Yu Ziyu never considered herself to be a passionate person.

However, in life, there are always worries.

As for the people worth worrying about, Yu Ziyu had every intention, and there were only dozens of them.

Ten great beasts under his command...The protectors on the left and right are ice dragons and big snakes....

There are also Ling'er, Ziyan and the others.

And finally...None other than the two people in front of me.

Leng Feng, and Qing Fan...

They were the first to follow Yu Ziyu.

Needless to say, loyalty.

Especially Qingfan, he is not only loyal, but also dedicated.

But the problem is, when competing in the Demon Court to compete with all the races in the starry sky, you don’t just need to be dedicated.

More strength is needed.

Although the Demon Court has repeatedly entrusted him with important tasks, Qingfan couldn't resist it.

In the end, his choice was to escape from the world.

I chose a very prosperous planet to retire on.

Thousands of years ago, Yu Ziyu visited him once.

At that time, he was promised water of vitality to return to his youth....

And now, come to visit again...He is still the same as before

"Not long ago, I summoned you to the great world of vitality and preached in the void...Why did you two come back so quickly?"

Amidst some curious voices, Yu Ziyu also looked at the two people not far away.

"Report back to the master...Since Sister Ling'er is away, I will be responsible for some trivial matters in the Demon Court, so I will return early."

In the soft response, Leng Feng was also a little excited.

Although he had seen the master not long ago, at that time, the master was immersed in the sermon and had no intention of paying attention to them.

But now, the master is close to them.

And at this time, listen to At Yu Ziyu's question, Qingfan's expression changed and he said helplessly:

"That, master...I do not understand...Although I feel very mysterious, and even feel that I am about to break through, it is just a feeling..."

Lowering his head, Qingfan also had a bitter look on his face.

The gap is too big.

For most masters, this is a great opportunity.

But to him, it was just a piece of cake.

What is Tao?

Is that a question that a sixth-order giant like him thinks about?

If he had good talent, he might still be able to understand it.

But the problem is that he is just a sixth-order giant made of resources. so...


During a period of silence, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

However, he couldn't say anything.

Qingfan's talent is indeed not good.

But he liked this guy.

If Yu Ziyu is an emperor, then Qing Fan is one of those people who is the best at flattering, but is not very capable.

Ability, not effort.

He works hard enough.

But cultivation is not something that can only be achieved by hard work.

"You take hundreds of clan members with you and live in the great world of life from now on."

When he suddenly spoke, Yu Ziyu also waved his hand.


In the blink of an eye, a huge green vortex appeared

"Forehead...Master, what are you doing?"

"The world of vitality is the most suitable for cultivation, and I am also cultivating in this world. I can occasionally give you guidance."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also looked at Leng Feng.

After not seeing him for a long time, this little guy actually stepped into the Dominion..Although he is the master of the second level of heaven, it is already good.

He does not have high requirements for his subordinates. He does not need every one of them to be as powerful as the purple sickle and the golden ant.

Being able to set foot on the master is enough. It is Yu Ziyu's greatest satisfaction.

The master has a long life, enough to accompany him for a long time.

But now, with a finger,


Just hearing a roar, countless information suddenly poured into Leng Feng's mind.

"This magical power is called the Great Dark Sky...’, although it is not a great magical power, it does have the potential of great supernatural power. If you practice well, it will not be difficult to leapfrog the level and fight."

Listening quietly, Leng Feng was also shocked.

Then he felt indescribable joy and excitement.

This is the magical power given to him by the master.

And who is the master?

An eternity between heaven and earth.

Gods and demons walking in the world.

The most terrifying.It is also the most ancient existence.

What does his gift mean?

It is self-evident.

"Thank you, master. Thank you, master."

Amidst the continuous gratitude, Leng Feng saw a trickle of water flowing around him.

"You like to drink alone..I give you, Jiuquan Fairy Brew...If it is not enough in the future, come and find me."

Jiuquan Immortal Brew, one of the top ten famous wines in the world, is brewed from sixth-level spiritual springs and tens of thousands of spiritual fruits.

And Yu Ziyu has countless resources.

It is brewed from seventh-level spiritual springs and tens of thousands of spiritual fruits..

A sip of spiritual wine can help the fourth- and fifth-level warriors transform qualitatively.

Even the sixth-level giants will gain a lot.

As for a master like Leng Feng, drinking it for a long time will also have great benefits.

Of course, this Lingquan Immortal Brew is not Yu Ziyu Brewed.

It was brewed by his subordinate Danxian when he had nothing to do.

Not only Jiuquan Xianjiang, she also brewed the other nine famous wines one by one.

In addition to daily drinking, Yu Ziyu also gave more to these subordinates.

To him To him, this is just a good tasting wine.

But to some of his subordinates, it is a great blessing.


Amidst the soft calls, Leng Feng, who had always been cold, became more and more excited.

"Don't be polite, we are our own people...Why be rigid?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu didn't care about these details.

This time, he went to the starry sky.

It was to give birth to acquaintances one after another.

As the saying goes, when one person proves the truth, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. As he sets foot in eternity, it is time to cultivate these old acquaintances.

No. I beg them to be incredibly powerful.

But Yu Ziyu still hopes that they can go further.

All the resources are available.

The rest depends on their efforts....

Soon after bidding farewell to Leng Feng and Qing Fan, Yu Ziyu also sent his wife, the ancestor of the blood clan, back to the Nine Realms.

The Nine Realms are his base camp.

In the future, the ancestor of the blood clan will also take over.

Yu Ziyu intends to turn the nine realms into a fairyland to coexist with the world.

And now...He was going to see someone else.

The Dragon King hidden in the depths of the dimension. his sister...

Not only the Dragon King, but also Kun Pengzi...


With a sudden neighing, in the deepest part of the Demon Court, an unimaginable giant bird spread its wings and flew towards the mysterious dimension.

Kunpeng, he’s here too!!!

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