you want to return to all races in the starry sky, you can come back"

"No more...I will wait for you here, always waiting for you. When you miss me, just come and see me."

While speaking softly, Dragon King Huan Meng is much more mature than before.

Even his eyes are becoming gentler.


With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also chose to leave.

However, with the appearance of all living beings, it is easy for him to come back.

All he needs to do is call him in the dream of the Dragon King....

And not long after, after leaving the dimension, Yu Ziyu also had a headache and rubbed his eyebrows.

He has a headache

"You just keep watching?"

With a very helpless voice, Yu Ziyu also looked not far away.

There, the true spirit of chaos had already stood, with beautiful eyes widening.

"I'm just curious..."

Amid the guilty sound, the Chaos Bell Zhenling also decisively turned around.

However, if you look carefully, you can definitely find that she seems a little nervous. rare...


A little helpless, but more of a relief.

The great road of Yin and Yang coincides with the supreme principle of heaven and earth.

What do you care about?

He just doesn't want to live up to the beauty's love.

But, to be honest, his beauty is enough now.

As for the rest, he probably won't need -

"Nine tails, Ling'er, thorns, and the sky...dream...And Ni Shang..."

In the soft murmur, Yu Ziyu also sensed the longing from the girls.

It's not just calling Yu Ziyu's real name.

The longing is very strong, and Yu Ziyu can also feel it.

Most of them set foot on the Lord, and their thoughts are so strong that they are clearly visible like candlelight in the dark night.

However, at this time, as if she noticed something, Yu Ziyu was also startled.

"There is another girl..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu's eyes also dropped.


As if traveling through countless star fields in the starry sky, Yu Ziyu's eyes actually landed on a star field filled with brilliance.

This is the territory of the angel clan...

And in the deepest part of the angel clan, there is an extremely powerful being who has been in seclusion for many years.

It was only recently that Yu Ziyu woke up.

And she is the legendary Seraph...Lan...

Another person who fell in love with Yu Ziyu very early, very early.

It's just that she doesn't like Yu Ziyu.

But I like Yu Ziyu’s fifth Seraph body...

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