If you follow him for too long, you won’t want to leave.

Even, from the distrust and suspicion at the beginning, to the loyalty now.

This should be the Heavenly Concubine of the Void.

This girl...

With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu also noticed that Concubine Void Sky had a vague affection for her.

"Excellent people always have something to worry about."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu pointed out


Just a roar was heard, and the soul chains that were originally broken were reunited again, and an extremely bright divine light burst out.

"In this case, you should always be by my side from now on."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also said calmly:

"Give you the shackles of your soul...His soul is with me..."

The moment the words fell, the reunited chains were already entangled towards the Heavenly Concubine of the Void.

The shackles of the soul are called 'shackles'.

In fact, it is protection from eternity.

With such protection, the soul of the Concubine of the Void remains motionless and indestructible.

This is a blessing.

It is also a demonstration of Yu Ziyu’s power.

He carries time and space on his back and stays with time.

His blessings are so precious.

Just because, his blessing will not be diluted over time.

On the contrary, it will be further enhanced.

However, Yu Ziyu will not give blessings easily.

Because this will distract him from his power.

Moreover, when he first entered eternity, it was the time of stability....

But now...

Looking at Concubine Void who was loyal to him, Yu Ziyu finally chose to give him the first blessing


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, the heaven and earth shook.

It seemed as if some great power was coming..

At the same time, the entire body of Concubine Void also erupted with extremely bright divine light.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

The long river of time flowing in the depths of distant time and space finally arrived and baptized the body of the Heavenly Concubine of the Void...

After taking a deep look, Yu Ziyu also looked at Bai Hu, Jiuwei and others.

In that case, let’s give them together. blessings from eternity

"Kyuubi...Your Lord seals it and will follow me for thousands of years...He's my right-hand man..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also looked at a woman with an enchanting figure.

This is Kyuubi.

He has a face that could captivate the world. He could captivate the nation with one smile, and captivate the world with his smile again.

All year round, the veil blows on your face.

And now,

"I give you a word——‘Seal' can greatly enhance your sealing power....Even if you are in the sixth level of Tianmen, you still have hope to seal the seventh level of Tianmen."

As he said this, great power gathered together, and an extremely complex and mysterious word 'sealed' was intertwined in the sky of the great world of life.

"Thank you master."

In the midst of a very excited voice, the corners of Jiuwei's mouth also pursed slightly, setting off a smile that eclipsed the world.

Eternal blessing is not important.

But this is a blessing from the master.

This is enough.

And Just the next moment,

"Bull Demon...You are loyal and diligent, I will give you..."

"White Tiger, you were born to fight. Your killings are shocking to the world. You should be in charge of your killings.’...."...

One after another, Yu Ziyu's voice seemed to resonate with heaven and earth.

Along with it, countless divine texts flowed out from the ancient river of time.

This is an eternal blessing.

It was Yu Ziyu who intercepted the power of the ancient years and blessed their bodies...

Every kind of blessing was extradited by Yu Ziyu from the dead strong man.

Vaguely, you can see that countless pictures flash past in the long river of time....

Time passed slowly, and Yu Ziyu's sermon gradually came to an end.

As for giving blessings, just do it as you please.

He promised eleven blessings.

The ten great beasts, and the Concubine of the Void.

As for the others, leave that for later.

Eternal blessing is very wonderful.

Yu Ziyu is not yet proficient at it, but he is not in a hurry.

However, now, looking at the strong men sitting cross-legged in the square, one after another who seemed to have fallen into enlightenment, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Then, he slowly turned around and chose to leave.

After all, the Nine Realms is not a place to stay for a long time.

Now, his real world is only chaos...

In a flash of thought, Yu Ziyu's consciousness also returned to the depths of chaos.

Here, a sacred tree, smaller than the starry sky, quietly takes root.

Countless willow branches are like divine chains, connecting the long river of time and absorbing the power of the underworld.

The crown of the tree supports nine nebulae, like nine heavens and earth, bright and mysterious.

And the roots of his tree are like dragons, neighing and roaring in the chaos.

This is Yu Ziyu's true nature.

Rooted in Chaos.

Taking in all the power, there is no end to growth.

The current Yu Ziyu is called the 'Sacred Tree of Time and Space', or the 'Cosmic Tree', which is not too much.

The sacred tree of time and space is because it bears the laws of time and space, carries time and space, and is immortal.

The reason for the Cosmic Tree is that his body is incredibly huge.

Like a real universe.

It also gave birth to the vast nine realms.

Although, the current Nine Realms are not as good as the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Realms and Fairyland.

But given time, these nine realms will be as vast and terrifying as the starry sky and the fairyland.

He will also give birth to countless strong men who are his own in silence.

And this is the difference between Yu Ziyu and other eternal strong men.

Other eternal powerhouses, when they set foot in eternity, will leave their original world and practice in chaos.

But Yu Ziyu not only left the original world, but also took the initiative to give birth to the world in chaos.

The body is transformed into one realm, and the creation is infinite.

Become Pangu of the Wu Clan, a ground-breaking existence.

However, only Yu Ziyu can do this.

Ordinary eternity, even if you want to do it, it is difficult to have the strength.

This is something that can only be achieved by the eternity of"proving the Tao with force".

Proving the Tao through strength does not mean that there is no end to the increase in strength....’

But it means that Yu Ziyu’s power is endless...

Just like Yu Ziyu now, he can always draw strength from the long river of time and space to meet all his needs.

And this is understandable.

The power of most Eternal Lords is one hundred.

Yu Ziyu's strength is only one hundred and twenty-three, or even two hundred.

But the really scary thing about Yu Ziyu is that he can always maintain this kind of power.

But other eternities cannot.

This is the terrible thing about 'proven by force'.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

Three Thousand Laws, Flame, Extreme Ice...Countless laws can be lost.

But the most fundamental laws, time and space, are difficult to lose.

They are the foundation of chaos, the foundation of heaven and earth...

And Yu Ziyu relies on them to continue to grow...

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